My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 125: Q & A and inheritance! Ask for a subscription!

And everything that follows is logical

Although it is difficult for the witch to persuade himself to admit that Nagato is his master, he is after all a continuation of his master, and even the witch is still the ‘mother’ of the other party to some extent.

Therefore, the witch decided to train the other party to become a qualified heir and avenger of the host.

Taking the chaotic area occupied by them as a "petri dish", the witches' consciousness merged with the chaos and turned into the mother of the Avenue, which opened up a plan to develop a generation of hegemony.

In the process, in order not to let Nagato repeat the mistakes of his master, the witch kept guiding Nagato overbearingly, making Nagato accustomed to enemies from the beginning.

And the red-haired boy, as she wished, embarked on a path very different from her previous life.

As for the killing that has just passed, this is the final assessment of this cultivation.

"Just ironically"

After telling about everything, the witch smiled bitterly and said, "I obviously hate calculations because of the master's business, but now I have done something similar myself."

"That's it!"

Hearing the words of the witch, Nagato just said something softly, closed his eyes, and was silent for a while, then the red-haired boy smiled with relief.

Although this is an absolute man in a bully, Nagato is not a person who makes no distinction between right and wrong.

Even though I was a little bit dissatisfied with the witch ’s manipulation of her life, the other party ’s starting point was, after all, for her own good, and she continued to help herself throughout the process. Nagato finally let go of her hands.

Seeing Nagato's reaction and realizing his thoughts, the witch's heart was relieved after all.

In all fairness, the witches never intended to fight life and death with Nagato.

"You just want to drive!"

Quitely speaking, the witch stepped forward and walked to the front door, "Then, what else do you want to ask, I'm running out of time."

"time is limited?!"

Saya was speaking. After hearing the words of the witch, the girl was inexplicably a little bit reluctant. Although she had long known that the other person was determined to be dead, Saya couldn't help but ask:

"Can't you survive, at least seeing the death of those enemies in the previous life of Brother Nagato"

"Sorry, I can't!"

In the face of Shaye ’s reluctance, the witch was extremely indifferent, not looking at her own life and death, "When the long door was reshaped, my life entered the countdown."

"If the life of the Taoist ancestry falls completely, there will be absolutely no chance of rebirth."

"In order to break this truth, the price I paid is very heavy!"

"The most important thing is that I want real relief"

As the witch's voice just fell, the surrounding atmosphere fell into silence again, and the endless stream of history kept surging, witnessing all this.

After a while, the opening of the long door, already in a good mood, interrupted this silence—

"Exactly, I do have a few questions I want to ask you. Although I can guess those things, I still want to hear from you. First of all, what is the key to the world and the six incarnations?"

"Second, the specific situation of the chaotic disaster, and finally, where is the world of my first life?"

At this point, the red-haired boy hesitated, and then said again: "By the way, there is a small problem, where is the world of the magic banned book catalog?"

After the strength of the body reached the level of Taoist ancestors, Nagato discovered that he and others were inconsistent, that is, Shura Dao and Tianren Dao had obviously not been connected for nearly a thousand years.

However, neither Nagato nor Saye and others were aware of this.

In other words, people such as Nagato are blinded to perception, and the existence of this can be done without any doubt. It is the magical girl dressed up in front of this witch.

"Well, there are so many questions!"

Hearing the question of Nagato, the witch slightly tilted her head and said, "As you think, I did interfere with your perception and thoughts."

"The reason for this is also very simple. When you reinvented you, your six incarnations were the seeds of the three corpses left by the master and the three corpses I cut into your soul, and they were born."

"Among them, the Human Path and the All Souls Path are corpses, and the Hell and Evil Paths are all corpses."

"And humanity and Shura Tao are good corpses-after the master's affairs, I truly realized that goodness is meaningless in a higher level game, and you can't let it be before your will reaches a state that will never change. "Good" sprouts. "

"So I secretly manipulated, put both good corpses back into the world of the magic banned book catalog, and then closed the plane of the entire banned book catalog in the door of the other shore."

"Now, the time in the world of magic banned books is stopping, as long as you can open the door to the other side, you can enter."

"And the way to open the door to the other bank is very simple, that is, Saya inherited my position, and then use the key of the world to open the portal-yes, the key to the door to the other bank is the key."

Speaking of which, the witches paused a little, and let the three of Nagato digest well, before speaking again: "As for the chaotic disaster and the location of the first world you want to know, it can actually be attributed to one The problem is the nature of this chaos. "

"Before I answer, Nagato, can you tell me, what is the chaos you see?"


Hearing the witch ’s question, Nagato was slightly stunned, and then raised his right hand. The faint divine power diffused from the fingertips of the teenager and penetrated the void, attracting a chance of chaos.

The fingertips stirred the air of chaos, the long door's eyes narrowed slightly, and finally he tentatively said:

"Fantasy? Spirit? Or shadow?"

"You guessed it!"

Hearing Nagato's answer, a real surprise appeared on the witch's face. She really did not expect that Nagato could really see the essence of this chaos.

"You have reminded so many times, if I dare not even admit it, then what are the qualifications to claim to be a strong man, a bully!"

Faced with the astonishment of the witches, the Nagato did not take it seriously, and said softly, "I am afraid that even this so-called killing, you are simulating the root cause of chaos killing."

"Yes, that's true!"

Nodding to admit the speculation of the red-haired boy, the witch said leisurely, "The entire chaos is actually the shadow of the real earth. The evolution of chaos is to absorb the spirit and fantasy of all creatures in the real earth. Otherwise, there will be so many The so-called plot world. "

"According to the active role of consciousness, as chaos continues to grow, it will eventually completely affect the real earth."

"But this situation is not acceptable to the consciousness of the real earth, so whenever the chaos grows to a certain degree, the will of the real earth will launch the disaster that destroys the chaos. If you ca n’t pass through, the chaos will die, and if you pass by, the chaos will You will get a new life and get more real essence. "

"By the way, so far, Chaos has survived eight disasters, and it is only one line away from reaching the final truth. As long as it passes the ninth disaster in the future, chaos will turn into reality. Existence can return to the real earth with supreme power. "

"So, your future battles will be fierce. Come on, Nagato."

"Okay, I have to say everything. For more detailed information, you should ask Saya when you ask, and finally say, you are my greatest achievement, farewell, my son."

Along with the last words, the whole witch directly turned into a streamer and rushed to Saya, instantly wrapping it into a beam of light.

The whole process was exceptionally fast, and even Nagato could not respond.

"this is"

Hesitating for a while, the red-haired boy didn't shoot, but just carried his hands on his back and watched quietly. A few waves flashed in his deep purple eyes, but he quickly calmed down again.

He knew that the Spirit Girl had been self-destructive and gave Shaye everything he had.

The inheritance of the other side of the gate has already begun ..

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