My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 126: Pure white girl asks for a subscription!

The inheritance of the door to the other bank has begun!

The breath flowing in the void is undergoing a quiet change, and the void in which the witch was originally engraved with her will is gradually being replaced at this moment.

Nagato knew that Saya was rapidly absorbing everything from the witch and replacing it.

But his mood has never been so complicated for a moment

The feeling of sorrow permeated in my heart, a faint sorrow appeared on the face of the red-haired boy. Slowly, his eyes turned to the endless stream of history.

Looking at the many pictures displayed on the splashing water, the eyes of the long door gradually blurred.

It took a long time for the red-haired boy to recover from his own thoughts.


Gently exhaled, the long door glanced at Saya, who was still passing on, and then looked at the void without any figure in front.

Without any warning, Nagato suddenly threw his fist.

Ordinary hit with a straight fist, like an antelope hanging in a horn.


The power of terror directly distorted the space where the long river of history is located. The supreme divine power turned into a sword gas that penetrated all through, penetrated into the void, and burst into the depths of the void.

And in the next moment, a more powerful and powerful mysterious force counterattacked from the hole of the void.

As if the emergence of this mysterious power is destined to change history, the surging power emerged, directly disrupting the direction of the entire history, and the future directly turned into chaos.

In the face of such changes, it is not necessary to say more by Nagato, Shishengwan stood directly in front of the light ball transformed by Saya.

The Nagato took a few steps forward and walked near the mouth of the void, the sword of white jade smelted from the three symbolic swords and the fragments of the endless magic sword appeared again in the hands of the teenager.

The slashing sword sword that strangled everything flashed again, and it suppressed the change brought by the mysterious power.

"no surprise!"

At this moment, Nagato sighed softly, and then said leisurely, "I knew that there was a hunter behind the witch who was determined."

Between words, the boy slowly lifted the white jade sword in his hand, and the sword in his body gradually burst out.

The horror of the sword has been materialized, intertwined with the Holy Forces, and turned into an endless sword net, covering the whole space and binding the mouth of the void.

"Oh, how do you know?"

The soft and magnificent voice came out from the mouth of the void, and the unspeakable power filled it. The sound alone shook the sword net arranged by the red-haired boy.

In the voice, the curiosity of its owner is undoubtedly revealed, which makes one think of a curious child.

"Sprinkle, who knows!"

Faced with such a situation, Nagato frowned, and at the bottom of his heart, the red-haired boy secretly rejoiced. In the final analysis, he was just a flash of light, thinking of something that caused consciousness.

Nagato clearly remembered that in the previous disaster, the plane shot at himself.

It was just earlier that the plane tunnel was very quiet, not as active as humanity and heaven. Now I want to come, why is such a quiet tunnel so active in killing robbery.

Although in theory, it was the long gate that intercepted a piece of earth, thereby activating the plane tunnel.

But the tunnel is not so active that it is not inferior to the two ways of Heaven and Man!

The most important thing is to be active and active, and the hostility of the tunnel is subdued. It is important to know that humanity is the anti-god that is the human incarnation of Zhou Yi, and Tiandao is directly hit by the long door.

In the real world, the moon is lost, and the gravitational chaos causes at most a little plate movement.

Under such circumstances, such an active tunnel should not be overwhelmed at once.

Therefore, Nagato could not help but draw a terrible conclusion.

That is, there are other existences hidden behind the witch! Reminiscent of being able to hide next to the witch who has been promoted to the power of Taoist ancestor, and secretly manipulate the tunnel, Nagato could n’t help but think of some possibility.

"If so, wouldn't it?"

"Wait, maybe it's just that good, after all I am"

"But before that, try it out!"

Many thoughts flashed in my head, the look of the long door slightly moved, and the sword's intention on his body instantly rose to the extreme. The sword's intention to destroy all living beings and to cut off the avenue completely burst out.

At the next moment, the red-haired boy went straight to the mouth of the void without a hesitation, and beheaded with a sword.


Wushuang's sword qi appeared like a storm in the sky, straight from the small mouth cracked in the void, bombarded the small opening in the void hundreds of times, and then blasted into the depths of the void.

Then, a terrible explosion completely burst into the depths of the void, and the long river of history was completely turbulent.

Under such circumstances, Nagato did not converge his attack.

Sword of White Jade is held high again, cut off absolutely!

Then, repeat the beheading

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!"

Unimaginable turbulence continues to erupt, cracks in the void continue to spread, and the space where the entire historical river is located seems to be completely collapsed.

Faced with such a situation, the power of the Heavenly Dao, which had originally contracted, appeared again.

It ’s just that all the swords were killed


Under such circumstances, the slightly helpless sigh is especially clear in the explosion. At the next moment, an indescribable and unimaginable wave of power spreads.

In this wave of diffusion, the sword energy killing of Nagato was directly offset completely.

Not only that, the cracks in the void were restored to their original form in an instant.

"Really, you don't need to be so irritable!"

With this change, a soft and grand voice emerged again, and the faint white streamer converged in the space near the red-haired boy, condensing into a pure white figure.

This figure looks like a girl, and the graceful curves seem to bring together the beauty of time.

What surprised Nagato was that he couldn't see each other.

Yes, can't see clearly!

Obviously there is no cover on the other party, and clearly his vision is not lower than that of ordinary Taoist ancestors, but Nagato cannot see the other party clearly, only seeing the faint arc.

If the previous witches were vaguely detached from chaos, then the pure white figure in front of them is completely detached from chaos.

"Beyond Chaos is the real universe."

Nagato didn't care about the accusation of this pure white girl, but made a judgment on his own. "In addition to your previous actions of manipulating the tunnel, sure enough, you are the consciousness of the real earth."

"Oh, guess what?"

Hearing the judgment of Nagato, the pure white girl made a surprised voice, and then the tone returned to nature, "Yes, I am the consciousness of the real earth, hello, fell into the child of the shadow world."

Faced with the girl's greetings, the red-haired teenager couldn't help but silently—to be honest, Nagato said that he was really not surprised at all the presence of this presence in front of him.

The emergence of chaotic disaster clearly reveals that there is indeed self-consciousness in the real earth.

In the face of this chaos that is about to manifest real chaos, the consciousness of the real earth cannot be without any action, obediently waiting for chaos to pass the final disaster, and then affect itself.


"Why look for me?"

Thoughts circulated in the brain, and after a moment of silence, Nagato asked questions like this. ..

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