My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 6: Half a year and departure

It must be said that Bai Yujing's operating efficiency is extremely high.

It took less than three days for Nagato to complete the foundation of the reincarnation system, and Bai Yujing ’s force in the Yinshi was based on six reincarnation discs to build a super giant city.

This city is named Fengdu, which is the core of the entire reincarnation system, with Shiji Yingji as the city owner.

All of them are death and free souls with merit.

In less than half a year, thousands of cities stood in the dark world.

Each of these cities is a symbol of a plane planet. The core of the city is a projection differentiated from the six reincarnation discs, which controls the reincarnation system of the corresponding plane.

At this point, the reincarnation system throughout the chaotic starry sky is fully operational.

With the reincarnation of the reincarnation, the entire chaotic starry sky, the heavens and the world have shown a prosperous trend, so that the long door finally realized that he was really paranoid.

It is true that the existence of reincarnation will cause many drawbacks, leading to unresolved causes and consequences in this life, and wrecking the next life.

There may even be the culprit of some strong temperaments who interfere in samsara without authorization.

It's just that Nagato, the master of the heavens and the world, is now in control of the reincarnation system. In addition, the humane spirit has engraved the Nagato humane understanding, and it can automatically cut off many harmful causes.

Under such circumstances, the drawbacks of reincarnation have been weakened to the extreme, which is not a cause for concern.

The most important thing is that the establishment of the reincarnation system has made the spiritual sea truly active. It is the so-called running water that does not rot, and the active sea of ​​spirit promotes the rapid development of chaotic starry sky.

Nagato can even foresee that for a long time to come, chaotic starry sky is a period of talent spurt.

In this way, in the war that will be launched in the near future, Bai Yujing wants to come up with no shortage of reserve forces-this is definitely a role for Saya, who originally only hoped to ensure the death and injury of Bai Yujing's army through the reincarnation system. unexpected surprise.

But this kind of surprise doesn't seem to matter to Nagato. At this time, the youngster is more concerned about Yinshi itself.

Originally, the red-haired boy only regarded it as the place for the six-round reincarnation, but with the operation of the reincarnation system, Nagato gradually discovered that the dark world had actually grown.

Obviously, Nagato did not invest any resources in it, but it appeared to grow under the eyes of Nagato.

After discovering such a situation, Nagato paid attention to the Yin world. Through his own authority, the red-haired boy soon discovered what the nutrients for the growth of the Yin world were.

But this kind of nourishment is not a real substance, but the memories and feelings of countless reincarnated souls.

The memory and feelings of the soul, such things as precious are indeed precious. After all, they are unique to each soul, but from another perspective, this kind of thing is also extremely cheap.

Nagato can almost imagine that as long as the reincarnation system continues to operate, the Yinshi will continue to grow.

Sooner or later, the yin world will grow to a level comparable to that of the yang world. By then, the yin world and the yang world will merge with each other, and the chaotic starry sky may reach a more perfect level.

"Ah, in this way, I seem to have unintentionally opened the path of promotion to the chaotic starry sky!"

"But it's really unexpected, the soul is the key to this step!"

"Soul, that's really a mysterious existence!"

In a pavilion in Bai Yujing, the long door rests on the railing, and his deep eyes seem to penetrate through the nine days and ten earths, observing the reincarnation system that is running between heaven and earth.

Suddenly, the red-haired boy remembered that his soul seemed to be the most mysterious compared to others.

After all, the soul of Nagato comes from the universe of real earth.

Of course, the youth's soul experienced a break in the lost samsara, and then was reshaped by the spirit of the other side of the door. There are some differences from the beginning.

Thinking of this, Nagato vaguely realized how one of his gods should proceed.

"I finally found you, Nagato Jun!"

At this moment, along with the soft words, slight footsteps came from behind the long door, frowning frivolously, and when the long door turned around, he saw a slender girl from the regular style.

This is a green-haired girl in a green kimono that seems to be a little weak.

With such appearance and temperament alone, I am afraid that no one would think that such a girl would be recognized by all Bai Yujing seniors. The future is destined to be the absolute strongest at the apex.

But this is the fact. If there is any reason to say that, it is her name, called Ying Qishi!

"How did you come?!"

Seeing the appearance of Qishi, Nagato was a little surprised.

In the interrogation room, the young man stepped forward to take Qi Shi in his arms-Nagato didn't know that Qi Shi was powerful, but every time she saw her, the red-haired boy couldn't help feeling a kind of affection in his heart.

For this, Nagato can only secretly sigh, this is a world of value!

"Well, I was wondering, did Nagato Jun leave again?"

Being surrounded by the long door, Qi Shi's face did not change. While speaking, he moved his lower body, and after changing a comfortable posture, leaned directly in the long door.

"Well, it's almost time!"

Hearing the question of the girl in her arms, Nagato meditated and said, "Bai Yujing has Saya to preside. Actually, if it was not to take care of the reincarnation system, I followed Broly to the Dragon Ball plane six months ago Now. "

"Until now, the reincarnation system has been working well, it is indeed time to start, what's wrong?"

"I will also go with Nagato Jun!"

Hearing the words, the girl in her arms raised her head and showed a faint smile, "I've been interested in a world where the body has been tempered into the mainstream long ago."

"Moreover, the current Nagato Jun must have a suitable knife!"

Speaking of the end, Qi Shi's eyes flashed an amazing sword, which wiped out the girl's weakness.


After hesitating for a moment, Nagato agreed with Qi Shi's request. As the girl said, now he really needs a knife to protect the road, and the Dragon Ball plane is indeed suitable for the girl.

Inexplicably, Nagato couldn't help but look forward to the girl's brilliance.

"It's better to choose a date than to hit it, let's go now!"

Immediately, an impulse appeared in his heart, and the long door put it into action. Embracing Qi Shi, the red-haired boy communicated the key of all realms and disappeared directly in place.

At the same time, Saya, who was making plans in the Bai Yujing conference room, suddenly shook slightly.

After all, the key to the world is the key to the door to the other shore. When it is in operation, as an instrument of the door to the other shore, Saya naturally knows that the girl sighed now,

Afterwards, she shook her head helplessly: "That's fine, if you stay in Bai Yujing all the time, you don't need to expect a breakthrough."

As soon as the words fell, the girl continued to bury her own plan. After all, it was a super-large war involving the chaotic area occupied by the entire door of the other shore. It ca n’t be too cautious.

The most important thing is that Saya did not think that the eight civilizations outside the chaotic region would watch them succeed.

Even if there is a block on the other side, Saya will never care about it! ..

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