My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 7: Northern Territory

Dragon Ball Plane!

This is not an ordinary plane.

It is a multiverse composed of twelve single universes. The universe and the universe are arranged in sequence, forming a huge ring in the infinite chaos.

When Nagato came with Yingqi Shi and saw the circle, he was surprised.

"Ah, I didn't find it before!"

Floating in the chaotic void, the red-haired boy's eyes could not help but slightly squint, "This Dragon Ball plane has its own developer!"

"Hell, there are developers?"

Hearing Nagato ’s words, Qi Shi leaned back in his arms and raised his head slightly, “I ’m the first time I ’ve heard news of the creators outside Nagato, will it threaten us?

"Relax, they won't!"


"Naturally they are!"

Slightly emphasized the tone, a smile of interest appeared in the corner of the red-haired boy's mouth, "The developer of this dragon ball plane is not alone, I can feel the breath of more than double digits."

"The specific situation is unclear for the time being. In short, let's descend into the universe first!"

"it is good!"

Faced with Nagato's proposal, Qishi will naturally not object.

In this way, Nagato embraced the girl and followed the connection between Broome and Midori to find the legendary seventh universe among the twelve universes.

Activating the ability of the Key of the World, Nagato opened a door directly on the crystal wall of the universe.

After walking through the door, the two came to a quiet starry sky!

The extremely relaxed feeling instantly filled the long door and Qishi's whole body. The wonderful feeling that the world and the world became smaller all explained the weakness of the cosmic restraint.

Even Qishi, who is known for his skills, feels like he has the power of a starburst.

"Is this universe really restraining?"

Such thoughts flashed in my head, and Nagato could not help but feel disdain for the developers of the Dragon Ball Universe for no other reason, just because the world is too rough.

If we use paintings to describe the world, the moon-shaped world that Nagato once conquered is a standard beautiful picture.

The dragon ball world in front of me is just a scribble!

To be honest, some of the long doors as the creators can't look down anymore

"However, it is such a simple and unrestricted plane that can create a broken presence like Brolie. From a military training perspective, such a plane is slightly more valuable!"

Such thoughts flashed through his mind, and the spirit of Nagato began to spread, and he began to look for souls.

Having just come to this universe, the teenager was not too eager to find Broly through the spiritual connection, but was ready to play in this world.

After all, the planes that Nagato has experienced so far rarely have as many aliens as the Dragon Ball plane.

Compared with the similar scenery of the earth, aliens attract the attention of Nagato.

"Huh? This is"

Soon, the red-haired boy found the breath of life on a wonderful planet. The reason why it is wonderful is because the planet seems to be out of touch with the entire universe.

There is some kind of power that hides the entire planet, and if the Nagato perception is extremely powerful, it is likely to be missed.

The most important thing is that the size of the planet is so small.

After visual inspection, only four or five thousand cubic meters in size!

"In memory, there seems to be such a planet."

After thinking a little, Nagato turned out some information from his memory. If there is no estimation error, the place should be the legendary Neptune.

In the Dragon Ball universe, there is a set of own **** system.

At the top is the existence of the Great Realm King God, which is in charge of the order of the stars in the universe, and then the Four Great Realm Kings of East, West, South, and North separately manage the universe.

Under the Realm King, there are many Realm Kings, and each Realm King is the manager of a galaxy.

Under the Great Realm King, it is divided into four Great Realm Kings, many gods of the planet.

Of course, do n’t look at so many levels. Except for the existence of over-specs such as God of Destruction, the gods are not valuable at all.

In the memory of Nagato, there are too many existences in the universe to hang these gods.

In the original Dragon Ball, even the King of the Realm died several times.

However, these are not the focus of Nagato. What he cares about is that he has a deep relationship with Sun Wukong, the protagonist of Dragon Ball, who manages the northern king of the North Galaxy.

In memory, Sun Wukong, the original protagonist of the Dragon Ball plane, learned a very useful move from the Northern Realm King.

Whether it is the world king fist that increases the strength, speed, attack power, and defense of the body by several times, or borrowing the vitality bomb from all creatures, it is an interesting move.

In the many materials that Broly feedback to Bai Yujing, there is no information about these two moves at all.

But it's no wonder that Brolie, after all, for a girl, these two moves are basically tasteless, no matter how powerful the world king is, it can't be stronger than her transformation.

As for the vitality borrow of the vitality bomb-Broly's own qi has never been lacking!

In addition, although Broly is not a bad guy who destroys the universe, but her own way of doing things is not very related to the kings of the world that symbolize order. The well water does not violate the river, and the two are irrelevant.

Therefore, Broly did not have the information of Jie Wang Quan and Yuan Qi Bo.

"I'll add this shortcoming!"

The thought flashed in his head, and Nagato hugged Qishi directly, moving away toward the realm of Uranus. "Just don't know if this realm is the northern king of the Milky Way?"

When he practiced to the point of Nagato, even if the Holy Power in his body was sealed, he could still easily cross the universe.

The distance of tens of millions of miles at the foot of the long door is just less than a minute away.

Soon, the red-haired boy came to the little planet Uranus.

Except for two or three trees, there is only one road that runs through the planet and a small building that does not look very impressive.

To be honest, if you do n’t know in advance, Nagato will not believe that this is the residence of a god.

However, the gravity on the planet is more than ten times larger than that of the earth, which makes Nagato interested.

After keen eyes swept the surrounding environment, finally through the window of the building not far away, after seeing a blue fat man with sunglasses and a somewhat flustered face, the corner of the long door mouth slightly tilted:

"It seems that my luck is not bad, here is really the Northern Star King!" ..

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