My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 8: Stay and grow

The time goes by about three minutes

At the moment when Nagato and Qishi came to the universe, the Northern Realm King had a bad hunch, as if there were some super scary natural disasters coming to him.

Although the heaven and earth of the Dragon Ball universe have lost their majesty, as a god, the Northern Realm King has no powerful power at all.

But the essence of being a deity still allows the world king to possess some extraordinary qualities.

For example, a sixth sense about the safety of your life!

In the past years, the Milky Way has somehow emerged, and the powerful continue to emerge, and the existence of terror has emerged one by one. The Northern Realm King thinks that it is a lot of knowledge.

However, no one can give himself such a terrifying feeling.

Even the devil Buu, who almost nearly wiped out the realm of the realm, the sleeping **** of destruction, Billus, and the invincible super Saiyan, Broly, have no such suppressed sense of existence.

"Woo, no, it's terrible!"

Soon, the Realm King felt that the terrifying presence had already seen his Realm Star, and the blue fat man shuddered involuntarily.

The fat on his face trembled up and down, and the Northern Realm King's eyes turned to his pet.

Orangutan Bruce and Grasshopper Gregory!

It ’s just that Jie Wang is incoherent, and the two pets are completely unknown. So, just waiting for North Jie Wang to elaborate, he is completely stiff.

Because at this moment, an indifferent gaze locked him through the window of Jie Wang's family.

"Hello, Mr. Fatty Blue!"

Holding Qishi's small hand, the long door slowly walked to the only building on the planet, and greeted the panic-bound Northern Realm King through the window:

"Although I haven't really met, but if you guess right, you are the king of the northern boundary of the Milky Way!"

If possible, the North Realm King would like to deny it, but since the other party has come to the door, it means that the other party has really seen his identity.

Under such circumstances, it is meaningless to deny it at all.

It may even cause some adverse reactions.

For example, it makes people in front of you angry and angry.

Thinking of this, the North Realm King could not help but startled, and then quickly ran away from the door without a door on the small building, and bowed slightly in front of the two of the Longmen:

"Yes, yes! The small one is the North King."

"This distinguished guest, forgiving his little eyes, I would like to ask, who are you and why are you so valuable!"

In words, the blue fat man's humble appearance seemed quite funny, and the corner of the long door could not help but twitch, Qi Shi couldn't help but gave a slight laugh.

I just have to admit that the Northern Realm King is indeed an elite.

Faced with such a gesture, he originally planned to search for the soul of the other party directly after finding the other party, and then get all the information in his mind.

Thinking of this, Nagato couldn't help but smile a little, he seemed to be inadvertently calculated.

However, this kind of trivial matter, the red-haired boy does not care much.

"Well, how to say"

After pondering for a while, Nagato gave up the idea of ​​a rough soul search and said, "My wife and I are on a cosmic journey, and I need you to provide us with some information."

"By the way, I heard that the North Realm King seems to have developed some very interesting moves."

"My wife is also very talented in martial arts and wants to ask for advice."

"I don't know, can the North Realm King"

"Yes! Why not!"

Before Longmen's words were finished, the Northern Realm King took it over and said with great enthusiasm, "There is no problem with intelligence, helping others is the virtue of our Realm King!"

"As for the move, it is even more okay. Martial arts can only progress through communication!"

Between the words, the panic in the heart of the North Realm gradually dissipated, and the instincts from the gods told the blue fat man that his danger seemed to have passed.

"So, we are here to disturb some days!"

"No problem, I am the best guest!"

God knows how reluctant he was when he said this sentence, but he was able to escape the disaster, and it was already the best result for the northern king.

In this way, Nagato and Qishi temporarily lived in the Northern Realm.

Despite its small area and large gravity, North Star Uranus is quite novel and interesting as a temporary residence in the eyes of the successful Longmen.

Within three days of the Northern Realm King Star, Nagato obtained all the information he wanted from the Northern Realm King's mouth.

In the following days, the service target of the Northern Realm King was transferred from Longmen to Yingqi Shi-after entering the Dragon Ball plane, the girl's strength once again ushered in a leap period.

Although they are also sitting on the road of martial arts, there is an absolute difference between Qishi and Luo Hao.

Probably because it is not tolerable to heaven and earth since birth. Since growing up, the proud Qishi is also disdainful to heaven and earth, so her martial arts have nothing to do with heaven and earth, and focus on herself.

To some extent, Qishi and Broly are unusually similar, and are also very suitable for the Dragon Ball plane.

It's just that the pursuit of the two is different. Broly pursues absolute strength, breaking all the cleverness, and the seven reals are just the opposite, but she is pursuing skills and skills.

Under such circumstances, the skills accumulated by the Northern Realm King for countless years are definitely a treasure for Qishi.

Once again, Ying Qi is a genius, an absolute genius!

In front of her, any skill can be learned as long as it is performed once, the second time it will be used proficiently, and the third time, the girl has already developed a new one.

Then, Nagato added one extra show every day.

That is watching, the despair of the North Realm King!

Anyone who has accumulated through countless years has been completely learned in less than half a month, and even innovated to a point where I can't keep up with it, it will be desperate.

Especially the funny appearance of the North Boundary King makes this entertainment show even more interesting.

While spending time leisurely, Nagato also started to study this Dragon Ball, which was intervened by Brolie and fate has completely changed its trajectory.

The red-haired boy thought about where to go after the study of Qishi ..

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