My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 14: Sixth Executioner-Black Light

"Damn it!"

Thinking of this, Solbe couldn't help but gritt his teeth.

You need to know how much he spent and how many years he spent in order to get the foundation of today. As a result, he became a grasshopper after the autumn in the hands of the Queen of the Galaxy.

This gap makes Solbe, who has been a leader for a long time, feel unacceptable.

Therefore, an idea once thought by Sobel was firm again.

"I want to resurrect Frieza, no, Lord Frieza!"

Such a decision flashed in his mind, even if Solbe knew that once Frieza was resurrected, the power he possessed would become the object of the other party.

Until now, he has understood his limits-he, Solbe, cannot become a true overlord.

Because he lacked an important factor to become the hegemon of the universe.

That is nothing but strength!

The reason why the Galactic Queen is so strong is never because of the war fortresses and man-made warriors under her, but because of the Galactic Queen herself.

To fight against such a galactic emperor, you need individuals who are equally powerful.

And Frieza, it is clearly such a existence.

Although Frieza was killed by the Galactic Queen a long time ago, as the former leader of Frieza's forces, Solbe knew what the potential of Frieza was.

You know, the former cosmic emperor had never even practiced.

As long as the cosmic emperor is resurrected through the dragon ball of the Nemesis and give him some time, the adult will be able to fight against the Milky Way Queen.

Thinking of this, Solbe couldn't help but be excited.

However, no matter how excited, Solbe also had to consider a very realistic problem. Now he had to overcome the difficulty. If he couldn't even get through the difficulty now, he didn't have to think about anything.

And when Solbe was extremely distressed, the base's door burst open.



"Master Solbe, be careful!"

The space warriors around Solbe immediately surrounded them and looked at the broken portal and a figure that appeared in the dust.

"Cough, I personally feel that you really don't need to be so alarmed!"

At this time, I saw that figure came out of the smoke and exposed the appearance of a young boy with dark hair and black eyes. The young boy has a beautiful appearance and looks harmless to humans and animals.

"I'm here to help you, please believe me in this!"

On the other side, the battlefield on the ground became more intense.

The war fort stationed in the atmosphere keeps running, and above the fort, two figures of a man and a woman stand with arms in their arms, standing in the sky, and appear extremely impatient.

"Really, why not destroy the planet directly!"

The men in the two figures are speaking. No, not so much as men, but as boys. I saw the boy wearing a red scarf, and he looked very handsome at first.

"Don't be impulsive, number 17!" The answer is the woman in the two figures, this is a cold and beautiful woman with blond hair and blue eyes and a good figure, but although she comforts the boy in her words, but her face Also somewhat impatient.

If anyone who knew the original Dragon Ball was present, he would definitely be surprised by this man and a woman.

Because their identity is exactly the same as the twin sisters in the original Dragon Ball man-made number 17 and man-made number 18-Lapis and Lazili.

In this Dragon Ball universe whose trajectory of fate has completely changed, they were ordinary earth people. They were captured by the scientist Dr. Gro of the Red Ribbon Army and transformed into artificial people.

It was only when they appeared that Sun Wukong had gone to the Galaxy Center to attend the martial arts conference.

After hearing the news, Dr. Groe happily took his robot to the center of the Galaxy to find Sun Wukong's trouble. As a result, they were unfortunate, or lucky, to meet Broly.

After a series of battles, Dr. Gro and all his robots are defeated.

Later, under the persuasion of Bumar, Dr. Gro became the second scientist under Broly, second only to Bumar, and the man-made people became generals under Broly.

On this expedition, No. 17 and No. 18 were appointed as commanders by Broly.

Originally, both of them were very excited and wanted to find someone to fight for a fight, but the result was frustrated to find that the enemy was too much weaker than expected.

So much so that during the entire expedition, the two cyborgs wanted to destroy the planet directly.

But they ca n’t do it. The reason is very simple, because Broly had already made an appointment with the God of the Great Realm before going on the expedition, and will never deliberately destroy the planet.

As a price, God of the Great Realm acquiesced Broly from Queen of the Galaxy to Queen of the Universe.

Of course, even if the realm kings don't approve, Broly's action result will not change, but at least the whole process is legal, and you can get the intelligence help of the realm kings.

Broly made an agreement that No. 17 and No. 18 would not dare to destroy it for their own sake.

And just when the 17th and 18th were extremely boring.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Sudden chain explosions burst out among the densely packed aircraft below, burying tens of thousands of aircraft in almost a moment.

This was the biggest loss since the expedition, and the fortress of war immediately sounded an alarm.

"what happened?!"

"Be careful!"

On the 17th and the 18th, the spirits immediately rose, and the depression on their faces disappeared instantly, turning into a strong interest, but soon, this interest turned into a horror.

Because at the next moment, the dark and handsome young man appeared in the middle of the two.

The whole process is silent, completely moving in an instant!

Although No. 17 and No. 18 also have the ability to move instantaneously, they absolutely can't do it so silently that they can't react for a while.

"Bang! Bang!"

And at this moment, the right hand of Qingxiu Juvenile turned into a gritty long whip, struck directly on No. 17 and No. 18, and drove the two of them away.

"Hello, I am the sixth torturer of the Lord God, Black Light, please advise!"

As soon as the words fell, the long whip of the right hand of the black boy who claimed to be black light changed again, and turned into a huge muzzle.

The encirclement surrounding the fortress could not bear such a killing, and it shattered.

The huge fortress was punctured in an instant, damaging the Thai half

ps: I lost the draft because of writing software problems. I forgot some of the previous settings and spent a lot of time at night to revisit it, so I updated it a little late. ..

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