My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 15: Situation and mutation

"The Queen's Army was defeated by the Frieza Remnant Party!"

When Nagato got the news, it was already the fourth month of departure.

In these days, the red-haired boy is almost isolated.

He took his beloved girl and wandered in many interesting and even strange planets in the galaxy.

They have seen planets on the verge of destruction, magma, and visited the dark and dangerous underground world, and they have climbed the frozen mountains that are unimaginable.

In the process, various strange biospheres were displayed in front of Nagato and Qishi.

Countless magical creatures let them appreciate the greatness of life.

Whether it ’s Nagato or Qishi, it ’s a lot of gains, not to mention, the most important thing is that they realize that their eyes should not be limited to humans, or humanoid creatures.

Today, four months later, the two of them suddenly whimped and set foot on a civilized planet.

The civilizations of this planet have already crossed the land, and are related to many civilizations in the galaxy. It is also well-informed to say nothing about the major events in the entire galaxy.

In the buildings on the streets of Planet City, there are even large screens playing news in the Milky Way.

It was from this big screen that Nagano knew the latest situation of the Milky Way.

It turned out that the war corps of the Queen of the Galaxy had defeated Frieza's remnant party. One of the two corps generals was hit hard, and the other's whereabouts were unknown.

For the first time since the galactic queen has shown her ambition to conquer the entire galaxy, the invincible legion has encountered setbacks for the first time. For the entire galactic queen's legion, it has been a real blow.

The most important thing is that such a situation greatly encourages the arrogance of the ambitions all over the stars.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, many rebellious forces emerged in an attempt to unite against the Galactic Queen.

And after that, the second general under the Queen of the Galaxy, Sha Lu personally shot down the Frieza residual party in an attempt to restore her prestige, but she couldn't do her best at the end.

Within four months, Sha Lu and Frieza's remnant party fought several times, each time allowing them to find a chance to escape.

According to the news, such a situation has greatly reduced the fear of the emperor of the galaxy, and the morale of the united resistance is constantly rising, which is expected to break the queen's illusion of dictatorship.

"Ha ha!"

After listening to what was said in the news, Nagato had only such expressions.

After many experiences, teenagers who have long been aware of the red dust know that the so-called news media are actually the mouthpiece of the ruling class, and they naturally repay the good news without worrying about it.

According to Nagato's idea, the real situation of the resistance forces should be precarious.

After all, they are facing Broly with Bai Yujing's secret support-know that even without support, Broly can sweep the galaxy with her own strength.

And after receiving support, the girl is definitely more powerful, conquering the Galaxy or something, just a trivial matter.

Broly's real goal is not the galaxy, but the entire universe!

Compared to the so-called rebellious forces, Nagato is more interested in Frieza ’s remnant party, and Broly sent out to chase Broly ’s remnant-Sha Lu!

"Shalu? Is it Shalu!"

Looking at the humanoid woman with insect wings displayed on the big screen, and then reminiscent of the original memory in his brain, Nagato could not help feeling a strong sense of violation. The teenager has a feeling that Brolie definitely deliberately turned the ultimate man-made man from the original into a woman.

After all, in the original book, she was even a pure man among the Saiyans!

"Also, General No. 2?"

In contemplation, Nagato couldn't help but think of the title in front of the name of Sha Lu in the news, "Since it is the No. 2 general, then there should be the so-called No. 1 general!"

You should know that although Shalu, or Shalu, is an earlier boss in the original, her potential is definitely one of the best in the entire Dragon Ball original.

From the perspective of Nagato, the Saiyans such as Sun Wukong and Vegeta are not as good as Shalu in terms of potential.

With the help of Broly and even Bai Yujing, now Sha Lu has unearthed her potential and reached an extremely powerful point.

Under the same conditions, it seems that there are not many choices that can surpass Shalu and become the No. 1 general in Broly's hands.

A pink figure flashed in his head, and the long door subconsciously said to himself, "Wouldn't it be that one, but it shouldn't follow the nymph.

With that said, Nagato had an inexplicable intuition. He realized that he seemed to be right!

Immediately, a voiceless expression appeared on the face of the red-haired boy.

At this moment, the loud noise disturbed Nagato's thinking and brought his attention back to reality. Then Nagato discovered that a large number of police cars appeared on the street sometime.

A large number of indigenous guards rushed out of the police car, evacuating people around, and looking for something.

"Ah, what's the situation?"

Seeing this, Nagato couldn't help but wonder.

Without letting the red-haired boy wonder how long, several indigenous policemen soon came to the front gate and Qishi, and one of the policemen asked in cosmic lingua franca:

"Two people, shouldn't be the stars!"


Nagato replied in the same universal lingua franca, "My wife and I are going on a cosmic journey, passing by the precious stars on our way, and we came here for sightseeing."

"Yes, then, can you show your two entry passports."


Hearing this query, Nagato was slightly surprised, and then said leisurely, "I don't have that kind of thing, I came directly from outer space."

Nagato's answer is normal in this Dragon Ball universe. After all, the technology here is well developed, and there are too many creatures crossing the starry sky. In most cases, people on the indigenous planet will invite visitors to get another passport.

Just after Nagato finished speaking, these indigenous policemen surrounded them with a bad look.

"Sorry, sir!"

It was still the policeman who spoke, and there was no politeness in his speech. "We are wanting a criminal who is very guilty and can't tolerate any sloppyness. Ask the two to go to the police station temporarily."

"Ah, why not!"

Facing such a situation, Nagato could not help but sigh softly.

Nagato has never been a generous person, and naturally it is impossible to obey the local people.

Therefore, with this sigh, the girl in the kimono next to the red-haired boy rushed straight out. In an instant, the knife was sullen and the blood was cracking, dyeing the entire street with bright colors. ..

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