My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 19: Nagato vs Shuangxiong

"Oh, **** it!"

Hearing the long gate, Frieza's face was extremely ugly.

As a once cosmic emperor, Frieza's arrogance is so high, even if defeated by the hand of the legendary Super Saiyan, he can't destroy his arrogance.

For the almost provocative words of the red-haired boy, Frieza was naturally intolerable.

Resisting the pain in the abdomen and body, Frieza stretched her body in midair, the strong flame spread again, and the fierce eyes directed at the long door.

"Please don't be impulsive, Mr. Sabo!"

At this moment, the solemn voice echoed in the air, and then saw the dark-haired dark-haired teenager all over the body appeared beside Frieza out of thin air.

"This man is not an idle man, he is dangerous."

In between words, the dark-haired boy looked at the long door with great caution, but there was a surprise in his eyes.

The dark-haired boy, or Black Light, didn't expect that he encountered the No. 1 wanted man who was never forgotten by the Lord God in this completely abnormal Dragon Ball plane.

Blacklight was originally an ordinary magician with blacklight virus enhancement in the main **** space.

But compared with other god-chosen people, the biggest feature of black light is his mentality. Not only did he not regard the space of the main **** as a land of tigers and wolves, but he worshiped the main **** incomparably.

In a sense, the existence of black light is a fanatic of the Lord God.

Perhaps this mentality of black light was perceived by the main god.

All in all, the experience of black light in the space of the Lord God has been smooth since the beginning, and it has easily obtained the throne of the Lord God ’s executioner.

The executioners it possesses rank even above the willows that are lurking in the main god's space.

This time the main space opened up the erosion of the dragon ball plane, and sent black light as the first pioneer. Its main purpose is to allow black light to devour many powerful creatures on the dragon ball plane and become stronger again.

"It's just that the Lord God didn't think that the Void Lord will be here!"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, and the black light's gaze at Nagato gradually revealed the killing opportunity.

As the loyal loyalty of the Lord God, seeing the Wanted who the Lord God misses, the result is obviously only one, that is killing!

Only the black light is not stupid.

He knew he was probably not the opponent of the man in front of him.

and so

"Let's join forces, Mr. Saab!"

"What a joke!"

Hearing the black light, Frieza was silent for a while, and said with some excitement, "Don't think that if you are resurrected, I will try to order me, black light, or I will kill you!"

"The guy in front of me is here to deal with it, you stand obediently"


Before Frieza's words were finished, he was hit by a sudden bombardment on his body and flew a distance. On the other side, Nagato took his fist leisurely back.

"No, I think the two of you are more interesting together!"

A smile appeared on the corner of the mouth, and the long door looked at the black light, and said, "You are welcome, go all out, Lord God's stray dog, or you can't hold it back a few times."


Hearing the words of the long gate, the black light's face showed obvious anger.

Just waiting for the black light to shoot, a scarlet wave of energy has passed by him, along the mysterious arc, towards the long door.

It was a counterattack launched by Frieza who was suddenly attacked and then angry.

Facing the incoming beam of energy, a smile appeared at the corner of the long door mouth, and he threw a punch at the speed in front of himself.

The condensed boxing intention twisted the space in an instant.

At this time, the beam of energy had already been bombarded. As a result, in the twisted space, the beam of light shifted and bombarded towards the location of the black light.


Seeing this scene, the black light could not help bursting out a swearing.

In an instant, he started his teleportation ability. After escaping from the beam of energy, the black light appeared behind the long door, and his hands were transformed into gritty claws.

At the same time, Frieza had turned into a residual image and rushed straight to the front door.

Almost at the same moment, Blacklight and Frieza attacked at the same time!



At the moment when the attacks of Black Light and Frieza were about to fall on the long door, the body of the red-haired boy made a convulsive roar, and the surging blood burst like substance.

Under the impact of substantive blood, whether it is black light or Frieza, there is a feeling of falling into the quagmire.

Their movements suddenly seemed extremely slow in the eyes of the long door.

"So slow!"

There was a dull expression on his face, and the long door clenched his fist in the right hand, hitting Frieza's face heavily between the electro-optical flint and blasting it away.

Then the long door turned and swept the left foot directly, kicking the black light heavily!

"I said, did you really try your best?"

After doing all this, Nagato said dissatisfiedly, and opened his hands, "At this level, it is too weak, too weak!"



Almost in a short time, the black light that stopped the flying trend and Frieza heard the long door, and couldn't help but look black and completely angry.

Immediately, the two of them burst into a terrible arrogance, and released a trick!

"Go to die, **** rocket launcher!"

"Black light remote mode, start!"

In an instant, the endless darkness gathered in Frieza's hands, turned into a dark ball, and drove towards the long door, while the black light on the other side was deformed.

I saw a muzzle extending from the body of the black light, sending out a black shock wave.

Facing the two's tricks, Nagato finally sighed again.

To be reasonable, the two's tricks are not ordinary, at least they are enough attacks to wipe out the civilization of the planet below, but for Nagato, it is not enough to look at.

You know, even if the Holy Power is in a state of seal, the Nagato can cross the chaos with the body alone.

"In that case, then hurry up and end the battle!"

The thought flashed in his head, and the Nagato disappeared in place, after evading the two's tricks, and behind the black light, the five fingers of his right hand came close together and the sword was slashed down. ..

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