My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 20: Gold Frieza

Nagato's hand knife does not contain any energy.

It was the intersection of the purest physical strength and the will to kill, without any additional vision, but easily cut the body of the black light in half.

In the process of blood splattering, a little stun remained on Heiguang's somewhat shaped face.

"how come"

He couldn't help saying that the black light was blank.

As the intensifier of the black light virus, black light has encountered countless battles in this life, and has been torn apart by the enemy many times, but this can not defeat him.

Blacklight's body has unimaginable resilience, even if it is torn into pieces, it can be restored quickly!

Therefore, Blacklight is not surprised that his body is cut in half by the Void Demon.

But what the black light can't understand is that it is obviously a sharp hand knife, but the wound caused contains some kind of terrifying will, and it will wear away its resilience.

At this time, Frieza's trick, a dark ball with automatic enemy search ability, chased toward the long door.

The red-haired boy kicked the black light into two segments, and in a flash, the black light's body collided with the dark ball directly, causing a huge explosion.

The scorching air wave reverberated in midair, and the black light body was instantly blown to pieces.

"Very good, solved one!"

Seeing this scene, Nagato nodded with satisfaction, then said doubtfully, "Although the information that Saya obtained from the space of the Lord God, the sixth executioner is the weakest executioner."

"But it feels a little too simple!"

Such thoughts flashed in my head, and Nagato did not go too far. He put it behind his head for a while, and then looked at Frieza, who seemed to be dull.

A faint murderous opportunity permeated from the deep eyes, and the gas engine on the long door became fierce.

"Next, it's your turn, are you conscious, Frieza!"

"Oh, huh!"

Faced with the murder of Nagato, Frieza recovered from her sluggishness.

As if the angry and anxious guy was not his own before, Frieza smiled, and such a development made the red-haired boy confused.

"Why? Are you crazy?"

After contemplation, the long door asked tentatively.

"Cough, you're crazy !!"

Hearing this, Frieza almost drew breathless, coughed a few times, and retorted aloud, "Mr. Sabo is only laughing at a stubborn guy."

"Well, roughly understood!"

Hearing Frieza's words, Nagato nodded slightly.

According to the judgment of Nagato, I am afraid that the crusher who was crushed with bones was the main leader of the resurrection of Frieza, except that he and Frieza had a different face and heart, and each had their own calculations.

Perhaps if the black light looked strange, Frieza would start directly.

Because of this, the demise of black light is a happy thing for Frieza.

"It seems that you are a reasonable person!"

Seeing the reaction of Nagato, Frieza gradually filled with a golden stream of flames, "Finally give you a chance, surrender, and then not be proud!"

"Next, Mr. Saab is ready to use his power!"

"Sounds interesting!"

Hearing the words, the killing on Nagato's body converged, and his hands fell behind his back. "So use it, just let me see the so-called power of God."

"You are looking for death!"

"Just let you see, Mr. Saab spent several months practicing the results!"

"God's realm !!!"

After a moment of silence, Frieza's face appeared a bit fierce, accompanied by a roar, and the frenzy of golden flames on his body rose.

With this improvement, Frieza's sense of existence becomes stronger and stronger until it reaches a certain limit.

The flame on Frieza's body disappeared and the sense of presence returned to zero—more precisely, Frieza's sense of presence has exceeded the level of normal beings and reached the realm of God!

At this time, Frieza had changed her appearance. Although it was still that exquisite body, the white parts of Frieza's body were all turned into gold with varying degrees of color.

"Ha, haha ​​!!"

After the transformation, Frieza felt the burst of power in his body, and he could not help laughing. "See, this is Mr. Sabo, my power!"

As soon as the words fell, Frieza's figure disappeared in place, appeared behind the long door, and kicked into the air!

Aware of the crisis, Nagato turned instinctively and raised his right hand.


I saw Frieza's right leg and the long arm's right arm collided frontally. In the deafening collision sounds, the mighty air waves ran wildly from where they collided.

"Actually it can still be stopped, so what's next!"

Seeing that his kick did not play the expected role, Frieza's face was slightly dissatisfied, and his left hand was directly aimed at the back of the red-haired boy, and the strong qigong wave was released directly.


The golden qigong wave directly bombarded the back of the long gate and flew it out.

"It's not over yet!"

After blasting the long gate, Frieza felt dissatisfied, his hands protruding, and aimed at the back of the red-haired boy, purple energy bombs burst out from Frieza's ten fingers.

In an instant, the overwhelming purple energy bomb appeared in the sky, directly covering the red-haired boy.

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!!"

The terrible explosion completely detonated in the void.

The shocking shock almost swept through the atmosphere of the whole sky, and the occasionally leaked purple energy bomb dropped to the ground, setting off a terrifying big explosion.

"Come again !!"

At this point, Frieza still did not give up the attack.

The dark power converged on Frieza's palm, condensed into a dark ball, following the traction in the dark, and slammed into the explosion center.


A more terrifying explosion appeared across the sky, even vaguely distorting the void.


"This is Mr. Saab's power!"

Seeing such a wonderful explosion, Frieza couldn't help laughing. In his opinion, such an explosion was enough to bombard the red-haired boy into scum. ..

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