My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 21: Powerless struggle

At the end of the distant universe, there is such a planet.

In other words, rather than being called a planet, this is a hierarchical inverted pyramid, which looks like weird old trees running through it, supporting a large number of buildings.

On the balconies on the top floor of these buildings, a figure holding a stick was standing quietly.

This is a neatly dressed humanoid with blue skin, long white hair rising high, a blue ring around his neck, and his whole body is condensed.

His name is Weiss, a mysterious existence at the apex of Dragon Ball Seventh Universe.

Most importantly, he is the master and guardian of the God of Destruction.

"It was Frieza, he was resurrected ?!"

Looking up at the starry sky, a faint surprise appeared on Weiss's face. "In other words, this is the second time in decades that it has stepped into the realm of God."

"Over the years, the powerful people of the entire universe have come out in great numbers. What time has come?"

"It seems that it's almost time to awaken Billus."

Speaking of the end, Weiss' eyes could not help but look deep into the center of the Milky Way, where there was the first horrible existence that Weiss could not see through in years.

In a trance, Weiss seemed to feel that the indescribable torrent of fate was approaching.

At this time, the other end of the universe.

Above the nameless planet, Frieza finally vented enough to please her heart, and then his goal suddenly turned to Brolie who killed him.

Frieza's next goal is very simple, is to find Brolie and kill her!

"Before that, I need a new space battleship."

Such thoughts flashed in his head, Frieza's eyes turned to the indigenous planet below, and just when Frieza was going to collect some men from the planet below.

"Only this level?"

The indifferent voice rang in Frieza's ear, and suddenly made his face change greatly. Turning his head in disbelief, Frieza looked at the place where the sound originated.

I saw that the smoke from the explosion dissipated in the wind blowing high, revealing the figure of the long door.

The red-haired boy stood up in the sky, his expression on his face was still so indifferent. Except for the damage to his clothes, there was no trace of injury on his body.

"how come?!"

Seeing this scene, Frieza's face was even more shocked.

He didn't expect that, under his violent continuous attack, the red-haired man in front of him looked completely unharmed.

You know, now he has been promoted to the existence of the realm of God!

"No, I don't believe it !!"

Subconsciously speaking such words, Frieza was completely chaotic and ran away. "You guys must be holding on, must be, look!"

As soon as the words fell, Frieza instantly crossed the distance between the two and appeared in front of the long door.

The fist that contained Frieza's angry will was bombarded in an instant.


Facing Frieza's fist, Nagato just raised his left hand. The left hand of the red-haired teenager held the opponent ’s fist just right. In an instant, the shock wave of terror spread around the two people in all directions.

"Asshole !!!"

Seeing Nagato catch his fist, Frieza's anger was even stronger.

In other words, Frieza was not a magnanimous generation. He was born with powerful strength, and he could never become a monarch of the universe without cultivating. He was always extremely arrogant and willful.

Especially after transforming into golden Frieza, his nature was completely revealed.

Immediately, Frieza stepped back slightly at the moment when the impact dissipated, and then issued a crazy attack towards the long door, and the countless fists and feet suddenly appeared.

In the face of Frieza's attack, Nagato did not evade and directly twisted the space in front of him with his will.

Although the divine power in the body cannot be used, Nagato's understanding of the law is still there, and he can still manipulate the space-of course, it is more expensive to manipulate the law directly by will.

It's just that in today's long-door eyes, these consumptions don't matter at all.


Frieza's continuous attacks continued to hit the twisted space barriers, but did not cause the slightest damage to the Nagato, but instead received a little shock.

This result made the former universe emperor completely irrational.

"I want you to die!!"

With so much sipping in his mouth, Frieza soared into the air in an instant.

The horrible golden flame exploded in an instant, Frieza raised her right index finger high, and in a moment a planet-sized horror energy ball condensed.

This is Frieza's trick, the way to destroy a planet-planet destruction bomb!

Just looking at it, anyone can imagine how the terrifying energy ball will explode. The planet below is violent and the fear spreads.

"Haha! Let's vanish with the planet!"

Seemingly perceiving the situation of the indigenous planet, Frieza haha ​​laughed and threw the planetary destruction bomb out of his hand and bombarded down the long gate.

The terrifying energy bomb penetrated the atmosphere and set off a terrifying hurricane, just like a natural disaster!


"Weak struggle!"

The long gate that had been on the sidelines since Flyssa flew high into the air was finally no longer silent, and said indifferently, "It's just like a wayward child."

"Since you are so proud, let you see the real despair."

As he said in his mouth, Nagato immediately put on a punching gesture, and the cells of the whole body became active at this moment, making a slight noise like the starting engine.

"Slaying-Eternal Dragon Fist !!"

Suddenly screamed, Nagato punched on the planet's destruction bomb.

In an instant, the invisible strength and fist intersect, as if it actually emerged from the body of the red-haired boy, turning into a grim dragon.

Like a real dragon roaring, the dragon shape pushed the planet's destruction bomb upward, and Frieza bombarded him heavily when he was caught off guard.



The destructive bomb of the entire planet detonated completely. The earth-shattering explosion did not spread in the vacuum universe, but the terrifying energy shock shocked the entire planet. ..

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