My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 22: Mutation! Black light reproduction

The terrorist explosion caused a huge shock!

The aftermath that vented to the indigenous planet lasted more than three minutes.

The buildings on the entire surface of the planet seem to have been ruined by the devastation of an endless hurricane, and countless lives were injured and even killed in the destruction caused by the shock wave.

It ’s just that the current situation is the best result compared to the destruction of the planet and the disappearance of civilization.

Of course, the inhabitants of Indigenous Planet certainly don't think so.

However, Nagato didn't care about these ants at all. His eyes were completely attracted by some massive objects suspended at the explosion center of outer space at this time.

With the eyes of the long door, he saw it clearly, it was the wreckage left by Frieza.

"There is still life in the wreckage?"

Perceiving the looming vitality that permeated from afar, the red-haired teenager who was disappointed with Frieza's strength could not help but raise a trace of interest.

Nagato couldn't help but recall the various depictions of Frieza in the original Dragon Ball.

Frieza's race is a family of frozen demons.

This race is the only intelligent creature that lives on a planet very distant from the sun of its galaxy and has thin air. It has various forms and reproduces unisexually in a viviparous manner.

The frozen demon clan that survived in the harsh environment has evolved powerful physical strength.

It does not require water and heat and can live under vacuum for several weeks.

If you don't consider the factors of combat effectiveness, from the perspective of the evolutionary survival of the fittest alone, the Frozen Devil family and even the race sub-humans need to be excellent and advanced.

In the original book, Frieza and his brother once reborn after relying on some wreckage and combining technology after death.

"If you don't care, Frieza is likely to return again."

The thought flashed through his head, and he pondered for a moment, and the figure of the long door suddenly crossed the space, directly came to the vacuum of the universe, and fell to the wreckage of Frieza.

Shown in the eyes of the red-haired boy are a few pieces of moving meat, and half of Frieza's head.

The most wonderful thing is that the only eye left on the head could not help but widen when the long door arrived. If he had lost his chin, the long door would have to wonder if Frieza could still speak.

"Interesting, you aroused my interest!"

As the mouth said, the right hand of Nagato came out and put it on Frieza's head. At the next moment, the red-haired boy's ability to devour the soul spread out, and a small black hole appeared in the palm of his hand.

Frieza's soul was attracted by the black hole from the wreckage, devouring it bit by bit.

The memories inherited from the depths of the souls of the frozen demons are constantly being extracted. Nagato seems to have seen an ancient poem from the birth to the rise of an ancient and powerful race.

Cultivating to the realm of Nagato, its existence itself has surpassed the race of the frozen demon.

But wisdom will not be outdated at any time.

The inheritance knowledge or knowledge of the Frozen Devil family has given the red-haired boy a lot of inspiration.

Especially the transformations created by the frozen demons that attenuate the power-from this point, the long door even vaguely noticed how to achieve a little aura of the last step of his own physical path.

And just before the soul of Frieza was completely swallowed up by the long door.


A sudden dark flame erupted from Frieza's wreckage.

Such a change was contrary to the expectations of the red-haired boy. For a moment, the red-haired boy was rushed away by the black flame, and the next moment, Frieza's meat gathered.

Immediately after Frieza's wreckage grew fleshy pieces at an alarming rate, it quickly recovered its human form.

But compared to Frieza's previous posture, or the golden Frieza after its transformation, Frieza at this time showed a black and purple color, which seemed extremely deep.

"damn it!"

Frieza, or the dark Frieza, immediately looked at the long door with dissatisfied eyes, "I wanted to sleep for some days to accumulate power, but I didn't expect to be disturbed by you!"

"You are not Frieza!"

Looking at the dark Frieza in front of him, Nagato was stunned for a moment, his thoughts changed sharply, and soon he realized, "So, you are the guy from the space of the Lord God!"

"It was a bit strange at first, why did you mix up with Frieza, now I understand."

"From the beginning, you have been struggling to take Frieza's body!"

At the end, the suddenness on Nagato's face turned to disdain and said, "I really did not expect that the executioner in the space of the Lord God would be such a weak fellow."

Yes, weak!

In the eyes of Nagato, black light's actions justified his lowliness and weakness.

The real strong are all confident. They all trust themselves and their own power, and a guy like black light who seizes the body of others is essentially a weak person who is not confident.

If it is not the weak, why would you give up your long-established body?

Facing the disdain of the Nagato, there was no anger on the dark Frieza, or Black Light's face.

Everyone's beliefs are different, and Black Light has known for a long time that he is a weak person, otherwise he will not give his faith to the Lord God.

Blacklight never thinks he is a strong man, at best he is just an executioner!

and so

"I am indeed weak, but what about that?"

His eyes were fixed on the long door, and the black light said so, "To be honest, you are lucky, demon, I originally planned to take Frieza's body after leaving your line of sight."

"At that time I will spend time accumulating power and then assassinating you."

"I just didn't expect it to be pulled out by you in advance!"

Speaking of which, Blacklight couldn't help but shook his head helplessly, and then said, "Since I was pulled out in advance, then I can only retreat first. Next time, I will definitely kill you, Devil!"

As soon as the words fell, black light filled with a force that merged into time and space, but exceeded the power of time and space.

Under the influence of this force, black light gradually began to detach from the universe

At the moment of seeing this power, Nagato knew that it was the pulling power of the space of the main god. According to Sayah's information, it was the power of the main body of the main **** himself.

"It's kind of interesting, the Lord God has really made great progress!"

Such thoughts flashed in my head, and a ridiculous smile appeared in the corner of the long door, and he said, "I said, you guys are very self-righteous!"

"Do you think you have another time?"

"What a joke !!"

As soon as the words fell, Nagato shot abruptly, and the terrifying will instantly twisted the surrounding time and space! ..

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