My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 29: Billus vs Broly

Broly's debut instantly detonated the atmosphere of the martial arts field.

The scenes that were still a little quiet because of the appearance of the God of Destruction are gone forever. At this moment, the enthusiasm for the Queen of the Galaxy overwhelms the fear of God of Destruction for all beings.

Cheers and noisy voices linger in the ears, and the enthusiasm of the cosmic beings for the galactic queen is undoubtedly revealed!

Seeing such a scene, the face of the **** of destruction, Rubus, couldn't help but look a little unhappy.

As the God of Destruction corresponding to the God of Creation like the King of the World, Billus is not well known, but no matter where he appears, he will become the protagonist's general existence.

This situation has not changed for hundreds of millions of years since Birus was born.

Now, however, he has only been sleeping for decades, and he has become a supporting role!


He couldn't help but snorted a bit, and Billus looked at the slowly approaching Brorie trio, more precisely Brolie himself, and both Salu and Buu were ignored by him.

"It's so annoying here, I suddenly want to destroy the planet!"

"Ha, that's really sorry!"

Stopping the pace less than thirty meters in front of Billus, a smile flickered on Brorie's face, "But unfortunately, in front of me, you can't do it."

As a pure warrior, Broly has always been straightforward and never euphemistic.


Hearing Broly's words, a moment of anger flashed across Billus's face and said, "Very well, you guys have angered me completely, and I will bury you with this planet!"

"Oh, if you can do it"

Faced with the threat of Ruth, Broly's face was not taken seriously, and then a strange opening said, "By the way, ask before the war, why would you fight me?"

"Speaking of it, I was really surprised when I received the letter of appointment about three days ago."

"Ah, let me answer this!"

As soon as Broly's words were over, Wes replied, "Admiral Billus inadvertently foresaw the existence of Miss Broly, the super Saiyan god."

"Intuitively, Lord Birrus knows that you are an existence that he has to do his utmost to overcome."

"It was just too sleepy when I woke up. In order to be able to use my best to fight Miss Broly, Master Birus took a special rest for three days and came up with enough energy."

"Weiss! You talk too much nonsense!"

As Wess's words fell, Birus complained dissatisfiedly, and then his eyes turned to Brorie, "Go to war quickly, I can't wait any longer."

"as you wish!"

With that said, Broly nodded to Sa Lu and Bu O next to her, and received Bro Li's signal, and Sha Lu and Bu O separated from the Budo ring.

They also left the ring with them, as well as the mysterious guardian of Belus, Weiss!

In the process of these people leaving, Broly and Billus stood quietly, facing each other with four eyes, two invisible momentums interweaving on the ring, and a wave of air was rolled up out of thin air.

The huge martial arts venue was filled with suppressed atmosphere in the collision of these two momentums, suppressing the hustle and bustle.

The imperial collision of the void is getting bigger and bigger, until a moment-


Almost at the same time, Billus and Brorie moved, and the two charged towards each other, fist and palm collided in an instant.

A terrible shock was rolled up in a very brief and violent collision, crushing the air. The ground at the feet of the two each collapsed slightly!

Such a scene immediately aroused the surprise of many powerful people in the audience. You know, these powerful people have almost participated in the existence of the Galaxy Budo Conference.

Therefore, they are very aware of the solidity and horror of this silver heart martial arts venue.

The power that is usually enough to destroy the planet may only leave a small pit in this martial arts venue, and the temptation of Billus and Brorie has reached this level of destruction.

Through this, these powerful men have to sigh with fear of the **** of destruction and the galactic queen.

At this moment, the two people in the stalemate withdrew and volleyed.

For a moment, the fierce battle was completely launched, and their movements seemed to exceed the speed of light.

"Bang! Bang! Bang !!!"

There was a continuous collision sound in the void, which was a pair of fists and fists.

There is no earth-shattering, dazzling light, no splendid, eye-catching special effects, and some are just plain and direct impacts.


After another collision, the two retreated.

Billus stepped back surprisingly dozens of steps before reluctantly stopping.

Although he had long been aware of the other party's horror, after the real fight, he found that he still underestimated the other party!

"Click, click!"

At this time, an unknown voice sounded.

After a moment of stagnation, the void where the two were in seemed to have suffered irreparable harm.

The entire horizontal space is twisted like a knife cut, and the crystal cracks are distributed in the horizontal space in a criss-cross pattern. With a bang, the space breaks.

Scattered debris resembles a falling star in the night sky, bursting out with brilliance.

"Haha, good!"

"It's worthy of being the God of Super Saiyan, who can repulse me!"

"You have won my respect!"

Billus was ecstatic, shouting very happily.

The brief confrontation awakened the blood that had been silent in Birus for some years. Under the stimulation of this blood, Birus did not even care about Broly's previous rudeness.

"I don't feel anything, but I have changed for you!"

Seeing the essence of the warrior that came out of Billus, a light smile appeared on the corner of Brorie's mouth, "But be careful, then, I will use my full strength."

Originally, Broly didn't care too much about Billus, only when he was a guy born with great power.

But now it seems that the girl's idea seems to be a bit wrong-the essence of Billus is a warrior!

Since it is a soldier, it should be treated as a soldier's etiquette.

Immediately, Broly burst out a soft blue flame, and even her hair was dyed with a layer of blue light-the human breath disappeared and turned into a super Saiyan God above!

"Haha, then I have to use all my strength!"

Seeing the changes in Broly, Taurus burst out of terror at the same time, and the space where it was located was even damaged-the essence of the destruction was displayed most vividly.

He glanced at each other, and they both understood each other's intentions.

It is useless to say more, there is only one battle at this time! ..

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