My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 30: Victory and Change


On the martial arts ring, roars continued to each other.

The battle between Billus and Brorie reached a point of fierceness in a short time.

In the huge battlefield, flying sand and rocks were dazzling, and the large area of ​​the ground disappeared suddenly. At a glance, there were countless potholes in the originally flat place.

Among the nearly one billion viewers, with the exception of a few, most people can no longer see the movements of both parties.

But everyone can clearly feel the suffocation that makes people dare not speak.

Time elapses

The battle has been going on for quite a while.


Suddenly, Broly clenched her fists and punched Billus down from a height.

Then the girl's figure flickered and came to the ground faster than Beruth, her body slightly bowed, her knees bent, and she made a continuous assault on Beruth who had not yet landed.

Faced with this situation, Billus was not timid, and the God of Destruction flashed a scorching heat.

The corner of Billus's mouth was even more crazy, and while bearing Broly's attack, he found an opportunity and even launched a counterattack.


"Don't try to succeed !!"

In contrast to Ruth's counterattack, Brorie had already prepared.

I saw that when the girl blocked the opponent's attack with her right palm, she turned her body in the air with the help of the opponent's power, and turned her right foot in the air.

Immediately, a blood spurted from Billus' mouth.


At the next moment, after being hit hard, the body of the Destruction God fell heavily, hitting a small and large hole, and the surrounding hardest ring ground cracked.

"This battle is almost over!"

Standing up in the air, looking at Billus in the big pit underneath, Broly opened her hands, and the tens of thousands of miles of air all concentrated in her arms in an instant.

"Birrus, your strength is good, but obviously, I am stronger!"

As the voice just fell, the blue sphere of light in Brorie's arms cut through the air and drifted slowly towards the location of Billus at a slow speed.

"Don't underestimate me!"

Just before the light ball was about to pit, Billus rushed up almost roaringly. As a result, when he touched the light ball, the exquisite light ball suddenly expanded a huge energy ball.

Birus, who had just rushed out of the hole, was caught off guard and was blasted to the bottom of the hole again.


Facing the crushing of the huge energy ball, the **** of destruction made a roaring roar, and an unprecedented blaze continued to flow from his skinny body.

Almost did his utmost before Billus carried the crushed energy ball.

And at this moment-


Broly above the void suddenly snapped her fingers.

As the sound spread, the huge energy sphere suddenly experienced an unimaginable horrible explosion, and a huge mushroom cloud burst out on the martial arts ring. Uncontrollable heat waves and shock waves spread in all directions and bombarded the audience.

Even with the protection of Yinxin's latest technology in the auditorium, many viewers clearly felt the scorching heat, and thus the enthusiasm was triggered.

"Her Majesty!"

"Queen, Queen, I love you !!"

"Long live! Long live long !!"

After another cheers echoed from the audience, at this moment, no matter from the corner of the universe, no matter what the existence of the planet, they were all poured out for the power of the queen.

You know, that is the legendary **** of destruction, actually so overwhelmed by the empress!

And in this cheer, a sigh rarely appeared on Weiss's face.

"It was an accident. I didn't expect that Billus really lost!"

Above the battlefield, the mushroom cloud gradually dissipated.

The breeze blew past and opened a tiankeng covered by dust, almost a quarter of the size of the silver heart martial arts venue, and Billus was falling at the bottom of the tiankeng.

Seeing this scene, Brorie dispersed the blue flame of her body and slowly fell to the edge of the sky pit.

Stepping on the edge of the still-burning tiankeng, he took a closer look at Birus, and after confirming that he had lost his fighting power through breath perception, Broly turned to leave.


But at this moment, a slight voice rang in the girl's ear.

Immediately, a surprise flashed across Brorie's face. The source of the sound was the center of the tiankeng, but just now the girl had clearly felt that Ruth had lost her fighting power!

"Did I feel wrong? This is impossible!"

Such thoughts flashed in her mind, and Brorie turned around immediately, and then she saw that the body of the **** of destruction, Billus, was trembling and slowly stood up.

But in the somewhat blurred eyes of Birus, it seemed that he had no sense of self.

Obviously, at this time, Billus stood up with his own will.

"Have to say, you surprised me"

Seeing this scene, Brorie laughed softly. Such a pure warrior let the girl appreciate it, thinking about whether to find an opportunity to take him as his subordinate.

At this moment, Weiss appeared beside Billus and tapped his head with his cane.

Immediately, even with the support of war, Billus fell directly to the ground.

"It's been a long time since I saw the side of Lord Berus' warrior."

After doing all this, Weiss was so emotional, and then looked at Brorie, "but I didn't expect that Miss Brorie would be so powerful, which is really amazing."

"Is it powerful? Maybe!"

Hearing the words of Weiss, Broly just thought of the realm called Daozu level. She secretly sighed in her heart that she did not know when she would arrive at this realm.

At the same time, the girl looked at Weiss and said: "To be honest, although it is the God of Destruction, but the difference between Billus and me is still far away, and the battle with Billus is actually just a warm-up level."

"Mr. Weiss is stronger than the God of Destruction. Does the sir want to compete with me?"

"Oh, that's not necessary, I'm not a warrior!"

Facing Broly's invitation, Weiss grinned and refused, and when he was about to say something, he suddenly felt a heart palpitation and looked up subconsciously to the sky.

Not only Weiss, but all the powerful players on the scene felt the crisis and looked up.

This situation immediately caught everyone's attention and followed suit.

Then, as everyone saw, the sky broke apart ..

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