My Infinite Life

: Item 032: The Golden Family of Creation

When Weiss left the Budo meeting place, Nagato followed behind him.

Originally, the red-haired teenager just thought that Chonghai was too disgusting to look at, and he didn't want to join the war much. Plus, he just saw Weiss' action and followed it out of nowhere.

"It was just a whim"

Speaking lightly like this, the long door slowly appeared beside Weiss, "but I didn't expect to hear interesting news."

"Now, can you tell me more about the situation of your family?"


Seeing the appearance of Nagato, Weiss's face changed wildly, and he really did not expect that someone in this universe could approach his own without concealing his perception.

Coupled with the secret eavesdropping, in addition to the surprise in Weiss's mind, he couldn't help but be confused.

Subconsciously, Weiss wanted to shoot the long goal.

"Weiss !!"

At this moment, Barthos in the light curtain suddenly interrupted Weiss's thoughts, "You give it a little, let me talk to this mysterious universe outsider."

"Oh, do you see my identity?"

Hearing Bardots's words, Nagato couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, with a look of interest.

"Just guess!"

Facing the inquiry from the long door, Bardos shrugged his shoulders and said his own judgment, "It's mainly because of the amazing existence of such an amazing presence as you, sir."

"It turns out that's what it is!"

Hearing what Baldos said, the long door couldn't help but suddenly said, "Yes, I and the intruders are from outside your plane."

"My name is Nagato, the leader of the superdimensional organization Bai Yujing."

"By the way, my Bai Yujing and the main **** space where those invaders are hostile forces."

"Oh, what do you mean, sir"

During the talk, Barthos stared closely at the long door, trying to see something from the red-haired boy, but it was obvious that she was a little disappointed, and the long door was too calm.

Barthos, who can't see anything, can only tentatively ask, "Are you ready to cooperate with us?"

Barthos's thoughts are normal, as the enemy of the enemy is a friend. Since the force where the long gate is located and the invader named the main **** space are hostile, then his choice is naturally the same.


"Sorry, let you down!"

Faced with the temptation of Bardots, Nagato didn't hesitate much and said cruelly, "In this chaotic realm, Bai Yujing doesn't need allies, only surrender!"

"As for your universe, unfortunately, it has become a battlefield between us and the Lord God."

Hearing the words of the long gate, Bardos and Weiss couldn't help being silent. Their gazes towards the red-haired boy suddenly became a little bit unkind.

"So, it's your turn to answer my questions!"

Facing the changes of Weiss and Bardots, Nagato seemed to turn a blind eye and said with a smile.

After spending a few months in this universe, Nagato is already familiar with the laws here.

From the point of view of the red-haired boy, this universe seems to have another huge problem, except that the consciousness of the heavens, the earth and the human beings is weak and scary.

This problem is not anything else, it is a problem of God of Destruction!

From the perspective of the universe itself, the God of the Great Realm and the God of Destruction are opposite poles between heaven and earth, and the fighting power between them should not differ so much.

To be more correct, the God of the Great Realm should theoretically have the same fighting power as the God of Destruction.

Only in this way, the balance between creation and destruction can be achieved.

However, the reality is somewhat abnormal!

The God of Destruction possesses much stronger power than the King of the Great Realm, so it is necessary to suppress the destruction of Birus to the existence of Vis within a certain range.

From this point of view, Vis seems to be the product of the inhibition of Birus, creating and destroying the imbalance.

But obviously, this is not the case-Weiss is the master of Billus!

So, here comes the problem

Does Birus, who was born as a **** of destruction, really need a master?

The answer is obviously no!

Even without Weiss, this natural deity can automatically control its own power over time.

Thinking of this, another possibility emerged from the long door:

What if Weiss deliberately teaches the power of Birus to unbalance the creation and destruction of the universe?

As soon as such an idea appears, Nagato ’s brain hole cannot stop, so that the self-protection instinct of the universe will evolve into the destructive power of God.

At this time, Weiss can occupy this suppressive identity!


"If my guesses are all right, then it must lead to another problem!"

Slowly narrating his own guesses, the long door's eyes gradually sharpened, "It will not be an ordinary person to do all this, so what is your identity?"

"For this question, I thought for a while before I got some ideas."

"You family, wouldn't they be those who created the universe?"

Listening to Nagato's final judgment, Weiss and Bardos' faces changed suddenly. The two looked at each other and saw each other in horror.

They did not expect that the secrets of themselves and others would be revealed so easily.

There was silence for a while, and finally Bardots said with a wry smile: "Mr. Nagato, I don't know how you came to this conclusion."

"Simple, I am a creator myself!"

Looking at the Weiss and Bardots in front of him, the long door said leisurely, "When I entered this plane, I knew that this plane was created by multiple people."

"It's really amazing!"

Upon hearing the words of the long gate, Bardot's face flashed with amazement.

She didn't doubt if Nagato deceived her, or to the extent they were, words were already a force, and there were very few cases of lying.

"Are you the kind of independent creation?"

At this time, Weiss, who had been silent since Barthos took the conversation, finally couldn't help asking.

"Of course!"

A smile flashed across his face, and Nagato directly leaked the breath of the creator in his soul, causing a shock to the void in a thousand miles.

The light curtain in front of Weiss almost collapsed in this shock.

"How do you believe it now!"

After doing all this, Nagato said leisurely, "Let's talk, what is going on with your family, my patience is rarely so good, don't let me down."

Hearing the long door's near ultimatum, Weiss and Bardos glanced at each other, bowed to the long door, and said:

"The golden family of creation, Weiss (Bados), have seen the respected creator!" ..

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