My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 33: Chaos as an oven, war as fire

The golden family of creation, referred to as the golden family!

According to Weiss and Bardots, their family was born in chaos, and should have appeared as an unimaginable creator demon.

However, during the birth process, an unknown accident occurred, and the Devil God became a collective of hundreds or thousands.

This group was the original Golden Clan. Of course, they were not called the Golden Clan at that time. They even lacked their own language and culture.

Although it can survive in chaos, chaos is obviously not a good place to survive.

The new race naturally came to a nearby plane.

Perhaps it is because their predecessor was a demon born in chaos. The chaotic atmosphere possessed by this race is completely out of place with the plane, and it is rejected by the three ways of heaven, earth and people.

And this exclusion has been increasing with the passage of time, and finally attracted the punishment.

In order to survive, this race has to leave the plane to find a new place to survive.

In the following days, this race continued to wander through the planes, absorbing endless knowledge, and ultimately derived its own civilization-the Golden Clan.

Then came the endless years, and the civilization of the Golden Clan finally reached a limit.

It was at this time that the Golden Clan was tired of wandering. After much consideration and collective voting, the Golden Clan decided to open up its own plane.

They gathered the power of the whole family and opened up a super large plane with twelve universes standing side by side.

"It's just that the cost of opening up a plane is higher than we thought!"

Looking at the amazed red-haired boy in front of him, Weiss said in a heavy voice, "When we completed this great cause, ninety percent of the golden people have become heaven and earth."

"The remaining tribes are also scattered in different universes, and most tribes are asleep."

"The rest is not like seeking a heaven and earth position with the elder sister, or directly branching out in the universe, leaving descendants, and even some of the clan have gone to pursue death."


After listening to Weiss's account, Nagato was silent for a while, saying so.

To be honest, the red-haired boy was quite surprised. He didn't expect that the birth of the Golden Clan and his own relationship were so sporadic.

At that time, the reason for the creationism of the Devil was godly, and the long door used his toes to know that it was the door of the other shore.

This chaotic realm is the "heritage" left by the first generation of spirits at the gate of the other shore, and naturally will not allow any demon that creates the world to appear in it.

Even after that, the Golden Clan kept wandering in the void, and there might be the handwriting of the first generation.

After all, planes and planes are different. Perhaps most planes cannot tolerate the chaotic atmosphere of the golden family, but this kind of thing is not absolute, and there are always some exceptions.

However, in the countless planes of the Golden Clan's experience, no plane can accommodate them.

If this is not the case, the Golden Family will not use the power of the whole family to open up the plane!

Nagato has every reason to believe that the deceased first-generation girl was definitely pushed behind, completely disintegrating this race with a potential that was too strong.

But for this kind of thing, the red-haired boy doesn't care much, he is more concerned about-

"So next, what are you going to do?"

During the talk, Nagato's eyes turned to the Zerg and Battle Fortress roaring in the distance between the cosmic galaxy. "What you show is just the vanguard of the Lord God."

"A more powerful offensive is still in the back, but it is a powerful force enough to destroy this plane."

"Mr. Nagato, what do you think?" Hearing the inquiry from Nagato, Weiss and Bardot looked at each other, and then Barthos said, "What do you think we should do?"

"In short, wake up your clan first."

Looking at Weiss and Bardots, a faint smile appeared at the corner of the long door, "After that, I will let my people come in contact with you."

A moment later, Weiss has disappeared into the starry sky.

He has broken through time and space and went to the sixth universe to join his sister, and then the two will go to other universes to wake up the other golden families one by one.

Standing alone in a vacuum, Nagato looked at Yin Xin, who had completely transformed the battlefield.

After being silent for a while, the red-haired boy directly snapped his fingers.


The space law of the seventh universe oscillated directly, and the huge cracks that appeared in the universe suddenly burst into an endless space debris.

Innumerable Zergs turned into debris under the strangling of space debris and lost their lives.

The wormy sea that raged in the silver heart lost its supplement and became a lone army.

At the same time, Nagato clearly felt the strong fluctuations from outside the universe, which was the anger caused by the Lord God after he really felt the existence of Nagato.

"In this way, the Lord God will never give up this plane!"

As the mouth said, the red-haired boy seemed to be able to vaguely see that in the near future, the entire giant plane would be transformed into an endless battlefield of blood and roar.

More than this plane, this flaming battle will spread to chaos, and ignite chaos completely.

Hundreds of millions of endless beings will be swept by the flames of war and plunged into the quagmire of blood!

The fittest survives, the unsuitable are eliminated!

As the so-called true gold is not afraid of fire, Nagato can clearly foresee that in the pervasive battle, countless Tianjiao strong will rise on the enemy's corpse.

Chaos is the oven, war is the fire, and a powerful Bai Yujing is tempered!

Only by being so extreme can a powerful force be created that can compete with the eight civilizations outside the realm of chaos!


Thinking of this, Nagato could not help but exhale deeply, trying to calm down his vaguely boiling blood, such a grand feast, Nagato wanted to participate.

But the red-haired boy knew that it was not his time to debut.

"Wait, wait patiently!"

Soothing himself in his heart, Nagato thought about how he should act next. Soon, the twelfth universe mentioned by Weiss and Bardots caught the attention of young people.

According to the accounts of Weiss and Bardots, the twelfth universe is the land of the patriarch of the Golden Clan.

Out of respect for the leader, no golden family settled in that universe.

It's just that Weiss also said that after the creation of the eleventh universe, there were already a lot of people from the Golden Tribes, but the chief patriarch had to open up the twelfth universe.

The result of the paranoia is that after the development of the twelfth universe, the rest of the tribes are all right, but the patriarch has become Taoist.

At first glance this might sound like no big deal, but the red-haired boy instinctively noticed some anomalies, which seemed to hide some wonderful unknown secrets.

"Now that you feel it, then take a look at it while you still have time!"

Thinking this way, Nagato passed the matter of the Golden Clan to Shaye through a spiritual connection, and then the red-haired boy flew towards the location of Yin Xin.

Before heading to the twelfth universe, Nagato also needs to bring Qishi and No.18. ..

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