My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 38: The reason for convening

The headquarters building of the Heroes Association is located in the center of a city.

This is a black building that is hundreds of meters high. At first glance, it seems to be just a cube without any beauty, but it is the center of the hero association.

In the command center inside the building, Sici, the director of the Heroes Association, laid down his mobile phone.

The big-nosed man still has a hard-to-stop surprise on his face.

"Director, the satellite just got feedback!"

At this moment, a staff member in front of the large screen not far in front of Sich said, "The city of z did have a weird reaction just now, but it was killed in an instant."

"According to the feedback, no creatures have approached the battlefield in the whole process, so"

"Really the lady maid killed it!"

After hesitating for a while, Sic took the staff member's words and said with a sigh, "It is worthy of being the man who claims to be the strongest man on the ground, and even a maid is so powerful."

"But that's fine, this crisis just needs a man like king to solve it!"

"Just can't carelessly, continue to inform other S-level heroes!"

Sorting out his emotions, Sich immediately issued orders to the surrounding staff, "According to the prediction of Lord Xi Bengwa, this is the biggest crisis in human history."

"In order to survive the crisis, in the fastest time, find all the s-level heroes that can be reached."


"Call of the Heroes Association Headquarters?"

In the pure white villa in City Z, Nagato looked at No. 18 with a confused look.

Perhaps it is because there is too little sense of crisis, or it is in a state of nine-fold deterioration. The red-haired teenager who has just recovered from sleep is still a little confused, and his thoughts are slightly chaotic.

But after all, it is a superb existence, and Nagato's thoughts soon became clear.

"What happened?"

Inquiring about it like this, the red-haired teenager got up and chose a casual suit from the hanger. "You hack into the computer at the headquarters of the League of Legends to see the situation."

With that said, the long door walked into the bathroom with clothes.

Brush your teeth, wash your face, shower

In less than five minutes, the red-haired boy walked out of the bathroom with a new look in casual clothes, and at that moment, 18th also completed his account.

After walking behind No. 18, Nagato slightly bent to hug the girl's waist and gently blew into her ear.

"Master, this is the information you want."

Feeling the action of Nagato, No. 18 paused a little, then struck the keyboard on his own, opened a file on the webpage on the computer screen.

The teenager who was originally prepared to tease the 18th was quickly attracted by the contents of the document.

It turned out that the reason why the Hero Association called the s-class heroes was because the prophet in the association, Xi Baba made a terrible prediction last night.

"Plural weirdo kings are gathering!"

The simple nine-character prophecy contains a crisis that affects the entire human society.

The so-called weirdo king is not a simple existence. Most of them are the supreme existence of the intelligent race other than humans, and the symbol of the will of the race.

In order to better cope with the crooks ’crises, the association classifies disasters into five levels according to their threat.

God, dragon, ghost, tiger and wolf!

This division method is sometimes used to indicate the strength of the weirdo or monster.

God is the highest level of disaster, which refers to the crisis that may lead to the destruction of human beings; the next level is the dragon, which may cause the destruction of several towns.

Below that is the ghost, a crisis that causes the functioning or destruction of a town.

In contrast, tigers only refer to those crises that will cause a lot of casualties. As for the last wolf, it only symbolizes the disasters with dangerous factors.

According to the association's records, the weirdo king is at least a powerful ghost level and above.

However, the great strength is not the most harmful place for the weirdo king. The most dangerous place for such weirdo king is that they rarely appear alone.

Generally speaking, the appearance of the weirdo king will bring the most powerful warriors of his race around.

Under normal circumstances, to annihilate a weirdo king is almost quite a racial annihilation battle, and now that weird weirdo kings are gathering, it is entirely imaginable what will happen.

"That is, the smoke of war is about to ignite?"

An interesting arc emerged from the corner of the mouth, the long door loosened the waist of No. 18, and walked to the window sill, looking up at the sunset where the sky was slowly falling.

Slightly pondering, the red-haired boy said, "It's really a coincidence, it just happens to be like who is manipulating."

Nagato was keenly aware that the time when the prophecy appeared was that he had just captured the existence of king soon-in this case, Nagato absolutely did not believe it was accidental.

The red-haired boy could vaguely realize that there is something on this planet that is paying attention to king.

No, it is more accurate to focus on the owner of the four auras.

I am afraid that the existence of the king seizing the king has attracted the attention of that existence, but the red-haired boy is very confident in his own meaning and will never be seen.

But the other party didn't see anything when he wanted to, and then for some unknown reason, caused this disaster.

"Interesting, really interesting!"

Can't help laughing softly, Nagato moved his body and said, "Just, let this disaster be the stage where I show the strongest human appearance to the world."

"No. 18, you shot today!"

As soon as the voice turned, Nagato's eyes turned to No.18.

"Yes, it is."

Suddenly being questioned, No. 18 was surprised, but he answered.

"In this case, you should be in the sight of the League of Legends. If you have a fight in the future, you should limit your output a little bit and show the general s-level."

"no problem."

"Also, the disaster in the past should produce no small damage. The reorganization after the disaster is when the forces are established. In the past few days, you will find the right person."


"Finally, it is almost time for dinner."

A glance at the world where the sunset was glowing red outside the window, the red-haired teenager said leisurely, "It seems that I saw a pretty good restaurant yesterday. I am going to try it."

"I don't know if Miss 18 is willing to be together?"

"my pleasure!!"

After the initial consternation, a bright smile flashed on the girl's face. ..

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