My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 39: s-level hero meeting

The next day, it was just dawn.

The Helicopters of the League of Legends landed in the villa of Nagato.

In fact, if it is not a prediction, it is only a rough estimate, which needs real information to prove it, plus the s-level hero is not so easy to contact, I am afraid that it will come yesterday.

Under such circumstances, even if there were some difficulties, Nagato finally got on the helicopter with No. 18.

There is a headquarter staff in the helicopter to explain the situation, because the problem of the red-haired boy is mainly communicated by the 18th on his behalf and the other party.

Perhaps because of the long door order restricting his combat power, the 18th wore a black cheongsam that was inconvenient to move, and his hands were even tied with handcuffs.

The unique costume makes the charm of the girl more thoroughly revealed, so that the crowd on the helicopter frequently stares.

Instead, the protagonist in the eyes of Nagato, wearing only casual clothes, wearing a hood on his head, and a sleepy posture, made everyone secretly wonder if they were looking for the wrong person.

But the shadow of the person's name tree, even in doubt, did not dare to disturb the long door at this time.

The speed of the helicopter was very fast, and it took less than two hours to cross the long distance from the city of z where the long gate is located to the city of a in the headquarters of the hero association.

After a two-hour journey, before the helicopter landed, Nagato finally recovered his energy.

"Well, the air is good!"

In front of the headquarters of the Heroes Association, the long gate came out of the helicopter and started to move. Behind the red-haired boy, No. 18 also followed.

In front of this building, which looked like a black stand, the long door was the first time I saw it.

The existence of the king occupied by the long gate is essentially a parallel, and it is passively becoming a hero, and naturally does not want to come to the headquarters of the Hero Association.

After all, if it is challenged by other heroes in the name of learning, then the parallel importer can just sit on the wax.

However, having not been here does not mean that king does not understand here.

According to the understanding in King's memory, the building in front of me is fully strengthened by technology, not so much a building as a powerful fortress.

The function inside the building is very simple, it is to coordinate and assign many heroes in the hero association.

A more detailed statement is to receive and analyze the disaster alerts of other cities, and then promptly issue the disaster level one-strike prevention standard to local and nearby heroes.

"Specifically, this organization is quite loose!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head. Without long thinking, Nagato would take a step forward, and at this moment, a black car came galloping and stopped beside him.

The rear door slowly opened and a white-haired old man bowed slightly.


Slightly puzzled, the Nagato looked at the old man. Coincidentally, the white-haired old man also looked at the Nagato. The two of them faced each other, flashing a bit of surprise each.

"Silver fangs?"


Each person said the other's name. After being recognized, the white-haired old man bowed and walked to the long door. "It's been a long time since I saw you for the first time, king!"

"It's here, the first meeting, silver fangs!"

A courteous arc appeared slightly on his face, the long door said faintly.

He has recognized it. The old man in front of him is also one of the s-class heroes. He is still the third of them. His real name is Bangu, which is only one note away from fangs in Japanese.

According to rumors, the old man has a warm personality and a master class of running rocks and fists.

Play tricks on the enemy with flowing motions, try not to hurt the enemy's life, but if you take it seriously, you can crush the enemy like a torrent, and you are a master of martial arts.

"Let's call my old man Bangu, fangs or something, just nicknames given by others."

"Okay, Mr. Bangu, let's go together?"

"of course!!"

In the speech room, Nagato and Bangu walked side by side toward the headquarters building, followed on the 18th, while the other staff members scattered separately and did not keep up.

Along the way, the three did not meet other S-class heroes anymore, and soon arrived at their destination.


Under the action of the hydraulic device, the metal gate with mr peugeot suddenly opened.

The meeting place of the high level of the headquarters of the Association and the s-class heroes was displayed in front of the three people.

The metal-like icy texture fills the surroundings. The entire conference room area exceeds 500 square meters. The center is a huge rectangular conference table. The tabletop is transparent tempered glass.

At this time, there are already a lot of s-class heroes sitting at the conference table, sitting silently.

Just after entering the gate, the three men drew the attention of the heroes.

To be precise, Nagato attracted attention!

As the culmination of the hero's career, the positioning of the s-level hero is at least the existence of the ghost level. Many heroes are not only afraid of dragon-level weirdos, but even kill them in seconds.

Compared with normal humans, s-level heroes are almost another level of creatures.

Therefore, any s-level hero has extraordinary pride.

This kind of pride makes the heroes who are present do not agree with anyone, even the last ranked S-level heroes will not think that they can beat the top players, but there is one exception.

The seventh place of the s-level hero, known as the strongest human hero on the ground-king!

The environment of the meeting room suddenly became solemn!


And at this moment, an arrogant voice suddenly sounded.

It was n’t anyone else who spoke. It was the first S-level hero that Nagato had just seen when he came down. It looked like a trembling genius of the little girl—a trembling dragon.

As the second-ranked s-level hero, Xiaolongjuan has more confidence than other heroes.

To know that her super power can even directly pull the meteorite in the distant universe to the ground, the pure combat power is enough to prevent the girl from being affected by the legend of king.

"Slow death, actually made me wait so long!"

With that said, Xiao Longjuan's gaze turned to No. 18, and looked at the same women who were wearing cheongsam, but looked exquisite and delicate.

"Also, who is behind you, don't know if it's an s-class hero meeting now?"

"That's my maid, number 18. I think she's enough to attend this meeting."

The red-haired boy did not care about the tone of Xiao Longjuan, and walked straight to the conference table with No. 18, chose a position at will, sat down leisurely, and said to himself.

And No. 18 stood expressionless behind the long door. ..

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