My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 43: The battle begins!


That is a very different kind of existence from human beings.

Perhaps they have reason and cognition, but blame people do not have the emotional characteristics and common sense of human beings, which is reflected in their behavioral concepts, that is, they blame people for absolutely advocating weak meat and strong food.

In the world of strange people, the strong dominates everything!

Therefore, weird kings really can't understand why the human in front of him, who is so weak and weak as if it is a ants, dare to stand in front of himself and others.

"Get out of here, man!"

After a slight silence, the deep sea king said in disgust, and at the same time, a tyrannical atmosphere emerged from the deep sea king, covering the man.

"No, no !!"

Reluctantly resist the coercion of the Deep Sea King, even if his body trembles automatically, but his hometown still gritted his teeth.

It's just that the youth's strong actions were not praised by the King of the Sea, but instead made him angry, not for anything else, just because of the eyes of the other four kings around, "You can't even admire the ants".

"Damn, since that's the case, then you die!"

With a low roar, the Deep Sea King waved his right fist towards the hometown, and the surrounding air exploded. The Deep Sea King's fist blasted out at a speed exceeding the speed of sound.

Before the fist arrived, the hometown shuddered, and the emotion of fear surged into his heart in an instant.

He knew very well that the fire of his life might be extinguished in a moment.

But somehow, the youth did not regret it.

And at this moment-


The slender little hand suddenly appeared in front of the hometown fierce, blocking the fist of the deep sea king with the palm of his hand. In the collision, the shock-like shock wave spread out in all directions.

Under such an impact, Hongo Meng could not help but flew a short distance, and then fell to the ground.

But at this time, Hongo Meng did not care about these, but stared straight at the side.

Then the young man saw that a blonde girl dressed in black cheongsam did not know when she was there. It was she who raised her hand to block the attack of the Deep Sea King and saved herself.

"Is this the hero of the association?"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Hongo looked at the girl in front of him, and unconsciously, his eyes were a little infatuated.


On the other side, after discovering that his fist was blocked, a look of surprise appeared on the face of the deep sea king, and then the surprise turned into ferocious, staring at the blonde girl in front of him:

"I can actually block my punch woman, who are you? !!!"

"Huh, is it surprising to block your fist?"

A smile of disdain appeared in the corner of the mouth. On the 18th, the palm that blocked the deep sea king's fist was pushed upwards, and then the blonde girl bullied and rushed into the deep sea king's arms, directly a violent kick.

The Deep Sea King who was too late to respond was directly thrown on the face by the slender legs of No. 18 and flew out.

After doing all this, the girl quietly landed, looking around the four kings: "My name is 18, remember, you dross, and then at the cost of daring to disturb my lord, you all punish yourself!"


"Woman, you are bold!"

"Arrogant humanity !!"

"go to hell!"

Originally seeing the Deep Sea King kicked off by a sudden woman, the other four Kings were very happy to see it.

Although they formed an alliance, in the final analysis, there was no friendship between the five kings. Instead, they were hidden enemies—after digesting human beings, it was when their alliance was dissolved.

Only after hearing the words of the 18th, the four kings were all angry.

Among them, the ancient king directly lifted his feet and stepped on the 18th!


Under the trample of the black dinosaurs, the cement-paved ground directly showed the spread of spider cracks, but before the tramp came to the ground, the 18th had disappeared in place.

From the sky, the girl jumped directly towards the eye of the ancient king!

Obviously, the 18th is preparing to attack the crucial eyes of the ancient king.

However, her thoughts are not so easy to see.

"Human, you are too little to see us!"

I don't know when, the sky like the demon birdman appeared in the sky above No. 18, aiming at the orbit of No. 18, and the throwing weapon in his hand went straight down.

Faced with this situation, the 18th in the sealed state could not help but pursed his mouth, stopping the impact of the trend.

The dance of the sky from the plane of the Dragon Ball begins, and the girl stops in the void.

"Damn woman, go to hell!"

At this time, the Deep Sea King who had been kicked off by the 18th appeared again, using the ancient king's body as a shift, and the Deep Sea King jumped up and rushed towards the 18th position.

At the same time, the Underworld King, the Underground King, and even the Sky King launched attacks one after another.

The 18th was directly surrounded by the attacks of the four kings.



A slightly arrogant and tender voice reverberates in the void, and then a vast and invisible power of thoughts emerges, filling the world between hundreds of meters.

All creatures in the space, whether it is the 18th or the weirdo kings, are all bound.

"This is the headquarters of the League of Legends, weird guys, don't be too presumptuous!"

In between words, the Nian motivation rioted, and the five trapped strange monster kings flew out under the impact of the Nian motivation, hitting the surrounding buildings and the ground.

At the next moment, the trembling tornado appeared sometime over the battlefield.

The curly-haired girl in her arms looked unusually arrogant.

The cheongsam dancing in the sky seemed to reveal some unspeakable scenery of the girl.

However, it seems to be, it is just.

If you look closely, you can't see anything.

This seemingly visible, but actually invisible feature doubles the charm of the tornado—if there is any regret, it is that the tornado itself is a ten thousand years of loli, which doesn't grow up at all.

If not, as the second-ranked hero of the s-class, the reputation of the tornado will be even greater.

"Hey! Are you okay!"

I glanced at the five strange monster queens who were blown away, and the dragon's eyes turned to No. 18 in the sky. "Also, you will not be a superpower, otherwise why can you fly?"

"No, it's just aerial dance!"

Faced with the question from the tornado, No. 18 said indifferently, "I am not a superpower, and in fact, you don't have to come over at all, I can solve it by myself."


Hearing what No. 18 said, Tornado immediately stated that he couldn't bear it, but he didn't wait for the girl to say anything. The five weird kings who had just been hit and flew out of the smoke.

"Forget it, I will worry about you again. Now let's kill these guys!"

"Just what I want!" ..

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