My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 44: Falling meteorite!


In the headquarters of the League of Legends, Siqi stared at the battle through the screen.

At first, Tong Di realized from the reminder of Nagato that he was not good, and when he came to warn himself, the chairman of the big nose was still a little unbelieving, but the scene before him undoubtedly explained the fact.

It's not that the League of Legends sees through the strategy of strange people, but that people see through the choices of the association.

At this time, the chairman can only thank him in his heart that he has not dispatched the two strongest forces of the association. If not, the hero association at this time may have been destroyed.

"Not good! Do strange people start to have strategies and organizations gradually?"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind. Sic watched the battle between Tornado and No. 18 and the five weird kings on the battlefield, and suddenly asked:

"King, why don't you see him do it, so that the current enemy is not qualified to let him do it?"

"Maybe, after all, he is king!"

Facing Siqi's problem, Tong Di, sitting in a chair beside Siqi, hesitated and said, "So far, no stranger has seen King make the second attack."

"That being said, Mr. King's maid is really amazing!"

"Simple body skills are no less than many s-level heroes."


Hearing Tong Di's admiration, Sich's face flashed a strange color, "It's a waste of such a powerful woman to be a maid or something."

"It's better to be a s-class hero in the hero association, or forget it!"

At the end of the day, Sici shook his head. As the chairman of the association, although he was thirsty for talent, he was more concerned about the idea of ​​king than a new s-class hero.

"Wise decision!"

After hearing Siqi's final decision, Tong Di secretly nodded his approval.

Although being an s-class hero, or precisely because of being an s-class hero, Tong Di knew clearly that there are still super specifications in the so-called s-class heroes.

Just like a blast, like a tornado, just like a king

On the battlefield, the roaring one after another was constantly resounding.

The strange people screamed angryly, and the ground several thousand meters away continuously showed spider web-like cracks, and the air raged into a fierce storm.

In such a chaotic battlefield, the trembling dragon roll and No. 18 still perform well.


After being attacked by the tornado again and avoiding his claws, the ancient king gave an angry roar, "Damn worm, I want to wipe you out completely."

Between the roars, the scorching energy blasted from the ancient king's grim mouth.

Unsurprisingly, the attack of the ancient king was still lost, and the surging energy hit the dark cube building of the headquarters of the Heroes Association, shaking it, and leaving a shallow trace.


After seeing this scene and realizing that he seemed to have made some mistakes, Xiao Longjuan's face suddenly felt uncomfortable, and a strong mental power swept out, lifting all the surrounding rocks.

Subsequently, a large number of rocks were turned into individual shells, which bombarded the ancient king frantically.

The huge black dinosaurs flew directly, and then buried them alive.


"It's useless!!"

Along with a low roar, the ancient king's body stood up from the gravel pile, "Human beings, my body has a defense beyond imagination, except meteorites, you have no way to hurt me!"

In the thunderous words, the ancient king turned abruptly and swept his dark tail out.

At the same time, the Underworld King waved his huge weapon towards the location of the small tornado, bombing away from the other side, while the Underground King displayed his talents below.

As the blue flame swept through, the gravity of the space where the little tornado was located instantly increased more than ten times.

In the face of the siege of the three monster kings, Xiaolongjuan was unwilling to show his motivation, ready to bounce off the attacks of the three, but what the girl expected was that the three dragon-level monster kings tried their best. The unexpected attack was unexpectedly powerful, and there was a stalemate with it.

On the other hand, on the 18th, the two strange kings of the deep sea king and the sky king faced each other.

Theoretically, the restricted No. 18 only shows the level of advanced dragon-level monsters in combat output, and it seems a bit unfavorable to face two dragon-level monsters.

But with the presence of dance dance, the Deep Sea King who can't fly is a threat to the blonde girl.

Therefore, the battle on the 18th seemed to be easy.

It is also in this situation that No. 18 saw the situation of Xiaolongjuan—although No. 18 could feel that if the curly-haired girl broke out with all her strength, she should be able to kill the enemy in seconds.

But now the situation is that in the face of the siege of the three weird kings, Xiao Longjuan seems to have no time to exert his full strength.

Despite the stalemate, the winner should be a little dragon!


"It takes a long time!"

The thought flashed in my mind, the 18th instinctively avoided the deep sea king's leap and another culling, and then kicked on the weapon thrown by the sky king.


With the reaction force of kicking, No. 18 turned into an afterimage and bombarded heavily on the ground. The huge cracks spread out and trapped the King of the Earth.

Suddenly attacked, the underground king's manipulation of gravity suddenly stopped.

In this slight pause, the power of Xiaolongjuan broke out!


The ancient king and the underworld king flew again and smashed heavily on the surrounding buildings and the ground. Although the two rough-grown weirdos were not injured, it was difficult to fight for a while because of their large size.


"Dare to look down upon us!"

Seeing such changes on the battlefield, the King of the Sea and the King of the Sky immediately became angry. The two strange kings immediately seemed to lose their minds and rushed towards the 18th.

Faced with two grotesque kings who seemed to have lost their minds, No. 18 did not choose to fight hard, but rose up in the air.

Avoiding the Queen of the Deep Sea, the girl stood on the ground and directly punched the King of the Sky with a punch, and then directly hovered to the side of Xiao Longjuan, standing still:

"How are you ready, your moves?"

"Of course! Who do you think I am!"

Hearing the inquiry on the 18th, Xiao Longjuan couldn't help but say something arrogantly, and just at the moment when her voice just fell, a huge meteorite bursting with red light descended from the sky! ..

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