My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 46: Powerful Five Emperor Beasts


Seeing the falling of the tornado and No. 18, the Five Emperor Beasts couldn't help but look up to the sky.

Since the beginning of the war not long ago, the predecessors of the Five Emperor Beasts, the kings from the five weirdo races are actually at a disadvantage, being suppressed by the two human women in front of us. This situation is for the five weird kings who claim to be the masters. , Simply unbearable.

And in the inexplicable fusion as a whole roar, such a mood is also rooted in the hearts of the Five Emperors Beasts along with the fusion!

But now seeing the two women finally being blasted into the earth by themselves, the depressed state of mind in the hearts of the Five Emperor Beasts vanished in vain. With such changes, the five forces in the monster's body merged more perfectly.


A moment later, more terrifying coercion spread from the Five Emperor Beasts, stirring the surrounding air and blowing the dust over the ruins.

"Hahaha !!!"

Feeling the changes in his body, the five heads of the Five Emperor Beasts laughed and said at the same time, "This is my power, what a fascinating power!"



At this moment, two unwilling voices rang around at the same time.

I saw that Tornado and No. 18 did not know when they had come out of the big pit on the ground. Among them, the tornado flew high into the sky, gathering the power of the entire atmosphere.

On the 18th, he stood directly in front of the Five Emperor Beasts, his knees bent slightly, his hands closed.

The golden wave of energy diffused from the palm of the 18th, gathered and compressed!

The dark blue electric current kept flashing on the blonde girl.

"Qigong Cannon-Launch!"

In less than a few breaths, the attack on the 18th was ready to be completed. At the next moment, a shock wave flashing with a little current flashed out of the girl's hands.

At the same time, the tornado in the sky also released its own attack.

The sky of thousands of miles was completely stirred, and the unimaginable air flow converged into a giant sword, which was bombarded with the endless atmospheric pressure.


The attacks of the two girls all hit the five emperor beasts.

Earth-shattering explosions continued to appear. The entire battlefield seemed to have launched a 12-degree hurricane and spread out. Even half of the city A was even lifted by the hurricane.

Even the cube-black buildings that could not stand in the fall of the meteorite were completely crooked.

In the hurricane, the blue electric light flashes from time to time, and the lethality is extraordinary!



In the center of the horrible explosion, the five emperor beasts with a large number of wounds all over the body screamed in the sky.

Along with the monster's long roar, horrible life energy emerged from the monster's body to repair the wounds on the body, but just after the repair was completed, the monster was again seriously injured by the hurricane and current.

Then it is repaired, hit hard, and repaired again

Soon, the five emperor beasts under such a cycle have undergone amazing changes, and the whole body is covered with tough scale armor.

If the previous Five Emperor Beasts were like a patchwork monster, then now he is a complete creature, standing in the center of the storm without any damage!

"Hahaha, I didn't expect your attack to help me go one step further!"

Feeling the changes in his body, the Five Emperors beast laughed at the explosion center, and then the five heads opened their respective heads, releasing five different energy waves.

Under the impact of these five energies, the violent hurricane was directly dissipated by "tearing".

"To repay you"

After the hurricane was defeated, the ten eyes of the Five Emperor Beasts looked at Xiaolongjuan and No. 18, "Let this king send you a gorgeous funeral, first of all, the highest output, three hundred times the gravity field !!"

As the voice just fell, the head of the underworld king's head and eyes on the Five Emperor Beasts burst into a strange red mans.

In an instant, a thousand kilometers of space suddenly stagnate, and gravity has increased more than three hundred times.

Both No. 18 and Xiao Longjuan were groaning, and their bodies were stiff.

Fortunately on the 18th, after all, the blond girl is a robot that can destroy the world, even if it is in a sealed state, but the load capacity is still good, but his feet are caught in the ground, but it is a small tornado, almost fell directly from the sky.

If the superpowers of the tornado were exceptionally powerful and could offset a large portion of gravity, the girl might die directly on the spot.

But even if he didn't die because of it, a small scarlet appeared in the corner of Xiaolongjuan's mouth.

"It can still be suspended in the air, let me pull you down!"

At this moment, the eyes of the Five Emperor Beasts looked at the little tornado still suspended in mid-air, and a malicious smile appeared on the head of the sky king. At the next moment, a substantial tornado suddenly lifted in the sky. The little tornado bombarded the ground.

Probably deliberately, the place where the little tornado fell was just beside No. 18.

"Next, send you two to destroy together!"

After blasting the small tornado, the heads of the Five Emperors Beasts of the Deep Sea King, the Underworld King, and the ancient king protruded, opening up a grim mouth, and three energy waves with different attributes were lased from the mouth.


Facing the attack of the Five Emperor Beasts, No. 18's face flashed unpleasantly.

The blonde girl has to admit that if you don't untie yourself, the monster in front of you is indeed stronger than yourself.


"Even so, the old lady will not admit defeat!"

The thought flashed in my mind. The girl used her own will to run the third permanent mechanism in the body to the extreme. A steady flow of energy emerged from the girl and condensed into a huge guardian barrier.

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!!"

The three energy impacts of the Five Emperor Beasts bombarded the guardian barriers and stalemate.

Seeing such a situation, the head of the five emperor beasts belonging to the sky king flashed a malicious smile, opened his mouth, released a fourth shock wave, and instantly bombarded on the barrier, blasting it out of an obvious crack.

Seeing that the guardian barrier on the 18th was about to break, the injured tornado flew out of the hole in the ground.

"Do n’t underestimate me, **** !!"

Along with the determination of the proud girl, Nian Mo was blessed on the guard's barrier, stopping the expansion of the cracks on it. However, at this moment, the head of the Emperor Beast belonging to the underground king opened his mouth silently. ..

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