My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 47: Bombing and Mafia!

At the next moment, the dark energy wave burst out of the Five Emperor Beasts.

With the addition of new forces, the attack of the Five Emperor Beasts became more magnificent. In an instant, the guardian barriers supported by No. 18 and the Xiaolongjuan irreparably fell into collapse.

The face of No. 18 and Xiao Longjuan changed at the same time, and the artificial girl even subconsciously wanted to release the shackles.

Only at this moment, the figure of Nagato appeared in front of the two women in vain.

The slightly thin back gave the two girls an indescribable sense of security, and the indifferentness that came out of their hearts seemed to be showing the strength that the teenager could hardly describe.

"It seems that I still need my own shot!"

Looking at the terrifying shock wave, the red-haired boy immediately heard a burst of ‘suddenly’ sound, which originated from the sound of the engine called the emperor engine.

As the engine started, Nagato clearly felt the power of the long and brutal water in his body.

In an instant, power emerged from the young man's body and converged on his right arm.

Raise your hand, make a fist, and throw a blow!


A sudden burst of sound echoed over the entire city of A. Under the fist of the long gate, the shock waves emitted by the Five Emperor Beasts were destroyed along with the abnormal gravity around them.

A hurricane-like aftermath reverberated, blowing back the five emperor beasts for several steps.

"How can this be!"

Stopping the retrogressive trend, the Five Emperor Beasts appeared terrified, and Wu Zhong's voice was full of unbelievable, "I don't believe, how could my attack be so simple to destroy!"

"What a mean method did you guys do !!"

"Did your brain get water?"

Hearing the thunderous sound of the Five Emperor Beasts, a shock flashed across the face of Nagato, "Not to mention that from our stand, any means is allowed."

"Furthermore, when did even weirdos pay attention to being fair and upright?"

With that said, the red-haired boy raised his footsteps and walked step by step in the direction of the Five Emperors Beast, the speed was not slow, and his face was even more indifferent.

But facing the red-haired boy who wandered, Wudi Beast felt a heart palpitations.

The predecessor of the Five Emperor Beasts is an individual creature standing on top of the five weirdo races. These creatures have all-round abilities that exceed the ordinary weirdos. The Five Emperor Beasts inheriting these abilities are naturally blue.

Under such circumstances, the Five Emperor Beasts have the consciousness of extraordinary creatures.

And now, intuition is sounding an alarm!

Subconsciously, the Five Emperor Beasts took a step back, but this step was taken, and the Five Emperor Beasts instantly returned to the gods, and the strongest supreme silver was endlessly angry.

The flames of anger filled the hearts of the Five Emperor Beasts in an instant, making him suppress the intuitive alarm!

"Damn, how can I be afraid, I am the master of the future of the planet!"

The thought flashed through his head. The Five Emperor Beasts spread their wings and danced. In the hurricane-like shock wave, the monster's huge body slowly floated up. "Damn man, you completely angered the master of the future world!"

The thunderous roar permeated from the Five Emperor Beasts. I saw a huge monster flying hundreds of meters above the sky, and the five grim heads lifted up at the same time, making an angry roar.

"I will bury you and this city together in the dark **** !!"

Between the echoing roars, huge energy diffused from the monster, emerged from the five fierce mouths, gathered above the Five Emperor Beasts, and condensed into a huge energy ball with a diameter of at least 100 meters.

The power of terror spreads, just watching, everyone can understand the terror of the energy ball!

Immediately, no matter what method was adopted, all human beings who saw this scene were almost identical, and some emotions called despair emerged from the depths of their hearts.

Seemingly can sense human emotions, the Five Emperor Beasts could not help laughing.

"Haha, that's it. Let's die in despair, humans !!"

As soon as the words fell, the Five Emperor Beasts were not nonsense. They directly threw a huge energy ball downwards. The attack had not yet been resisted, and the scattered energy raised the temperature of the air a lot.

Facing such an attack, a little interest finally appeared in Nagato's indifferent face.

"Very good, it's worth taking a little more seriously!"

With such words, the engine in the red-haired boy's body ran to the extreme in an instant, the blood-burning heat radiated out, and the violent sound still seemed extremely clear in the chaotic environment.

The strength in the body was instantly gathered on his fist, and Nagato waved a victory punch towards the sky!

"Must kill! Infernal Warriors burst into hot wave punches !!"

In an instant, the scorching wave burst out of the teenager's fist, and while puncturing the energy ball, the ridiculous Five Emperor Beast was completely engulfed in a blink of an eye

At this moment, the red-haired teenager who punched in the sky seemed to be the only one in this world.

Countless humans who watched this scene couldn't help but sigh with emotion in their hearts-worthy of being king, worthy of being the strongest among human beings, the strongest being on earth!

Even the arrogant little tornado, at this time, can not help but feel a moment of confusion.

But no one saw that the young man punching his fist was distracted.

What does he seem to be observing when the focal length is loose?


At the same time, such a sentence sounded in the darkness of nowhere, and then the golden glow of humanoid creatures wandered out of the darkness.

"The Five Emperor Beasts are really waste, obviously wasting a lot of my strength!"

Talking to himself in this way, the golden human figure seemed a little puzzled. "However, after testing out the anomaly, his death is worth something. Is it actually from the Seventh Laboratory?

"Although there are some surprises, the strength is average, not to worry about!"

"In other words, the progress of the water host is much faster than imagined, this is also good!"

"I can't wait to return"

In this way, the golden human figure is no longer in words, the entire human figure slowly dissipates, turns into countless golden particles, and suddenly disappears into this endless darkness

Darkness, once again restoring silence, burying everything deeply! ..

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