My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 49: Half a year and resonance

The hometown's fierce transformation was smooth.

In less than three days, the hometown that had been sleeping for more than a month was reborn.

The newly born locust people are no different from humans in appearance, but their internals are completely different, and the biological characteristics of locusts are all added to their hometowns.

The hometown, which was originally just ordinary people, suddenly jumped to the level of at least the top of the b-level hero.

All of its perceptions have exceeded the number of ordinary people, even dozens of times, and can even receive all the radio waves within a four-kilometer radius, and the subtle movement of any object within 100 meters can be detected.

In addition, Hongo's fierce wrist strength and kick strength have shown an exponential trend.

After learning about the changes in his body, Meng Hong immediately left tears of excitement. To know that in the past few years, in order to become a hero, he constantly tempered himself.

As a result, I did not know whether it was lack of understanding or other reasons, and the harvest was really pitiful.

Although this kind of situation cannot prevent Hongo from becoming a hero's ideal, if he has such a powerful force, the role after becoming a hero will be even greater.

Thinking of this, Hongo Menglian continued to thank Nagato and No.18.

The innocent youth does not know that he was almost completely destroyed by the so-called benefactor in his eyes. The so-called ignorance is a blessing. This is the case.

Enran accepted the hometown's fierce thanks, and the long door blasted the worthless guy out.

Of course, Nagato's statement is-young man, go ahead and execute justice!

The real reason is that the red-haired teenager was tired of experimentation and research. After the bombing of his hometown, Nagato handed over the underground base to No. 18 as the foundation of its formation power, and then returned to daily life.

In the days that followed, Nagato watched the war in the distant universe every day, or caught a flashy moon on the 18th, and then immersed himself in the Akathia record.

The laid-back days have lasted for half a year, during which Nagato also heard news of his hometown.

It is said that after gaining strength, the guy quickly passed the test of the Heroes Association and became a professional hero. He toured the city streets on a bicycle all day long.

The hard work and strong strength made the guy's level quickly increase to a level.

In this regard, Nagato just listened, and didn't care too much.

Still immersed in leisurely days.

However, no matter how leisurely days there are times to be broken.

It was a sunny day.

After observing the war situation in other universes, Nagato prepared to immerse himself in the Akashia record. As a result, the emperor engine in the teenager produced a slight fluctuation.

Faced with this situation, the red-haired teenager could not help frowning, showing a trace of surprise.

As a pseudo Daoist ancestor, even in a state of self-degradation, Nagato's control of himself is still at an extreme level, and he can naturally grasp the trace of fluctuations.

It was a kind of resonance, derived from the resonance of four auras all over the earth.

Speaking of the hosts of these four types of auras, although Nagato did not personally search for it, he ordered No. 18 to check it out, but the result was not ideal.

Except for the long door of the water aura host, it can only be vaguely determined that the blast is the host of the fire aura.

As the first of the s-class heroes, although the identity of the blast is a mystery, but because it appears long enough, the 18th can still collect enough information.

Just like his name, the battle of blasting is to blast the entire battlefield directly.

The intensity of the blasting has far exceeded the damage that the world's s-level heroes can cause. Saying that the opponent is not the host of the aura of fire is indeed difficult to convince.

As for the remaining host of the two auras of the land and the wind, No. 18 has nothing to gain.

Especially the host of earth aura!

Through the connection in the dark, Nagato knew very well that the host of Earth Aura has been developing the Aura from Dacheng to perfection in the past six months.

It is even more powerful than the blast with the most aura time.

But such a strong man has little news.

It's really hard to care!

In contrast, the host of the aura of wind is probably the worst. Just as the wind is invisible, Nagato can perceive that its host's heart is like a wind and is swaying.

And the resonance just now was that the wind aura finally appeared for the first time with a firm tendency.

The inspiration of the aura of light requires only a firm will and the act of putting your will to the end. In other words, the aura of the aura of wind has already taken its first step.

Once the aura of wind has been stimulated to the extreme, it is time for the grand ritual to spread all over the earth.


"It seems that there is something wrong with the host of the aura of wind!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Nagato frowned slightly. Although he did not know the specific situation, Nagato could vaguely perceive that the host seemed to be taking the wrong path.

"That won't work!"

With that said, Nagato put the books he just took off from the shelf, "The incorrect path will make that guy go to destruction."

"I don't have time to wait for the next host of wind aura!"

As soon as the words fell, the red-haired boy took a purple windbreaker directly from the hanger and put it on his body. He sorted out his clothes without any hesitation and walked out of the villa alone.

Standing in the open space at the door for a while, the long door felt the location of the wind host.

That is because the resonance just now has not completely dissipated, otherwise, even Nagato would be difficult to directly 'capture' the presence of the other party by sensing.

"So, let's go!"

A smile appeared at the corner of the mouth, and the red-haired boy walked in the sensed direction. Obviously, he simply walked, and each step of the long door spanned hundreds of meters of space.

The earth seemed to shrink at the feet of the teenager, and it was a legendary shrinkage.

In the state of nine-fold deterioration, Nagato cannot use the laws of space directly. In such a situation, some of the techniques that the red-haired boy learned a long time ago have a place to use.

With the help of the shrinkage method, Nagato soon came to a beautiful hill on the edge of the city of z.

A two-meter-wide bluestone step runs from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. At the end of the step is an ancient-looking gymnasium building. The host of the wind and spirit is inside the gym. ..

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