My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 50: The Hungry Wolf and the Nagato

Flowing Crushed Rock Fist!

This is a famous gymnasium in the mountains on the edge of the city of z.

The pavilion has a long history of inheritance, and its teaching of boxing has withstood the test of years. The owner of the pavilion is the silver fang, the third s-class hero in the League of Legends, Mr. Bangu.

Under the superposition of these factors, the operation of the entire gymnasium has shown a prosperous trend.

This generation of disciples has reached a triple-digit level.

Every day, the disciples in the gymnasium are enthusiastically practicing the practice of flowing rock crushing fist, and the degree of enthusiasm for their practice can be clearly felt even when standing outside the gymnasium.

Only on this day, the daily practice of the gymnasium came to a halt, and it became a chaotic war.

The chief disciple of the current generation of crushed rock fist, the hungry wolf, publicly provoked all the disciples of the gym, and forcibly pulled everyone into the chaotic battlefield.

"You only have this degree!"

In the chaotic battlefield, the slightly thin hungry wolf flexibly evaded the attacks of other disciples, "Can't you bring me more surprises !!"

In this way, the hungry wolf poses an attacking stance of running water and crushing rocks.

At the next moment, I saw that the whole hungry wolf became more flexible, his hands were as soft as flowing water, and in a cloud-like and flowing manner, he knocked down the disciples around him.

"It's too weak, so weak that I can't look down!"

An inexplicable anger flashed on his face, and the hungry wolf instantly turned from the running water to the rapids, and the whole person almost turned into a residual image, and attacked the other disciples who were still standing.

Soon, the sounds of wailing and collisions in the gymnasium followed one another, and kept ringing.

Almost ten minutes later, when the hungry wolf came back, the entire gymnasium no longer had the second standing presence, and he suppressed the entire gymnasium with his own strength.

The consequence of this is nothing more than a few fist attacks on the hungry wolf.

"Training for so long, it seems that I have really become stronger!"

He whispered such words softly in his mouth. The hungry wolf had some inexplicable feelings. He was bullied by his classmates from an early age, and he was looking forward to the weird.

Only after feeling the beauty of power, the hungry wolf didn't know what to do next.

At this moment, a slight footstep sounded around him, attracting his attention.

Then the hungry wolf saw sometime, a red-haired boy in a purple trench coat appeared at the gate of the gym, looking at him indifferently.

Obviously there are no glorious eyes, but there is a magic that penetrates the human heart.

"Look what!"

Faced with this look, the hungry wolf suddenly felt very uncomfortable and subconsciously said, "No matter who you are, this gym is not available today!"

Hearing the vicious words of the hungry wolf, Nagato's face remained indifferent.

Even if the only young man standing in front of him is the host of the aura of wind that he is looking for, the heart of the red-haired boy is still alive, without too many thoughts.

When he was still at the foot of the mountain, the red-haired boy noticed the ongoing battle in the gym.

When he walked to the top of the mountain and saw the sign at the gate of the gym, he discovered that it was a gym with flowing rocks and fists. After all, there were some conversations, and Nagato knew some information about silver fangs.

The only thing that surprised Nagato a little was that the host of the wind aura was actually a disciple of silver fangs. It ’s just a little surprise, it ’s not worth paying attention to.

"You should not be exercising now!"

Ignoring the words of the hungry wolf automatically, pondering for a moment, the long door said indifferently, "What is the situation now, is the infighting of the running water and rock fist gymnasium?"

"What's your business, can't you understand what I said !!!"

Unable to frown, the hungry wolf's mood suddenly became worse, the sinister breath spread from the thin young man, his eyes suddenly sharpened.

"A little meaning!"

Seeing the changes in the hungry wolf, a smile flashed across Nagato's face, "Should I say that Mr. Banggu is a good apprentice, say, your name!"

"Laozi is a hungry wolf, remember it for me !!"

When I heard Nagato's seemingly indifferent, but in fact a high tone, just defeated all the younger brothers, how can the hungry wolf who is proud and contented can bear it.

Immediately after the hungry wolf reported his name, the whole person rushed up as a residual image.

He was ready to use his own strength to teach this young man.



A sudden collision sounded in the gymnasium, and the hungry wolf came out at a faster speed and hit the ground of the gymnasium heavily.

"The speed and strength are not bad."

Keeping his right hand raised and flexing his fingers, Nagato said indifferently, "But if you only have this strength, don't shoot me without permission!"


Slowly crawling out of the ground, the hungry wolf snorted coldly, rubbed his blushing forehead with his hand, his head was hit by the opponent, making the young man dizzy.

But soon, he adapted to the dizziness, and his sharp eyes stared closely at the red-haired boy in front of him.

"Who the **** are you !!"

After being silent for a while, the hungry wolf asked cautiously. After a short confrontation just now, or being beaten unilaterally, the hungry wolf already knew the strength of the other party.

Obviously it looks full of holes, but it gives a suffocating feeling.

Facing the cautiousness of the hungry wolf, or cowardice, the Nagato seemed a little distracted.

"The unawakened host is so weak, both body and soul!"

Thinking so, the light flashed in the head of the long door. Instead of answering the hungry wolf question for the first time, he withdrew his right hand and took a step forward.

In the perception of the hungry wolf, as the other party took a step, the surrounding world twisted instantly.

The invisible power gathered from all directions, holding the youth in place.

"Remember, my name is king!"

Indifferently speaking, Nagato blessed his fist with the wonderful power that he realized from the accidental realization of Akashia's records these days.

At the next moment, the teenager's fist burst out, as if the actual punching force burst, hitting the hungry wolf.

Immediately, the hungry wolf softened, and his consciousness instantly fell into darkness ..

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