My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 56: End and prologue

City a, the headquarters of the Heroes Association.

After the elders wiped out the elder centipede, the whole association immediately burst into cheers. You know, elder centipede is one of the weird people the association wants to destroy.

In the past years, elder centipedes have appeared a lot.

Every time the other party appears, it will cause a lot of casualties and destruction. What makes the association feel tricky is that as time passes, the elder centipede is growing at an alarming rate.

It was originally the lowest ghost-level disaster, but now it is a dragon-level disaster.

The Association will not fail to pay attention to this fast-growing disaster. It has organized several encirclement and suppression activities. It is just that the elders of the centipede are powerful.

"It's a king!"

The president of the League of Legends, Sici, once again couldn't help feeling such emotions, "It's so reliable. It's really great that human beings have such heroes!"

When Sic's words fell, other staff around him couldn't help but agree.

It was just that when the association cheered and thrilled, a violent earthquake suddenly burst out, unable to take precautions, the staff in the entire headquarters of the association suddenly turned upside down, a mess.

"How is this going?!"

Also falling to the ground, Sic's face flashed with caution.

If it was an ordinary earthquake, it would not frighten the director of the well-known hero association, but I did n’t know if it was an illusion. Sic always had an ominous hunch.

And while Sich was solemn, the screen not far from him suddenly showed a capable young man.

Seeing the figure of the youth, the slightly confused scene immediately subsided.

This is not the status and honor of the young man in front of him, but because the young man in front of him is a follower sent by the association to the prophet Xixi Bengwa.

His appearance usually means that the prophet issued a new prophecy.

"Director, not good!"

After appearing, the young man looked at Sici in a panic, "Xi Baba made a new prediction just now, and the frequency of weirdos will double in the future."

"A lot of weird people who were sleeping are likely to be awakened !!"

"Nani !!!"

The city of z at this time is in chaos.

Just now, the abrupt roar sounded through the city, and the earth oscillated several times in an instant. The amplitude of the simple shock was not large and did not cause much damage.

However, under the influence of this turmoil, people were panicked and the city was in chaos.

And on the battlefield in the wilderness area on the edge of the city.

Although the smoke of the battlefield had subsided, the entire battlefield was completely destroyed.

Words such as ruins and debris can no longer describe the ruin of the battlefield. There are potholes and spider web-like cracks everywhere. The battlefield has sunk more than ten meters.

Located in the center of the battlefield, Nagato and Blast still maintain a gesture of fist.

The fists of the two seem to be colliding together, but in fact they are separated by a line.

The so-called first-line difference is close to the horizon!

The two's attacks were not really intertwined—in other words, the entire battlefield was ruined, and the earthquake that affected the nearby city was just the aftermath of their power.

Glancing at each other, Nagato and Blast agreed with their fists.

"It's a pity not to enjoy!"

Looking at the long door, a burst of regret flashed on the blasted face, and then shook his head. "But this is also impossible. If it is really right, the damage will be serious."

"Forget it, that's it today, goodbye, king!"

"Boring in the future, I will come to you again!"

With that said, the blast did not stay, and left the broken battlefield in full swing, leaving only the red-haired boy standing alone in the middle of the broken battlefield.

For the blasting away, Nagato did not stop, but glanced meaningfully at his back.

"I hope you can maintain this mentality next time you meet, blast!"

The thought flashed through his head, and the smile on Nagato's face seemed a little hazy.

With instinctive instincts, the red-haired boy knew that the next time he met with the blast, it would not be such a peaceful discussion, but a real fight.

Because the ritual shrouded on the earth has gradually approached!

Thinking of the ceremony, Nagato remembered the traces he had just captured from the underworld.

It may be that Nagato and Blasting Aura are in a state of full-scale technique and are fighting each other-this situation is partially similar to the ritual that enveloped the planet.

As a result, the ceremonies shrouded on the planet appeared to work a little bit, causing the spirituality on the earth to become stronger.

"The spirituality becomes stronger, which means that the frequency of weirdos in this world will increase again!"

"In other words, part of the loosening will increase the number of weirdos. Then, when the ceremony started, wouldn't it be that the whole world was weirdos and so on, I understand, it's really not a small handwriting."

"In this case, it is even more necessary to capture this achievement!"

"But before this"

Thinking about it, Nagato took out his mobile phone and dialed the number 18.

"Master, what is your command!"

The mobile phone was connected in a short while, and on the 18th a somewhat indifferent voice came from the mobile phone.

"No. 18, that ritual appeared, and soon, the power of the weirdo will increase in the future. Just in case, let the power you cultivate penetrate the League of Heroes."

Speaking of which, a faint smile flashed across Nagato's face, and said softly, "Now that the forces have been established, then they must make good use of it, and since the weirdo becomes stronger, then the association must also become stronger."

"I don't want the association to be too weak, so I came to me every day to deal with some boring things."

"As you wish, master!"

The answer on the 18th was as concise and simple as before.

"Well, that's it!"

Ending with this sentence, Nagato shut the phone directly and put it away.

With his hands behind his back, the red-haired boy stepped out and walked out of this ruined battlefield. He paused for a moment at the edge of the battlefield and looked up to the sky:

"Oh, I didn't expect that I actually kicked off the rampage of this era!"

He smiled and shook his head, the long door stepped out, and his figure disappeared in place.

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