My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 57: Era runaway

Years go by, blinking is half a year

In the past six months, the entire world has undergone tremendous changes.

Starting with the battle between the Nagato and the blast that triggered the operation of the Great Mystery that enveloped the planet, the entire earth has entered an era of rampage at an unprecedented speed.

The frequency of weirdoes is increasing at a rate that is noticeable to the naked eye.

Today is a change of race enslaved by human beings. Tomorrow is the scourge of the birth of environmental pollution. The day after tomorrow, it may be that human science and technology created spiritual wisdom.

The increase in spirituality in the void has created more and more strange disasters.

The most terrifying thing is that the race of humanity itself has also been affected.

More and more human grotesques appear, which greatly affects the stability of human society, and at the same time attracts an organization called Evolution House to the table.

The House of Evolution is an organization created by a man named Kenos.

This is a talented scientist who is over seventy years old, but rejuvenated through his own technology and has many clones and clones. He is good at biological transformation.

It is said that the 8th-ranked zombie male of the s-class hero is the undead experimental body who escaped from the evolution house.

Ginos was tired of backward and ignorant humans and longed for human evolution, so he transplanted the power of weirdos into humans and created a large number of human weirdos.

Probably because what he did fits the theme of the times, Kenos' experiment has made amazing progress, so that he finally no longer lurks, walked to the table, and announced that he would let humans evolve.

After declaring his purpose, Dr. Kenos decisively began to act.

City Y was directly occupied by the evolution house and became a PhD experiment.

Not only the house of evolution, many hidden evil forces in human society also took advantage of the stage of the era, such as mechanical organizations, evil organizations repair cards and so on.

There are strange people threatening outside, ambitions raging inside, and human society is instantly caught in a precarious situation.

Faced with this dangerous situation, the Heroes Association resolutely stood up.

Especially after the 18th put his power into the hero association in the name of king, the strength of the entire association has increased by more than one level.

A large number of ordinary people with a sense of justice have become amazing warriors through amazing technology.

In such a situation, the chaotic situation finally got some control.


"It just won't work!"

In the conference room of the headquarters of the League of Legends, the hair-white Sic supported his desktop with his hands, and the strong and fierce momentum pervaded from the weak and weak chairman.

"From the era of the rampant half a year ago, we have lost four cities."

"A large number of compatriots have lost their lives. Not to mention, now countless more compatriots are in dire straits. As heroes, how can we ignore them."

"Someone at the top told me to look at the big picture and not bring my emotions to work!"

"But it won't work !!!"

Speaking of which, Siqi's face appeared with a fierce look, "A hero who can't even reach out to his fellow citizens in need of help is a hero !!"

"Therefore, I am here to announce that the League of Legends is fully ready for battle!"

"Please heroes at any time!" In a few words, Sic looked at a dozen or so unreal windows floating in the surrounding void, and each window showed a figure of an s-class hero.

Although there are transformation potions created by Nagato, the number of s-level heroes has not increased.

After all, the s-class heroes really exist beyond the common sense, even in this era of spiritual enhancement, most s-class heroes relying on the flesh are more powerful.

"Headquarters will coordinate the overall situation and allocate the battles, and then it will come!"


On the warm balcony, the long door closed the virtual window in front of him and smiled slightly.

In any force, unless there is an absolute existence that says the long door, it is inevitable that there will be some tendencies to compromise to maintain their own interests.

This is the case with the current Hero Association, and many senior executives feel that they can maintain the status quo.

But Sich forced the war with his own will.

"It's pretty brave!"

He secretly sighed for the director, and the red-haired teenager left it behind. The feelings were all over, but Nagato was not interested in Siki.

There is no reason for him, Sich is neither a strong man, nor a beauty.

Just a warm-hearted middle-aged man, why bother!

Cut off the chaotic thoughts, the will of the red-haired boy immediately communicated with the chaotic starry sky, and was connected to the soul of Shaye, and began to observe the battlefield every day.

After more than a year, the war went to an extremely tragic stage.

Countless stars turned into powder in war, and the laws of the universe were damaged. The sixth and seventh universes can be said to be smashed.

The original Aboriginal forces have been almost dispelled.

The Saiyan people, even the God of Destruction, even the Golden Clan, couldn't afford much waves in front of the two behemoths Bai Yujing and Lord God.

The fierce fighting between Bai Yujing's nine major legions and the main **** legion even began to spread to the fifth and eighth universes.

And other universes, although not the main battlefield of Bai Yujing and the main god, but there are also many spy wars. According to Saya's speculation, the tentacles of the main **** will soon affect the twelfth universe.

"It seems that time is running out!"

Such thoughts flashed through his head, and Nagato was disconnected from Saya. "The hungry wolf has also become a professional hero, and the aura has aroused a great degree. This war is just as his accelerator."

"As for the last host of the Aura of Earth, Saitama"

When I thought about the bald head I found a few months ago, according to the information on the 18th, the long door could not help but twitch in the corner of his mouth, and finally shook his head helplessly.

As Nagato found from the future memory of the hungry wolf, Saitama is really strong, stronger than everyone.

It's just that the other person's head is really not very smart-there is always a kind of whether the other party is overworked in the long door, and the brain is also trained into muscles.

Obviously the hero association has been established for so long, he didn't even know the existence of the association.

In addition to this, Saitama is also quite dull in all aspects.

After secretly observing for a while, Nagato lost interest in meeting each other, but Nagato was still amazed by Saitama's strength.

If it is a blast, Nagato does not need to lift the seal, but Saitama will not.

"Forget it, leave him alone!"

He whispered to himself, and suddenly the long door saw a black car slowly moving towards the villa where he was. ..

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