My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 58: Arrival of snowstorm

The black bridge car slowly parked in front of the long door villa.

Walking down from the car were young men and women in black suits. After they appeared, they stood tacitly and orderly around the car.

Then a young lady dressed in a blue-black dress and a fluffy jacket walked out of the car slowly.

The elder sister is not anyone else, it is the snow blowing of hell, and the young men and women around are the members of the snow blowing group that she has worked hard inside the hero association.


After getting off the car, the surface of Hell Blowing Snow was tentative, but he breathed out a murmur quietly.

Looking at the pure white villa in front of him, a blow of helplessness flashed on Blowing Snow's face. If you could choose, Blowing Snow from Hell didn't really want to come here.

Since meeting the owner of the villa in front of him half a year ago, Blowing Snow's life has been messed up.

At first, Blowing Snow didn't know that the guy who took advantage of himself was the strongest king of the League of Legends. After recovering, he stupidly found him through his own intelligence network.

Then there were some twists and turns. Blowing snow not only did not avenge his wish, but almost lost himself.

Thinking of this, Blowing Snow's face could not help flashing a blush.


At this moment, the door of the villa slowly opened, and a white coat on the 18th walked out, the white thighs were exposed, and it was very beautiful.

"Welcome the members of the Blowing Snow Group!"

Less than a few meters before everyone in the Blowing Snow Group stopped, No. 18 looked at Blowing Snow, "Your customized modified medicines are ready for injection."

Hearing the number 18, the members of Blowing Snow's group moved and showed a longing.

After infiltrating into the Heroes Association on the 18th, it launched a medicine that could transform the level of life-it can transform the genes of other organisms into human nutrients to achieve the sublimation of the life level of human beings.

But there is a problem here, that is, there are too many biological genes that can become medicines.

And not everyone can fuse the genes of the same organism.

Generally speaking, this modified agent needs to go through a series of personal customization.

Therefore, after careful consideration on the 18th, a generic version of the medicament was launched. This medicament can be used by everyone without side effects, but the effect will deteriorate.

But as a hero in the association, if you want to transform yourself, you will naturally not choose the universal version.

It's just that the privately-tailored potions require heroes to pay enough performance to proceed.

Just like the snow blowing team at the moment, after half a year of hard work, they finally gathered enough capital to customize the exclusive pharmacy for everyone.

In front of the transformation of the pharmacy, the members of the Blowing Snow Group were a little excited.

Immediately, everyone's eyes were quietly looking at their leader, feeling everyone's eyes, blowing snow looked no change, but his heart was a little complicated.

"Thank you, Miss 18!"

After being silent for a while, Blowing Snow looked at No. 18 and barely said indifferently, "Then please lead the way ahead and start injections now."

"no problem!"

After listening to Blowing Snow, No. 18 nodded indifferently, "But Ms. Blowing Snow, because your situation is more special, because the medicine belongs to you is at the owner, you need to get it yourself."

"The host is on the balcony on the top floor of the villa. I think you should remember the way!"

Speaking of which, the blonde girl's face showed an unintentional smile, and when she saw the other person's smile, blowing snow knew that the woman in front of her was definitely cheating.

What's special is that the man definitely wants to deceive himself to see him!

Thinking like this, what Blowing Snow was supposed to say, but somehow, she remained silent. Seeing this scene, No. 18 chuckled and looked at the other Blowing Snow group:

"Okay, everyone, please follow me!"

As soon as the voice fell, it was no nonsense on the 18th, just turned around and left.

Seeing the departure of No. 18, the members of the Blowing Snow Group looked at Blowing Snow one after another. Faced with this situation, Hell Blowing Snow nodded blankly.

Afterwards, everyone quickly followed the 18th, and soon there was only one person blowing snow.

After standing on the spot alone for a while, Blowing Snow took his steps.

When I walked into the villa, I felt a heartfelt comfort immediately after blowing the snow. The whole villa is somehow in a wonderful atmosphere, soft and refreshing.

This feeling is the first time blowing snow, but she sensed that person's will from it.

"Will he be a human being to change the environment with his will?"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and a blush appeared on Fu Xue's face.

Nothing else, just because the environment in front of her is too keen to perceive her superpowers, it is like she is in the arms of that man.

In his life, Blowing Snow once likes that he doesn't have such a powerful superpower.

But soon, **** blowing snow suppressed her thoughts and started to walk up the stairs of the villa. After a few roundabouts, she came to the top floor of the villa.

Before stepping onto the balcony, Blowing Snow saw a red-haired teenager who was sitting on the couch and reading a book.

The tranquil atmosphere slowly flows out from the teenager, just like the wonderful atmosphere that permeates the villa, rendering the surrounding space, everything, and even time.

The appearance of blowing snow, just like the stones falling into the calm lake, broke the tranquil atmosphere and caused ripples.

"You are here, blowing snow!"

Slightly tilting his head, the red-haired boy looked at Blowing Snow leisurely, and his purple eyes were still as deep as it seemed, containing endless knowledge, which made people unable to resist indulgence.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you a little bit, come here."

Hearing the words of the red-haired boy, Blowing Snow subconsciously turned red, but soon, the sister in black immediately raised her face and said seriously:

"Mr. King, please don't say something weird. I'm not familiar with you, I just came to get the potion."

It was said like this, but the feet of Hell Blowing Snow unconsciously took steps-this slightly arrogant gesture made the smile on the face of the red-haired boy even worse.

ps: Broadband disconnection, wooh ..

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