My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 60: Strong repression

Saya is a little angry

If it was more than ten years ago, facing the many demands of the Golden Clan, Saya may not be angry, but negotiated with them calmly.

After all, the Golden Race is also a powerful race with the ability to create the world.

In the years when hundreds of millions of dragon ball planes were in charge, the heritage of the Golden Clan was not to be underestimated. To subdue them would definitely promote the development of Bai Yujing.

But times have changed, and as Saya became an instrument of the other side of the door, everything is different.

If the chaotic realm occupied by the gate on the other shore is regarded as a world, although Saya, who is the spirit of the gate on the other shore, cannot directly become the master of the world, it can be regarded as directly connected to the roots of the world.

Under such circumstances, Saya can instantly gain insight into the vast majority of knowledge in this chaotic realm.

With this knowledge, Bai Yujing's background is not lacking.

In this way, the heritage of the golden family is only icing on the cake for Bai Yujing.

What Bai Yujing lacks now is only a way to transform the heritage into real power-to set off this war that spreads to the chaotic realm is to transform this heritage.

Therefore, now Saya will definitely not be able to accommodate these golden families who still want to pinch.


With this will, Saya's coercion increased.

All members of the Golden Clan seem to be carrying a weight with an astonishing weight, or are stuck in the endless silt, unable to move.

Saya's coercion is overwhelming, and there is a vaguely long posture.

In other words, she is imitating the domineering of Nagato!

Faced with such a move by Saya, everyone in the Golden Clan was surprised and dull for a while. All the Golden Clan people, including Weiss and Bardots, did not expect the girl to be so radical.

But after a brief lag, all the golden people's hearts rose in anger.

As a race that has been wandering through chaos for a long time, the Golden Clan's vision is very broad. It is because of this that they can understand the main **** space and the power of Bai Yujing.

But Gui Gui knew that after so many years of turbulence and rain in the Dragon Ball plane, they had already gotten used to it.

Even if he is ready to submit to Bai Yujing, the golden people want to keep their rights.

It's just obvious that Saya was not prepared to give them any privileges.

The spirits of all the gold tribes reached a consensus in an instant-they decided to show their power and let this powerful envoy understand the strength of the gold tribe.

Immediately, the members of the Golden Clan resonated instantly.


The whole space gave a slight shock under this resonance.

The vast and imposing momentum diffused from the Golden Clan, connected with the whole space, and contended with the overbearing pressure from Shaye.

"Oh, it's a bit of strength!"

Seeing such a scene, a little surprise flashed on the face of the barefoot girl in white.

But it was only a little surprise. After the surprise, Saya pondered a little, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he raised his hand and snapped his fingers. The soft sound sounds as if some horrible institution has been opened, and the invisible power comes suddenly.

Whether it is Saya ’s overbearing coercion or the horror momentum released by the combination of the gold family, even this piece of space itself has been suppressed in front of this force.

"This, what is this!"

The elder Ode of the Golden Clan opened his eyes and covered his heart with his hands. In front of this invisible power, the old man's heart suffocated.

More than Aude, all the gold people reacted like this, and even someone fainted on the spot.

With the passage of time, there are more and more invisible forces. After half a minute, this force finally surpassed the invisible force, revealed behind Saya, and condensed into an illusory door.

At the moment the door was formed, the terrifying power instantly suppressed all living beings in the space.

The members of the Golden Clan all fell to the ground and lost their fighting ability.

"It is worthy of the projection of the other side of the door, it is very strong!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Shaye glanced at the door behind him and couldn't help but say with emotion, if Shaye was allowed to do it himself, I'm afraid it would take some effort to defeat the Golden Clan.

But after summoning the projection of the other side of the door, the entire golden family was suppressed easily.

The whole process is trivial, it is simply the suppression of power.

The so-called loud sound, the elephant is invisible, but it is just like that.

Thinking about it, Saya walked slowly to the fallen elders of the Golden Clan. Looking at the old man who had not lost consciousness under the repression of the projection on the other side of the door, he said:

"How is it, the elders of the Golden Clan, what do you think now?"

"Old, old man represents my family, unconditional, surrender!"

Hearing Saya's leisurely question, the old man's eyes dimmed and hesitated for a while. Finally he bumped into the surrendered words, and then the whole person collapsed completely.

And at the moment when the old man's voice just fell, the power of the phantom of the other side's door swept through again.

Taking this promise as the starting point, the power of terror directly infiltrated this space, even the first universe, and even the core of the entire plane, withdrawing all the power divided by the golden race.

Immediately, Saya initially took control of the entire Dragon Ball plane in his own hands.

At this time, all the details that have spread to several universes and belong to the main **** space and Bai Yujing's star battlefield have been incorporated into the girl's vision.

Countless fights and fights seem to be staged in front of the girls, interwoven with a tragic song of blood and tears.

Even through the authority of the Lord of the Plane, the girl vaguely peeked into the corner of the Lord God.


"The twelfth universe is actually separated by some kind of power!"

Frowning slightly, Saya turned his head to look in a certain direction, and his fierce eyes seemed to penetrate the endless time and space, and saw the twelfth universe far away from the first universe.

As the last space opened by the Golden Clan, where the leader of the Golden Clan fell, it was not easy.

According to his authority, Shaye's eyes penetrated through time.

She saw that in the endless and distant past, the leader of the Golden Clan insisted on walking alone, constantly opening up the universe, until the twelfth universe, and finally exhausted.

"Interesting, this is the case!"

Slightly pondering, a light smile appeared on Saya's face, "It's kind of interesting, but all this is destined to be the wedding dress of Brother Nagato, hee hee" ..

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