My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 61: Sudden disaster

As the saying goes, plans are better than changes.

The chairman of the Heroes Association, Mr. Siqi deeply understood this truth at this time.

He was still in an emergency meeting with other senior officials at the moment, and combined with a lot of information, discussed how to suppress this era of rampage.

As a result, the next moment, he received the news of the weird runaway.

Yes, runaway!

According to the report of the surveillance system of the Heroes Association, a large number of weirdos appeared simultaneously in twenty-six cities around the world, especially the a city where the headquarters is located, and the number of weirdos reached more than four figures.

The entire human society has suffered unprecedented great destruction almost instantaneously.

"How could this be?!!"

With both hands on the desk, Siqi widened his eyes and looked at the miserable conditions displayed in the virtual screen in front of him. The whole person was completely cold.

Although the heroes scattered in various cities have fought back, the number of weirdoes is too much.

Sic knew that the biggest disaster in the history of mankind came quietly!

"Not good! Chairman!"

At this moment, the staff who were monitoring everything through the satellite suddenly said, "All the weirdoes seem to be gathering towards the city a under some kind of traction."


Hearing this news, Sici was slightly surprised, and then immediately looked closely at the virtual screen in front of him, and then he found that the strange people were indeed converging towards the city a.

Under such circumstances, weirdos located outside the city did not kill the people too much.

Seeing this, Sich's eyes flashed a flash of light.

Although I do n’t know the reason for this situation, Sici knows that this is the vitality of human society. As long as all the weirdos gathered in the city a are eliminated, the human society can be reborn.

Immediately, Sich's back straightened up and gave orders to the surrounding staff:

"The headquarters immediately went into operation, contacted the army, made various weapon strikes, and notified all the heroes so that they could gather in city A as soon as possible."

"It seems that something went wrong!"

In the long white villa on the edge of the city of z, the long door with the blowing snow group and the 18th balcony on the top floor, looked at the city where the weird people raged.

Two days have passed since the blowing of snow from the net. Just a while ago, the blowing team completed the transformation.

By the way, Hell Blowing Snow did not undergo a chemical transformation, but performed a double repair with Nagato, and with the help of Nagato, carried out the initial cultivation and foundation building.

As far as the level of pure power is concerned, the current blowing snow is not much worse than the trembling tornado.

When the disaster came suddenly, they just gathered on the balcony.

"Master, there is a message from the association!"

At this time, No. 18 put down the mobile phone in his hand and said towards the long door, "Strange people are gathering towards the city a, the association hopes that we will go as soon as possible."

"Then weird people here, don't you care?"

Hearing the number 18, the long door hadn't opened yet, blowing snow and frowned.

Although it is not a righteous partner, it is also difficult for the **** to blow snow to ignore the disaster in front of him because of his responsibility as a hero.

"give it to me!"

The long door then spoke and walked to the edge of the balcony. The red-haired boy sighed secretly in his heart. He probably understood the reason for the disaster in front of him-I am afraid that Saya took control of the origin of the Dragon Ball plane, making the hands behind the earth anxious.

The mysterious ritual shrouded on the earth has already started in half steps, and the spirituality between heaven and earth is completely gone.

There was a faint impetuous breath in the air.

It seems to be talking about the irritability of the black hands behind the scenes.


Gently exhaled, the long door slowly started the engine in his body, and the sudden sound sounded on the balcony, especially clear.

Seeing the changes in Nagato's body, the Blowing Snow group standing behind him was immediately excited.

"Is this"

"It's the legend!"

"Emperor Engine !!"

Looking at the back of the red-haired boy, the members of the Blowing Snow group were immediately excited. The name of the strongest human on the ground is extremely curious and longing for any hero.

Ignoring the commotion behind him, Nagato concentrated on the aura of water in his body.

A deep and mighty momentum like the sea flows from the boy.

"Homemade boxing--"

With the faint voice coming from the entrance of the long door, the momentum of the red-haired boy began to become surging, just like the sea that set off the endless waves.

"The first type is endless !!"

With a soft drink, the red-haired teenager threw a punch at the diagonally upward sky.

This is a punch that is hard to describe in words.

The space in front of me was directly distorted. Not to mention, the mighty fighting spirit seemed to be substantive.

This situation is different from the boxing technique used when fighting the blast.

But this is also normal. At the time when fighting the blast, the opponent was only one person, and now Nagato has to deal with all the weird people all over the city.

But it is clear that such an attack is timely.

When the endless fist prints showed an arc in the air, and all the weird people in more than half of the cities were bombed to death, the whole z city was dead.

The survivors are okay, but they just do n’t understand how blame the people died.

The members of the Blowing Snow Group were all dumbfounded.

Although all heroes know the power of king, and even claim to be the strongest human being, but what is happening in front of them is still beyond the common sense of the heroes.

If king directly destroyed the city with a punch, they would not be so surprised.

But what King is doing now is to directly target the weirdos in a city, releasing a large number of attacks, and destroying the weirdos without causing any damage to the city.

No matter from the technical level, or from the power level, it seems extremely incredible.

"Okay, let's go!"

After doing all this, Nagato calmed down the emperor engine in his body and turned to look at the crowd. "If I guess well, there will be a big battle in City A."

In a few words, there was a touch of warfare in the face of the red-haired boy.

He clearly felt it, roaring from the aura within him!

At the same time, the hungry wolves who are fighting with the strange life on the city streets, the blasting of the unknown and violent explosion scene, and the sudden bald head on the chaotic battlefield all showed a spirit of war. ..

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