My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 62: Hungry wolf reappears!

A city, the war is completely burned!

The chilling and fierce roar went straight to the sky. The big city was already destroyed. The clash between the weirdos and the heroes made the blood spill over the ground.

This is a crazy and brutal war whose terrible extent is terrible.

Stimulated by the invisible power diffused in the void, thousands of strange people seem to have fallen into a bloodthirsty fanatic state.

Fortunately, in the past six months, the hero association has also greatly increased its strength, and the number and quality of heroes have greatly increased.

After the initial setback, the heroes immediately launched an effective counterattack.

Immediately, weirdos and heroes opened up a lot of battlefields in city A.

And in a battlefield located in the center of a.

Kicked the lobster weird sideways, the newly-increased A-level hero, and the undocumented knight Hongo looked at the strange people surrounded by haze.

He didn't know if he had rushed to the headquarters of the Heroes Association.

When I first came here to participate in the association's test, I encountered the attack of the Five Emperor Beasts. When I came here again after six months, I encountered such a terrible disaster.

However, compared to his bad luck, Hongo Meng is more concerned about the destruction of the entire a city.

God knows how many lives have passed by this disaster.

In the eyes of Hiroshi Hongo, the last time a city suffered a disaster, he was helpless and excusable. After all, he was just an ordinary human at that time.

And this time, he obviously had the power, but he still could only sit and watch what happened!

Thinking of this, the feeling of remorse suddenly filled the fierce heart of the hometown.


"Human, die!"

"go to hell!"

The strange people around didn't pay attention to the feelings of Hongo Meng at this time, and they rushed towards him. When the crisis is now, the local body of the local warrior automatically generates an early warning.

The moment of returning to God, the raging anger immediately ignited in the fierce heart of the hometown.

What is manifested is that the hometown fiercely exerted its own strength.

The unimaginable kick was released, and the hometown jumped up, almost trampled, and the strange people around them were bombarded into flesh and debris.

After landing, Hongo suddenly felt that his anger had not been vented, and immediately looked at other weirdos.

Just waiting for him to act, a huge shock came out of nowhere.


Unprepared, Hongo Meng was directly spitting out blood, and flew a distance, but fortunately, his body had a strong instinct, and he reacted in the midair of the fly.

After several emptiness, the hometown landed safely.

Only then did he see that, in the space not far away in front of him, he did not know when there was a green humanoid with two tentacles.

"who are you!"

Looking at the other party, Meng Hong's heart couldn't help but sink.

The stranger in front of him has a breath beyond his imagination, and it is not inferior to the five emperor beasts he had seen fiercely in his hometown. The most terrible thing is that the other party has a kind of coercion against humanity.

Under such coercive pressure, anyone can exert 80% of the fighting power is already very good.

Overall, this weirdo is even stronger than the Five Emperors!

"Damn it!"

Such thoughts flashed in my head. His hometown was so blue, and now it was a very difficult predicament. The appearance of monsters of this level is even worse.

Even if his will was firm in his heart, his hometown fiercely felt a despair.

"You ask who I am?"

Hearing the fierce inquiry of Hongo, a gruesome smile appeared on the corner of the green weirdo, "Listen to human beings, I am a vaccine person born because humans continue to pollute the environment !!"

"The earth is a living body, and you humans are nothing more than pathogens that erode life on the earth."

"I'm trying to obliterate your humanity and the vicious civilization that you have created, and the restraining power nurtured by the earth itself, realize it, humanity!"

Along with the final complaint, the killing intention of the monster named Vaccine reached its extreme.

At the next moment, energy **** of light condensed around the vaccine person, then turned into energy bombs, and bombed in the direction of the hometown.

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!!"

In the face of such an attack, Hongo Meng can only choose to avoid, but the attack speed and range of the energy bomb exceeded the forecast of Hongo Meng, and he was eventually affected.

Although he was not hit directly, Hongo Meng flew a distance and smashed a hole in the ground.

At this moment, the vaccinee once again released a huge energy ball.

"It's over!"

After recovering from the shock that smashed into the big pit, the local man was cold after seeing the incoming energy ball-he knew that he could not escape.

Perhaps it's not necessary for Hongo's fierce life, at this moment, a figure appeared in front of his hometown.

"Tianyuan Vacuum Air Blade!"

Faced with the incoming energy bomb, the comer poses a martial arts posture, and then violently takes a step forward, turning his right hand into a hand knife and slashing down.

In an instant, an air blade several meters long appeared in the air.

The sharp edge was sharp, the air blade was directly slashed from the energy bomb, and wiped past the vaccine person. The scattered wind blade left a small trace on the vaccine person's face.


The next moment, the huge energy bomb exploded directly.

The raging sparks and the mighty smoke filled the entire battlefield, so loud, suddenly let the vaccine people recover from the cracking of their moves.

Ignoring the raging sparks and smoke, the vaccine man's eyes fixed on the sudden emergence.

It was a thin man in a martial arts suit with hair upturned, and his whole body seemed to be wrapped in a breeze, and neither smoke nor sparks could get close to the other person's body.

"Who are you guys?"

He lifted his head slightly, a flash of arrogance flashed on the vaccinee's face.

Hearing the words of the vaccine person, a smile appeared on the corner of the man's mouth, and said loudly, "My name is Hungry Wolf, who is a hero because of longing!"

"You said longing?"

It is said that the vaccine person was a little stunned for a while, and then he was furious, "If you look forward to it, will you be against the will of the earth and dare to stand in front of me !!"

"Sure enough, human beings are not worth living, let me die!"

In anger, the coercion of the vaccine man increased madly, and his body surged in an instant, terrifying fangs extended from his mouth, brutal and terrifying. ..

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