My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 63: Metamorphosis! Arrival and Saitama

Vaccines are very strong!

Its own existence is the so-called dragon disaster.

The most important thing is that the vaccine person is the manifestation of the earth's inhibitory power. When he is angry, he can constantly draw strength from the earth itself to strengthen itself.

Under such reinforcement, the level of the vaccine person surpassed the so-called dragon level.

The space within a thousand kilometers seems a bit depressed, suffocating!

The aftermath of the explosion between the vaccine man and the hungry wolf subsided directly under this pressure, and the hometown man who had just stood up was kneeling directly on the ground, as if carrying a heavy weight.

"So strong!"

The hungry wolf's eyes narrowed slightly, and the whole person became serious.

Based on that inexplicable memory, the hungry wolf can be sure that the weirdo he has never heard of before him is definitely as powerful as the human weirdo who once incarnate in his memory.

That's a powerful force enough to match half of the s-level heroes, making people have to be cautious.

Just be careful, but the hungry wolf has no worries at all.

What he has and only is a hot fight!

After seeing through the inexplicable future memory, the hungry wolf has undergone unimaginable huge changes in the whole body and mind during this half-year hero career.

The power gained through a lot of honing in the memory clearly, the hungry wolf has gained in a simple helping others.

The correct belief will explode the possibility of the hungry wolf in the shortest time.

Today, the hungry wolf has no idea how strong he is!

"Exactly, now with the help of this guy, measure how big the gap is between me now and me who claimed to be a god-class weirdo in the past!"

Thinking in this way, the muscles of the hungry wolf tremble, and the substantial whirlwind spreads all over his body.

In the past six months, after many experiments, the hungry wolf found that his own teacher's whirlwind and iron fist were more suitable for him than the running water crushing rock fist.

Based on this boxing, combined with many boxing skills in memory, the hungry wolf has developed its own meaning.

Now, he is preparing to unfold this boxing martial art.


When the hungry wolf made his decision, the vaccinee had just completed his changes. The body of ten meters tall was rushing towards the hungry wolf at an alarming speed.

The attack has not yet arrived, and the murderous will from the planet will come on the vaccinee.

The hometown behind the hungry wolf froze.

From this, we can see how coercive the hungry wolf is now.



At this moment, the hungry wolf screamed, and the power given to the vaccine people by the planet was dissipated. Then the power in the youth body continued to emerge and gathered on the fist.

"Breakthrough Ao Yi Tianyuan Breakthrough !!!"

With the binge drinking, the hungry wolf rushed into the arms of the vaccine person under the sudden wind storm, and then directly hit the vaccine person with a punch.


The wildly rotating little tornado burst from the right hand of the hungry wolf, like a terrifying drill, directly strangling the powerful body of the vaccine man out of a big hole.

"How can this be!!"

The eyes of the vaccine person suddenly widened, and then turned into a godless cavity. The huge body did not land, but directly turned into invisible particles, and merged into this world.

Quietly, the hungry wolf's face flashed a hearty relaxed smile.

A boxing kills the vaccine man whose strength is comparable to that of the human weirdo in the memory. The hungry wolf seems to be officially cut off from the memory of himself, and the whole person is completely relaxed.

In this ease, the hungry wolf's spirit is a bit trance, and then a bit enlightened.

Somehow, he knew he was stronger again!

And it's not so strong.

Although there is no basis, but the hungry wolf knows that if the vaccine person regenerates, it seems that he does not need to use the arcane at all, and the ordinary one punch can kill him.

In his eyes, everything he saw in front of him seemed to be a little fragile!

"How is this going?"

Slightly silent, the hungry wolf looked at his raised palm, his face a little cloudy.

The hungry wolf is not an idiot, and naturally understands his anomalies. This speed of strengthening has not even been heard of before. It is like a gift from heaven.

Because of this, the hungry wolf is a bit worried, after all, God will not drop the pie for no reason.

"Slap! Slap!"

Just when the hungry wolf worried, two crisp applause sounded around.

The hungry wolf's attention was immediately attracted, and he looked in the direction of the sound source, and the hungry wolf saw a group of people walking from the ruins not far away.

To be more precise, the hungry wolf looks at the red-haired boy who walks in front of the crowd.

The seventh place of the s-level hero, known as the strongest human king on the ground!

Seeing the other party appear, the hungry wolf immediately remembered his battle with the other half a year ago. Inexplicably, the hungry wolf rose unwillingly, and the whole person showed a slight sense of sorrow.

"I remember, you called the hungry wolf!"

Regarding the changes in the hungry wolf, the long door that had just arrived was slightly silent, and then said.

As a host of aura, not only does it have the power to surpass ordinary people, it is not without side effects, just like the blasting is hot, Saitama's dullness, and the character of the hungry wolf has become even more ruthless.

"It's Uncle Ben!"

At this time, the hungry wolf had forgotten his previous worries, and looked at the long door that roamed, and his face was eager to try. "The punch that was half a year ago, I remember it, Mr. King."

"Now that I have become stronger, let me see your fist again, king!"

"Not yet time!"

Faced with the invitation of the hungry wolf, Nagato was silent for a while, and then said, "Warfare is inevitable, but let's solve these riotous weirdos first."


Hearing the reminder of Nagato, the hungry wolf suddenly escaped from the state of shame.

Just when the hungry wolf doubted his state, a loud noise echoed from not far away, and then everyone saw a giant with a height of more than two hundred meters appear in the sky.

It seemed as if the giant covering the sky roared and trampled around, destroying everything around him.

Whether it is a hero or a weirdo, it is within the attack range of the giant!

Seeing the giant's actions, Nagato and the hungry wolf frowned, but they didn't wait for the two to act. The violent roar burst from the giant, and the giant's head shattered.

"Mr. Saitama!"

The hungry wolf's eyes lighted up, and he clearly saw that, near the giant's broken head, a bald head wearing a cape was falling vertically from the air. ..

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