My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 68: Ceremony! Aura is gone!

The death of Poros made people breathe a sigh of relief.

Subconsciously looking up at the huge 'fireworks' on the sky, many heroes who barely supported until this time have collapsed to the ground and seemed exhausted.

For example, this is the case of the silver fang Banggu, who is third in the s-level hero.

Although he is a martial artist with powerful fighting abilities, the silver fangs are still too old, and they are already at the end of life, both physical and mental.

Being able to fully experience such a war is already the result of Banggu's cultivation.


Relying on a huge rock, Bangu took a few quick deep breaths, and after his breathing had calmed down, his eyes turned to the four men at Nagato.

To be more correct, he looks at his disciple, the hungry wolf.

Since a long time ago, Bangu has faintly realized the terrible qualifications of the hungry wolf. In the past six months, he has also seen the huge changes in the hungry wolf.

But he really did not expect that the hungry wolf would undergo such a terrible transformation in the war.

The confrontation between the hungry wolf and Poros had really made him dull.

That is definitely an absolute realm that Bangu cannot reach in this life!

"Is this the result of the possibility that the hungry wolf is blooming?"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, but Banggu's face did not have a look of joy.

There is no reason for him, only because the growth of the hungry wolf is too abnormal.

You have to know that in the past six months, the hungry wolf has neither experienced any special training nor encountered any adventures, but is only performing some heroic activities within its ability.

Under such circumstances, it is totally unreasonable for the hungry wolf to undergo such an amazing transformation.

Bangu's rich life experience tells him that there is no free dinner under the sky. This abnormal change definitely hides the dangers he does not know.

Thinking of this, Bangu couldn't help worrying about his apprentice.

And at this moment-

"Boom !!!"

Suddenly, there was a sound in the void, and the strong and powerful fluctuations shocked Banggu's body and mind, making this strong martial arts-level strongman flow back in blood.

Not just Bangu, everyone else has been subjected to all kinds of shocks, and even spit blood.

The vast world suddenly dyed a bright red color.

Then, king, blast, Saitama and the hungry wolf instantly flew up towards the sky under the traction of a certain force, and soon they were swallowed up by the bright red.

The whole process was so simple that everyone could not react.

"Has it finally begun!"

When Nagato flew under the traction of an invisible force, he knew that the super ritual that enveloped the earth was already fully operational.

The red-haired boy did not respond, but merged into the bright red with the traction of power.

Because Nagato understands that the battlefield cannot be on the earth afterwards. First, the earth cannot carry the upcoming battle. Secondly, the earth is the foundation of this ceremony.

After a moment, the bright red in the sight of Nagato dissipated and turned into a dark world.

The sky is filled with endless darkness, deep and invisible, the ground shows a little glimmer, stomped slightly, and the long door can feel the silence and the heavyness of the earth.

Obviously, this is the battlefield and cemetery that the black hands behind the scenes prepared for the four men of Nagato.

"Suddenly !!!"

I don't know when, the emperor's engine inside the Nagato was running automatically.

The aura of water, which had already merged with the dragon of the red-haired boy, had gone wild, and the endless desire to fight and the desire to complete engulfed madly.

Fortunately, Nagato has a firm will and strong control, which is enough to suppress the aura of the aura within.

It's just that he can suppress it, but it doesn't mean that others can suppress it.

"Haha !! Come fight, king !!"

Soon, the hungry wolf appeared in front of the red-haired boy with a crazy face, and there were bursts of violent winds all over his body, as if he were dominated by the storm.

"I remember that punch half a year ago!"

Along with the cry, the hungry wolf did not wait for the long door to answer, so it turned into a earth-shattering tornado and came straight to the place where the long door was.

"Can't help this?"

Seeing this scene, Nagato could not help murmuring to himself.

The corner of his eyes flicked towards the surroundings, and the red-haired boy clearly saw that in two directions several kilometers away from him, Saitama and Blasting were standing on the spot, forcibly suppressing something.

Obviously, they are suppressing the rage that comes from the aura within.

I am afraid that only the hungry wolf who has just completed the transformation in front of him will be so impatient, thinking so, and the long door could not help shaking his head.

"No, it should have been caused by the wind's side works."

The power of the four auras is extremely extraordinary, enough for an ordinary person to become a superpower that destroys the stars in the shortest time, but that is not without cost.

Just like the blasting irritability, Saitama's sluggishness, the arrogant and rugged side of the hungry wolf character was highlighted.

In addition, the hungry wolf has just completed its transformation, and its strength and mood have not yet been matched. Naturally, it is more susceptible to the influence of the aura in the body than other people.

"But there is no difference in that kind of thing, or it is just right!"

The thought flashed through his head. The left foot of Nagato stepped forward, and the power burst from the emperor's engine in his body was concentrated in his right fist, then he swung it heavily.

"Full output! The first form of endless boxing !!!"

Along with the red-haired teenager's punching, the power from the aura of water turned into endless strength, gathered into endless waves, and collided positively with the tornado.


In the fierce collision, the deafening roar echoed on the dark ground.

The extreme collision shattered the ground, tearing a rift at the same time and setting off a huge burst of smoke, and a strong shock wave spreading in all directions.

The blasting and Saitama, which were not far from the battlefield, were instantly affected by the impact.

Saitama, who has a dull personality, has no reaction. In terms of his physique, the so-called shock wave is not much different from the breeze.

He still endured the roar of the aura within him, and there was an intuition in Sai Ming telling Saitama that he must bear it.

Otherwise, it will have some incredible consequences.

In contrast, blasting has no such patience, and soon loses its sense.

Driven by the aura, the blasting body burst with terror heat, like a walking scorching energy source, directly rushed into the battlefield of the long gate and the hungry wolf. ..

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