My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 69: Saitama finally shot

The hurricane is raging!

Flames are roaring!

The waves are raging!

The terrifying battle reached a point of fierceness just after it was started.

Especially after the blasting and strong intervention, the already chaotic battlefield developed in a more chaotic and disorderly direction in an instant, and the dark world seemed to be on the verge of the end.

In the face of this kind of battle that can be used at full strength, the blasting has more than 100% fanatical fighting intentions.

But soon, the mentality of blasting changed.

Because he clearly felt that the man who claimed to be the strongest on the ground had become stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye after the battle began, as if the battle had spurred his potential!

"How can this be!"

Such thoughts flashed in my mind, and there was inevitably a flaw in the action of blasting the whole person.



In a sudden roar, the blast was directly bombarded by a force like a surging wave, and the whole body of defensive grudge was lost, and the whole person flew several kilometers.

Unloading the inertial power of his body, the blast fell heavily on the ground, covering his heart with one hand and looking straight ahead with his eyes.

Thousands of kilometers of space are not much different from those around them.

Then he clearly saw that in the mid-air thousands of meters away, the man called kin accompanied the endless ripples, directly volleyed a side kick, and kicked the hungry wolf.

Throughout the process, the defense hurricane on the hungry wolf was kicked directly by him like a tissue.

"Cough, so strong !!"

Seeing this scene, the blast was shocked.

Although I just met, I do n’t even know the name of the other party, but the blasting is still clear that the hungry wolf is powerful, maybe a little worse than him, but definitely not much.

However, he was kicked so easily in front of the long door.

Reminiscing that I had just been blown away by fists, I discovered that the strength displayed by Nagato was much stronger than the last time I fought with myself.

"Did he put water in the last fight ?!"

Such thoughts flashed through his head, his eyes blasted, and endless anger emerged.

Blasting is not an arrogant man, but he has been invincible for decades and he will inevitably have such a mentality called pride.

Now, this mentality has been crushed like trample.

How can blasting not be angry!

The endless anger turned into fuel, which completely triggered the aura of fire in the blasting body, and even pushed the power of the aura to a new height, and the hot flame burst out.

For a moment, the unimaginable hot breath spread out, rendering the space within a hundred miles.

At the same time, the body of the hungry wolf has also changed.

The hungry wolf, who had been ruined because of the transformation of the aura of light, was completely violently driven away by the double stimulus of the big ceremony and his kick. The power of the aura of wind was completely inspired.

The extremely powerful flame burst out, turning the hungry wolf into a tornado that leads to the world!

There was no need to communicate at all, the blast and the hungry wolf moved at the same time.

Perhaps it was the stimulus of the powerful enemy, or perhaps the influence of the resonance of the aura. The two almost attacked the Nagato in a cooperative manner, and the seamless attack of the cloak completely blocked the dead corner of the Nagato. "It kind of means!"

Faced with this situation, the corner of the mouth of the long door could not help but lifted a slight arc.

Although on the surface, the combination of blasting and the hungry wolf is already comparable to the power of the red-haired youngster nine-fold seal, but there is no worries in the face of Nagato.

The reason is very simple. Nagato is getting stronger and getting stronger at an alarming rate.

The operation of the grand ritual makes all four auras in an extremely active state, which is an obstacle for others, but for Nagato, it is a time to peep into the mystery of auras.

Hidden in the body of the long door, the power called ‘control’ is swallowing the mystery of the aura of water at an alarming rate.

As the devouring progressed, Nagato found that his physical origin was being supplemented.

"Sure enough, very helpful!"

The thought flashed in my mind, and the emperor engine in the boy's body turned to the extreme in an instant, and even began to surpass this extreme under some unknown power.

A powerful ripple of flames overflowed, increasing the power of the red-haired boy to the extreme.

At the next moment, Nagato created his second form of boxing-immeasurable and instantly popped out!

Unlike the ‘infinite’ of ranged attacks, Infinite is a single attack. When punching out, it seems that there is a boundless sea converging on the fist, accompanied by the **** of the fist.

Obviously, Nagato was prepared to use the most upright methods to defeat the two in front of him.


The terrifying collision was freed on the gloomy battlefield.

Between the deafening roars, the earth shattered, the sky was filled with endless smoke, and the sky was covered, the incoming hungry wolves and blasts spit blood and flew out.

Nagato himself took two steps backwards, leaving two shallow footprints on the ground.

"not bad!"

Remove all the strength from his body, the long door said indifferently.

"But it's still far away!"

During the talk, Nagato suddenly lifted his foot and stepped forward. His right fist was raised again. The first form of self-made boxing was endless. It burst out again, and the endless ripples were turned into dragons towards the hungry wolf and blasting strangling.

Ling Xian's murderous opportunity suddenly emerged, and the red-haired boy was ready to eliminate the two first!


"Continuous ordinary punches!"

A slightly dull voice sounded in the dark world, and I don't know when, Qi Yu's figure appeared in front of the dragons transformed by the spirit of the long gate, and immediately waved countless fist shadows.

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!"

Under the bombardment of these fist shadows, the dragons shattered, and in the endless turbulence, the enthusiasm almost turned into a hurricane, raging in this world.

But neither Nagato nor Saitama was affected by the hurricane.

The two looked at each other across a few kilometers, and the air was breathtaking.

After being silent for a while, Saitama raised his right fist and said: "Although there is a strange feeling in the body that has been instigating me to kill you, but I think that is wrong, what about you."

"No, I think that is correct!"

Hearing Saitama's words, Nagato was slightly silent, then replied with a chuckle.

"Really, then I get it!"

After hearing this, Saitama was slightly stunned for a while, and then seemed to understand what he was doing. His extension instantly changed from dull to cold, and a strong sense of existence diffused from his body.

"Since that is the case, let me be your opponent, I am Saitama, a hero with interest!" ..

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