My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 70: Nagato vs Saitama

Saitama's shot was not beyond the expectations of Nagato.

In contrast, Saitama's state surprised the red-haired teenager because he found that the bald man in front of him had no signs of aura.

However, before this, Nagato clearly saw the riot of aura on Saitama.

"Did Saitama suppress the aura within?"

Such doubts flashed in his head, but the Nagato did not show up, but said towards Saitama, "If that is the case, then come to fight, Saitama !!"

As soon as the words fell, the emperor engine on Nagato turned again.

It's just that the red-haired boy's surging gas burst out this time, but it didn't overflow, but it all integrated into his body again, constantly raising his sense of existence.

Nagato is very clear that Saitama is different from Blasting and Hungry Wolf.

He is the strongest in the real universe.

In the face of such enemies, in the state of deterioration of the Nagato, we must do our best. The so-called turbulent arrogance in this level of battle is meaningless except for wasting energy.

In less than a moment, the energy of the red-haired boy was all converged, and the whole person exuded an abyss-like atmosphere.

Facing such a long gate, Saitama also exudes a thick breath like mountains and earth.

The two looked at each other with eyes like swords, colliding in mid-air, and the shocking impulse contained in them intertwined in the void, setting off a roaring wind.

Until a moment

"Boom!" X2

The ground at the foot of Nagato and Saitama broke through a small pit, and both of them disappeared at the same time, rushing towards each other at a speed exceeding the imagination of the world.

In less than a moment, the two met and then punched each other!

"Seriously, take a punch!"

"Second style of boxing is infinite !!"

Without any temptation, Nagato and Saitama used their strongest powers.

This time, the immense quantity of Nagato's display far exceeded that of the previous one. After punching out, it was like a tumbling down of the sea, and immense punches roared out, wanting to destroy everything in front of him.

In contrast, Saitama's fist is somewhat ordinary, not to mention boxing strength, even simple boxing style does not exist.

However, this is only a superficial phenomenon. How can Saitama's boxing be so simple.

As the host of the earth's aura, Saitama did not have the bells and whistles of the other three aura's hosts after completing his transformation. All aspects are unpretentious, just like the earth everywhere.

But is this really the case? the answer is negative.

Just like a hungry wolf can cause an endless hurricane, a blast can blast hot magma, a long gate can transform an endless sea, and Saitama can naturally transform an endless land.

No, Saitama has transcended the scope of the ordinary aura host. What he transformed into is not the earth, but the planet.

That simple killing punch is just like the impact of a planet moving along the trajectory.


The interweaving of fist and fist burst into a fierce roar.

The unbelievably powerful shock spread like a hurricane in all directions, and the vast expanse of energy split into two parts under Saitama's fist.

Nagato instantly felt a pure, unmatched force coming from the fist.

"So strong!"

The pupil contracted in an instant, and the red-haired boy was slightly surprised.

Although it was expected during the attack, but really felt that Saitama was more powerful than he is now, Nagato was still surprised and puzzled.

Nagato was somewhat incomprehensible, why Saitama was so powerful that it was so unreasonable.

However, this doubt will not affect the actions of Nagato.

Immediately, the red-haired boy trembles slightly, and unloads the powerful power transmitted to himself in some unspeakable and wonderful way.

At the next moment, Nagato directly backed tens of kilometers with the power of Saitama.

Although it seems to be a disadvantage, the red-haired boy has not been hurt in the slightest. Perhaps there is a big gap in pure power, but the skill of Nagato can make up for these gaps.


Looking at the long, unharmed long door, Saitama's face flashed with amazement.

For the first time since completing the transformation, Saitama saw someone able to catch his serious punch without any damage. Immediately, the fighting blood in Saitama began to boil.

Right foot stepped forward, Saitama bowed slightly, his cloak hunted.

"Seriously Serious Series Serious Impact!"

With a few indifferent words containing blood, Saitama rushed towards the long gate as a streamer, and the supreme power turned into the ultimate speed, just like penetrating through time and space.

"So fast!"

Seeing this scene, the pupil of Nagato shrank violently.

If it weren't for his unusually powerful perception ability, it was even difficult to capture Saitama's traces, but even so, his body seemed to be difficult to react in an instant.

Faced with such a crisis, the red-haired teenager burst out a wonderful wave in his body.

In an instant, the body of Nagato was squeezed into the gap of time. Compared with Nagato, the time of the whole world was directly suspended.

——Flash Shigong

This is a mysterious kung fu seen in the Dragon Ball universe battlefield after the leisure of Nagato.

The master of kung fu is a cosmic killer named Hit in the sixth universe of Dragon Ball. With this kind of kung fu, Hit can cross time and enter the future in a moment.

During this span of time, the entire world is in a state where time stops, and only Hitler can move freely.

Of course, this situation is not absolute.

But even so, Shin Shi Kung is one of the best mysterious kung fu. With this power, Hitt is known as the first killer in the sixth universe!

Nagato just learned it at the time, but I didn't expect to use it now.

"This can only be considered your misfortune, Saitama!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head. The long door looked at Saitama frozen in time. Without any hesitation, he rushed up, and the infinite fist slammed out again, heavily hitting Saitama's belly.

But at this moment-


Suddenly a crack appeared in the space frozen by time. At the moment of being attacked by Nagato, Saitama suddenly broke free from the freeze of time.

Ignoring the blow from the abdomen, Saitama's fist also hit the heart of Nagato's heart.


This time the red-haired boy didn't have time to unload his body. The whole person flew out like a cannonball, heavily bombarded the ground and set off endless smoke. ..

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