My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 71: Crazy fight


After blasting the Nagato, Saitama immediately grinned.

The abdomen, which was heavily bombarded by innumerable fists, showed a series of cramps, but under Saitama's incredible physique, the colic was quickly reduced.

Then Saitama laughed, and in a soft laugh, there was no way to speak.

The numbness and loneliness that had accumulated since the original Aura changed, completely disappeared at this moment, and Saitama finally recovered his original passionate state of mind.

"This feeling is really beautiful!"

Speaking softly about his joy, Saitama's eyes looked at the endless smoke that was set off in the distance. Soon, the smile on Saitama's face disappeared and turned into a solemnity.

He clearly sensed that a terrifying sense of oppression was pouring out of the smoke.

"Damn it, what is this chill?"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, Saitama's eyes fixed on the front, his ears moved slightly, Saitama heard a slight sound of boots treading on the ground for a while.

Soon, the smoke gradually dispersed, and the figure of the long door was slowly coming.

At this time, the red-haired boy was quite embarrassed, his face pale, and the corner of his mouth was a bit scarlet.

At first glance, the red-haired teenager seemed to be seriously injured, but at the moment he saw the other party, Saitama's sense of crisis soared to the extreme, and his hair stood tall.

Immediately, Saitama was alert all over, and the aura in his body worked to the extreme.

"To be honest, this punch really hurts."

Purple eyes looked at Saitama indifferently, Nagato rubbed his heart with his right hand, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his left hand. "As a few people who can hurt my existence, you are proud!"

"Thanks to your punch, the blood in my body boiled completely."

"Then, the second round of the battle began."

Along with the words of Nagato, the sudden voice diffused from his body. It was the sound of the existence and operation of the emperor's engine, and it was the surge of blood in the body of the red-haired boy.

The sound was turbulent and continuous, like the surge of the sea waves, and the roar of a tsunami.

The gloomy sky and earth resonated unimaginably with this high voice.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The void appeared distorted, the earth cracked continuously, and the gray world began to collapse, standing in the center of the collapse, and the red-haired boy looked as if he was the only one in the world.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, Saitama's face changed slightly.

This is not what Saitama sees. In fact, as the real universe is the strongest, Saitama itself is useless except for combat power, it is a bun.

After all, three years ago, Saitama was just an ordinary white-collar worker.

But as the strongest, Saitama naturally has an extraordinary place.

Although he didn't see anything, Saitama clearly knew that he couldn't let the other party resonate in this way, and immediately Saitama stepped on the ground and launched a shock forward.

In the face of Saitama, who was struck at an astonishing speed, maintaining resonance, Nagato greeted him without hesitation.

"Ten times world king fist !!"

The unique secret technique created by the world kings from the seventh universe of Dragon Ball was released at this moment. The red and blue impact blaze burst out on the long door, and the body attributes increased tenfold.

With the blessing of Jie Wang Quan, the red-haired boy waved his fist at Saitama without hesitation. "Boom !!!"

The fist and the fist confronted again, bursting out of boundless impact.

This time, Nagato and Saitama were comparable.

Originally, the difference between Nagato and Saitama was not very big. After the increase of the world king fist, no matter the strength or speed, the two are in a state of being almost the same.

But the impact caused by the collision of the two people instantly exacerbated the collapse of this gloomy world.

But all this can't stop the two from fighting.

Punch, kick, bump, palm

Nagato and Saitama used everything to their advantage. They turned into invincible weapons all over their bodies and launched a terrible attack towards each other.

Between each other, the battlefield of the two is moving crazy.

From the sky to the earth, and even hundreds of meters underground, the aftermath of terror has almost spread to the whole world. The sky is twisted and the earth cracks, just like the end of the world.

"Damn! Why is it so strong !!"

At the same time, located on the edge of the battlefields of Nagato and Saitama, the injury has been temporarily suppressed, and the blasting that stood up again looked at the battlefield, and the whole person was dull.

Blasting is somewhat unbelievable, King and Saitama will be so powerful.

Obviously in the sense of blasting, the two people in front of him are the same kind of existence.

It stands to reason that there should not be such a big gap between them.

Perhaps it was because it was so shocking that the blast did not find that behind him, I do n’t know when, the hungry wolf had appeared there. His eyes were full of scarlet eyes.

Then at the next moment, the right hand of the hungry wolf turned into a sharp blade, piercing the blasting chest from behind!

The situation on the edge of the battlefield did not attract the attention of Nagato and Saitama.

It is more correct to say that as the battle became more intense, both Nagato and Saitama's body and mind were thrown into the battlefield, and there was no spare time to pay attention to these trivial matters.

At this time, Saitama has completely entered the serious mode, and has great power in raising hands.

If it is on the earth, Saitama may destroy the earth in a very short time.

But in this way, he did not have the advantage in facing the red-haired youngster with the increase in the world of boxing. Instead, as time went by, the resonance progressed, and Saitama gradually fell into the disadvantage.

Because of the resonance and the collapse of heaven and earth, the body of Nagato began to devour the power after the collapse of heaven and earth.

Yes, devour!

Realizing that his strength was inferior to Saitama, and adding that he did not want to unlock the seal, Nagato looked directly at the battlefield.

The red-haired boy did not choose the unity of heaven and man to borrow the power of heaven and earth, but chose to devour it directly.

There is no reason for him. For Saitama, heaven and earth can't affect him at all.

Therefore, the red-haired boy chooses to devour the power of heaven and earth directly.

Although this power cannot enhance the strength of Nagato, it can be used to maintain the display of Jiewang Quan, and even with the passage of time, the increase of Jiewang Quan is still improved.

Until now, Longmen's World King Boxing has already been raised to a 20-fold level, and his physical fitness has begun to suppress Saitama!

"No, you can't go on like this!"

As a party to the war, Saitama can naturally feel the changes in the battlefield situation. Such thoughts flashed in his mind. Saitama roared, and the strength of the body appeared violently.

At the next moment, Saitama wielded his strongest punch like a planet explosion!

"Must kill super punch!"

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