My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 75: The choice of killing pills

The Lord God has come!

He broke through the crystal walls in the most brutal way and came.

The root consciousness of the twelve universes of the Dragon Ball Plane could not help but violently oscillate. All the creatures in the Dragon Ball Plane clearly felt anger and sorrow. In the crystal wall, the void outside the universe rolled up an endless storm.

It was only in the glory of the coming of the main body of the Lord that the counterattack of the root consciousness of the Dragon Ball Plane was insignificant and instantly healed.

"Good guy!"

In the first conference room of the First Universe, Brorie got up from her seat and was full of fighting spirit. "I didn't expect the Lord God to come off in person so quickly. Let me meet him."

As soon as the words fell, Broly planned to teleport to the main god.

Only the next moment, a small white hand pressed on Broly's shoulder, stopping her action.

No need to turn her head, by virtue of her instinct, Broly knew she was holding Saya, but she didn't say anything, but just stood still, because she knew that Saya would soon explain .

As expected, Saya's voice rang, and the voice was full of inexplicable meaning.

"Although I also understand that you are stern and eager to fight against the Lord God, the problem is that the protagonist of this battle is not you, not even the people present. If you look carefully, the protagonist will appear."

Hearing Saya ’s words, not only Brorie, the other girls present looked at the virtual screen subconsciously.

Then soon, they saw that the pure white monster appeared in front of the Lord God!

"As you can see!"

After the appearance of the pure white behemoth, Saya returned to his position, "The Lord God will temporarily give it to the confused guy, we will be responsible for other guys, but don't let people disturb the battle."

Recently, Shi Sheng Wan's heart is a little confused.

Since witnessing Zhou Yi awakening as the corpse of Nagato's previous life, and then returning to Nagato's own help to promote him, Shi Shengwan knows that in a future day, he will return like Zhou Yi.

Although it does not seem to be visible from the outside, the essence of Shishengwan is the corpse of Nagato's previous life.

The so-called corpse is a terrible existence where evil thoughts gather.

Compared with the two corpses of goodness and perseverance, the evil corpses with a variety of negative rebellious thoughts have the most distinctive personality, and the overly distinct personality naturally inevitably produced the killing pills with the idea of ​​not wanting to disappear.

Just killing the pill but knowing that his own thoughts are simply extravagant hopes.

Even he can't go against the will of Nagato!

Especially in the most recent period, under the influence of the essence of the realm of the Nagato Taoist ancestor, Shishengwan's strength has entered a period of leaps and bounds. The more his own strength is improved, the more Shishengwan can't help but emerge a desire to return.

This desire to return is instinctive, and the distinctive will of Shi Sheng Wan itself is completely withdrawn from the north to the north.

Such a contradictory feeling made Shi Shengwan's heart lost in confusion.

Under the impetus of this contradiction, when the main **** broke the crystal wall and came down, Shisheng Pill crossed the endless time and space for the first time and came to the front of the main god.

"Since you can't figure it out, let's fight!"

The killing pills transformed into pure white behemoths suspended in the chaotic void in the plane. Two huge eyes stared tightly at the main body in front of them. In the big mouth that opened slightly, two huge fangs flashed infiltration Man's cold shoulders.

"Boom !!"

Facing the provocation of the pure white behemoth, the light of the main **** instantly became dazzling.

The endless light is like an endless blade, spreading in all directions, strangling the void, breaking the chaos, and even bombarding the pure white monster transformed by the killing pill, and slashing the skin of the monster.


Under the pain, the pure white beast could not help but look up to the sky. The roaring roar spread through the entire void, the terrifying energy gathered in the huge mouth of the monster, and then turned into a terrible energy shock wave with a radius of at least hundreds of meters towards the main **** light ball Bomb away.

Facing the attack of the pure white behemoth, the movement of the main **** has not changed, but the light released seems to be more dazzling.

Then, the beam of energy bombarded towards the main **** was continuously weakened by the strangling of the endless light. When it was less than a few meters before the main god, it was completely strangled by the blade of light.

The pure white monster transformed by the killing pill fell into a more dazzling light, and the wounds on his body kept increasing.

A short and extreme confrontation, the main **** and the killing pill are punished!

Normal people face such a gap, I am afraid that even the consciousness of fighting has been lost, but the killing pills are different. He is a swallowing beast. This chaotic destined absolute overlord's corpse, killing pills!


The furious roar sounded again, and the murderous pill burst out completely.

The horror demon power burst out from the whole body of the pure white monster, and turned into an armor to block the bombardment of the endless light blade. At the next moment, the pure white monster almost turned into a residual image, moving towards the speed of nearly the sixth universe speed The main **** light ball rushed away.

Faced with such a killing pill, the main **** finally moved, and the light ball suspended in the void turned straight up.

With the rotation of the main god, the original lethal blade of light showed a geometric multiple increase, and the pure white behemoth that came to fight against the blade of light was immediately bombarded to escape from the sixth cosmic speed.

The armor cast by the supreme demon power was potholes and cracks in less than a moment!

But even so, the charge of the pure white beast did not stagnate.

Charge, charge, charge again!

Facing the endless blade from the main god, the killing pills do nothing but charge!

All along, the killing pills are too rational.

Reasonable thinking allows him to grasp every path of his own without being affected by the evil contained in his body, but in this way, it is difficult to fully exert the power of swallowing the beast.

Now, in the face of powerful enemies, the confused Shasheng Pill finally gave up reason.

The so-called injured beast is the most dangerous!

Although the nature of the Devouring Beast is higher than that of the Beast, I do n’t know how many levels.

But in a sense, swallowing the beast is also a beast.

So, Shisheng Pill broke out!

Almost instantly, the pure white behemoth turned into a black hole, devouring everything around it, and then using these devoured forces as explosive power, the pure white behemoth kept increasing its speed.

Charge, charge, charge again!

But everything, regardless of his life, Shi Sheng Wan launched a decisive charge.

The broken of the demon armor, the wounds of thousands of swords, the blood of the void, everything, can't stop the violent beast from rushing to the main **** in the most desperate way.

The claws covered with wounds grabbed the light ball of the main **** frantically, and stopped the rotation of the main **** at the cost of the twisted claws.

Then, the pure white beast opened his big mouth of blood basin and bit directly on the light ball of the main god.


The clear sound rang in the void.

The fangs of the giant beast penetrated the light ball of the main god. In a moment, the light of the main **** dimmed slightly, and this void of the battlefield was suddenly silenced. Ground.



The light ball of the Lord God exploded at this moment! ..

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