My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 76: Main deity

Among the sea of ​​stars where endless insect swarms converge.

When sitting on the throne, the Queen of Blades saw the self-explosion of the main **** light ball in the void outside the universe through special means. Although she knew that the main **** would not be so simple, the queen could not help but get up.

It was only at the moment when the empress just got up that a girl with a silver robe added suddenly appeared.

Several pillars of aura of light then appeared, surrounding the Queen of Blades.

"What do you mean, willow!"

Surrounded by the column of spiritual light, the Queen of Blades seemed completely unmoved, and her sharp eyes turned to the girl. "Why is it blocked in front of me, or do you really betray the Lord God?"

"What betrayal is really unpleasant."

Faced with the cold eyes of the Queen of Blades, Shaye's doppelganger Willow said with a smile, "I am, from the beginning, I have not been the chosen person of the Lord God. From the standpoint, I am consistent!"

As soon as the words fell, Shaye's avatar clapped his hands, and the void behind him rippled.

Under the leadership of the gods such as the alien queen and Sayya, countless alien creatures poured out from the void, and began a crazy fight with the surrounding zergs. Within a moment, the swarms of insects and alien blood spilled across the starry sky.

"I understand, then you die, willow!"

His eyes moved slightly, and the Queen of Blades waved her hand to cut off the surrounding pillars of light, and then rushed towards Saya.

Just as Shaye Doppelganger and the Queen of Blades were fighting, the undead group that was also in the Xinghai was instantly suppressed. Dozens of girls, including Yongyi Lin, Shenqi, Yoshiki, Zhu Yue, etc., appeared in person to lead the army A siege was launched towards the undead.

Not only that, even the snakes and Rao, who were in the rear, were suddenly attacked.

In this battle, Broly shot himself and led many girls to attack.

In addition, there are many girls who led the army to attack everywhere. Before the gods had time to react, they destroyed the well-known clan sites in the main **** space.

The entire Bai Yujing senior executive, except for those girls who are not good at fighting and Shaye's deity's support for the overall situation, almost all were dispatched.

The Legion of the Lord God, which was already in decline, began to shake at this moment!

Endless void, surging waves.

The self-explosion of the main **** light ball caused the vast turbulence of the entire Dragon Ball plane, the twelve universes were shaken in an instant, and the killing pill was seriously injured in the explosion, flying tens of thousands of miles.

Under this overly serious injury, Shi Sheng Wan finally recovered his sanity.

The pure white behemoth shrank in an instant, and soon recovered its human form.

At this time, the killing pill is no longer the former posture of a silver-haired noble son. His face is extremely pale, his armor is broken, and the blood is stained with the body of the killing pill, which is particularly powerful.

But even so embarrassed, the look on Shi Sheng Wan's face was still indifferent, and his eyes looked straight ahead.

The waves of the main **** light ball exploding and swept away obscure the sight of Shi Sheng Wan.

The instinct derived from the instinct combination of tempering and swallowing beasts for countless years tells Jisheng Pill that the self-exploitation just now has no harm to his enemies, and his battle has just begun.

Therefore, he did not relax at all, and the instinct of devouring the beast kept absorbing the energy of the void and repairing himself.


"boom!!" The sudden light pierced the void and bombarded Shi Shengwan.

The killing pill instantly retreated several tens of kilometers, and a terrible typhoid extended from the left shoulder of the killing pill to his right abdomen, almost cut him in half, and a lot of blood was sprayed out, staining the void.

At the next moment, that ray of light broke through again, chasing towards Shengsheng Pill, and the murderous opportunity was terrible!

"Don't be too arrogant, **** !!"

In his mouth, he said swear words that your son would hardly speak. Shi Sheng Wan ignored the injuries on his body, and his hands appeared a pair of shining knives that shone with sunlight and Yuehua, and crossed out towards the incoming light.

"Keng !!!"

A strong metal collision sound appeared in the air, and Shisheng Pill backed away for more than a few kilometers.

After stopping the backward trend, Shi Sheng Wan's eyes immediately looked forward, and the incoming light also stayed in place under his own sniper, and then the light dissipated, revealing a slender figure.

Only after seeing the true face of this figure, the whole person was a little stunned.

That's a juvenile figure who looks handsome!

The long red hair fluttered slightly in the void, and the purple eyes seemed to reflect the vastness of the world. If the other party's body was filled with chaotic fluctuations, the killing pills thought it was their own deity.

"No, not the deity, that is the Lord God!"

Such thoughts flashed in my mind, and Shisheng Pill couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

I am afraid that the teenager in front of him is the real body created by the main **** with his own deity as a template!

Thinking of this, Shisheng Pill clenched his hands with his sword, and the power of swallowing beasts on his body was even more violent. The energy of the endless void poured into his body, making his breath stronger.


Faced with the killing pills, a light smile flickered across the main god's face.

Almost instantly, the figure of the Lord God disappeared in place and appeared in front of Shisheng Pill, but the reaction of Shisheng Pill was also not slow. At the same time, he waved his double swords and prepared to strangle the Lord God.

However, at this moment, the hands of the Lord God flickered in the void, and easily grasped the two demon knives of Sheng Sheng Wan.


The surrounding void rioted in an instant.

The pupils of Shisheng Pill contracted violently, and he clearly felt that at this moment, the void around him and the Lord God lost their order, and everything became chaotic disorder.

The sound of the two magic swords "Ka" created by Shishen Maru, which took a lot of hard work, showed a crack starting from the place held by the main god.


Seeing this scene, a sharp look flashed in Xie Sheng Wan's eyes.

The violent demon power poured into the two demon swords, pushing the demon sword that had just cracked through the threshold of self-detonation, and then the horrible explosion reverberated between the main **** and the killing pill.


In the violent roar, the main **** was spitting blood for the first time and flew out.

It was only 800 damages to the enemy, and 1000 damages to oneself. The two demon swords that blended in with oneself exploded, killing Shengsheng Pill even worse, almost hurting their own origin, and the breath of the whole person was extremely low.

ps: It's time to kill Shengsheng Pill in the next chapter. ..

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