My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 79: Failed carduelis

Time and Space Administration!

This is a large-scale organization with a long history.

In the chaotic realm suppressed by the other side of the gate, the Space-Time Administration is also one of the few large forces. However, compared with the powerful power it possesses, the Administration is more famous for its beliefs.

At least throughout the endless chaos, no major forces will treat ‘justice’ as the goal of struggle like the Authority.

To be honest, as a transplanetary organization, the Administration's justice concept is somewhat ridiculous.

Normal people know that any organization that develops to a certain point is difficult to maintain its own purity, especially those organizations that aim at justice, and it is easy to deteriorate in the years.

But it is clear that the Space and Time Administration is an exception, and today's Administration is still the original Administration.

It has remained the same for a long time, and it will always be that noble.

If the space-time administration is justice, then the space of the main **** is the evil of the bottom. Since ancient times, justice and evil are mutually exclusive. Based on this alone, the space-time administration and the space of the main **** are absolute enemies.

Although Bai Yujing and the Space-Time Administration are not tit-for-tat forces, they are also not a friendly relationship.

Bai Yujing's domineering and revealed ambitions also disliked the senior officials of the Space and Time Administration.

Therefore, during the battle between Bai Yujing and the Lord God Space, through the intelligence of the undercover agent named Ye Wang, the dimensional fleet of the Space and Time Administration had already lurked in the chaotic interlayer outside the plane of Dragon Ball.

Their goal is very simple, that is, when two behemoths are both defeated and injured, the two dangerous elements in the chaos are removed.


"This is impossible!!!"

The main battleship in the fleet of the administration, Ye Wang, who was sitting here as one of the high-level administrations, looked at the wreckage of the giant of light that had penetrated the crystal wall of the Dragon Ball plane through the screen, and showed it through the gap Panoramic view of the battlefield, could not help but be surprised.

He couldn't believe that it had been so many days before the war had burned to the most intense level, and the Lord God was defeated.

In these years of Lord God's space, Ye Wang deeply understood the horror of Lord God's space.

It was powerful built up at the cost of hundreds of millions of lives and the demise of a large number of planes. King Ye believed that if the Lord God was allowed to grow, he would one day reach the realm of invincibility.

However, he never thought that the Lord God would have lost so suddenly.

This change completely subverted Ye Wang's cognition.

In fact, not only Ye Wang, but other high-level officials of the Bureau of Management are all incredulous. After all, since Bai Yujing and Master Space started fighting, they have been watching the fire from the other side for quite some time.

Although it is impossible to observe carefully for the purpose of hiding, the general situation is still under their control!

In the calculations of these high-level officials, this war should obviously last for a while.

Just as everyone on the battleship felt incredible and there was a lot of discussion, a mysterious red-haired boy appeared abruptly beside the wreck of the main **** shown on the screen inside the battleship.

"Wisdom, enlarge the screen!"

The first time, Ye Ye issued a command towards the main brain of the dimensional battleship.

However, at the moment when the image on the screen was enlarged, the red-haired boy in the image seemed to be aware of it, and his eyes seemed to penetrate through the screen and reflected in the hearts of the senior people present.


Immediately, everyone in the battleship was trembling!


In the grey chaos, the long door slowly retracted his sight.

As a courageous peep into the existence of Bai Yujing and the main **** space battlefield, the Space and Time Administration actually entered the sight of the Nagato very early, or all the large forces under the door of the other shore were known by the Nagato.

Through the power of the other side of the gate, Nagato and Saya can always bring the entire chaotic field into their own monitoring.

Therefore, Nagato was not surprised by the Space Fleet ’s dimensional fleet.

It was only at the presence of the realm of Nagato that when looking at everything, it would never just flow on the surface, but at a glance, the red-haired boy clearly saw the glorious justice essence of the Space-Time Administration.

A teenager who knows the evil of human nature is really unimaginable, why there is such a peculiar organizational force.

Nagato feels interesting, both for the Space-Time Administration itself and its origin!

"But it's still yours, Saya!"

He murmured softly in his mouth, and after receiving affirmative response from Shaye in the soul connection, Nagato's eyes turned to the wreckage of the main god.

After reaching the realm of Taoist ancestors on Qi and Tier 2 simultaneously, the strength of Nagato has been greatly improved. With just one punch, the main **** who has been entangled with himself for more than a thousand years is bombed on the spot.

This is a great encouragement for Nagato, and he is on the right path!

Now, he has definitely surpassed the ordinary Daozu strong.

If you can reach the level of Taoist ancestors in the four paths of mind, qi, **** and body at the same time to achieve the perfect level of Taoist ancestors, then the power of Nagato will definitely rise to an unimaginable level.

By that time, no matter how difficult the future disaster would be, Nagato had the confidence to get through it.

It's just obvious that Nagato is not easy to achieve his goals.

In the remaining hearts and the two gods, one of the gods still has traces to follow. After all, there are many methods of spiritual cultivation, of which the most famous are the Yuanshen Avenue and the path of ghost cultivation in the fairy road.

But the way of the heart is a bit illusory, and there is no specific method of practice at all.

However, since Nagato wants to pursue the realm of the Taoist ancestors, he naturally has his own ideas. In the eyes of the red-haired boy, the way of the heart and the way of the gods are actually inseparable and can be practiced at the same time.

The cultivation of the Word of God is nothing more than the cultivation of the Three Ways of Heaven, Earth, and Man. With these cultivations, it is possible to condense an eternal soul.

The cultivation of the way of the heart is to cultivate one's own beliefs, one's will, one's own cosmology.

Then, the combination of the way of heart and the way of God is--

"Simulated star chart !!!"

ps: Clenched his teeth and finally wrote a chapter! ! ..

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