My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 80: Simulated star chart

Simulated star chart!

This is a special gift from the box world.

This gift is engraved with the mystery of the **** group, which can magnify its own cosmic view infinitely to interfere with external things, subvert the rules of the outside world, and do all kinds of incredible and contrary to common sense.

At first glance, it sounds like the so-called simulated star chart looks very tall.

But in fact, this is a field force.

The so-called realm must naturally have the foundation of its existence!

Just like the simulated star map of the Sandy World is actually based on the law of the Sandy World, if it is beyond the range of the Sandy Power's image, the effect will be much worse.

It is also for this reason that Nagato was not very interested in simulating astral maps when he was in Hak Ting.

It was just that when Nagato transferred his mind to the practice of the two paths of mind and god, he suddenly discovered that the simulated star maps in every area contained two prototypes of the path of practice.

In the calculation of the red-haired boy, if he transforms what he has learned and will into a simulated star map, and deduces it to the extreme, then the two paths of mind and **** are probably not far from the level of Dao ancestors. Too.

The most important thing is that the simulated star map predicted by Nagato is not based on anything else. It is a chaotic starry sky.

From a long time ago, Chaos Starry Sky was one of the biggest cards in Nagato's hands.

It's just that this hole card hasn't been used so far. The reason is very simple, just because Nagato is reluctant to use it. After all, in addition to Nagato's card, Chaos Starry Sky is also the foundation of Nagato.

Since it is the foundation, it is naturally unmovable!

It's just how dangerous the future chaos is, the Nagato of the previous life is planted, and even the Nagato of the present is not very sure. For all that he has now, Nagato will naturally use this background.

Simulating a star map is obviously an excellent way for Nagato to use the power of chaotic stars.

"There are four major elements in the simulated star map, foundation, legal principles, world view and carrier!"

Nagato ’s eyes dimly looked at the wreckage of the Lord God in front of him, "My simulated star foundation and legal principles are undoubtedly chaotic stars, the world view is my knowledge of the world, and the last carrier."

"The wreckage of the Lord God can just be used to exert some residual heat!"

At the end of the talk, the red-haired boy snapped his fingers, and the invisible power burst out, 'grabbing' the wreckage of the main god. At the next moment, the red-haired boy stepped out and brought the wreckage of the main **** to the original space of the chaotic starry sky. .


The core sun in the source space was so loud that the sacred golden flame suddenly scattered from the sun, turned into a sea of ​​fiery fire, and enveloped the remains of the main god.

Faced with such changes, the will of the red-haired boy moved, and the three wills of the heaven, earth, and people in the chaotic starry sky emerged in the original space.

Under the guidance of the will of the Nagato, the three wills of heaven and earth and the golden flame merged, while burning the remains of the main god, they imprinted the endless three truths with mysterious patterns on it.

At the same time, Nagato himself sits on top of the sea of ​​fire and sorts out his own worldview.

As a supreme powerhouse, Nagato certainly has his own unique understanding of the world, but these understandings are somewhat scattered, and what he has to do now is to sort out these understandings and establish his own worldview.

Countless memories of past and present life rolled in my mind, and the breath of the red-haired boy began to change constantly. That ’s it, time passes slowly, one day, two days, three days

Under the burning of the golden flame, the remains of the main **** gradually melted into a gleaming pure white liquid, and then in the imprint of the mysterious lines melted by the three truths, the liquid slowly deformed and solidified.

On the forty-ninth day, the wreckage of the main **** has turned into a quaint Baiyu Xiaoding.

The so-called simulated star chart is not just a graph.

The essence is that the simulated star map of the domain can be either a picture, a book, a sword, a shell, or something.

What Nagato chose was Bai Yu Xiaoding.

Ding is a witness of civilization, a carrier of culture, and a symbol of power.

Casting this tripod symbolizes the domineering will of Nagato to chaotic chaos!

Moreover, Ding contains the true meaning of Tao!

The so-called tripod is composed of one mouth, two ears and three legs.

Among them, the three-legged is a symbol of the three consciousness of heaven, earth and people, and the two ears are the evolution of yin and yang, and there are thousands of mysteries in one bite, just like the chaotic starry sky.

At the moment when Xiaoding was formed, the entire source space of the chaotic starry sky shook slightly, and there was a silent resonance with it.

And at this time, Longmen's view of the world also came to an end!

In just forty-nine days, under the condition of high speed of thought, Nagato seems to have spent tens of millions of years, and the memories in his head do not know how many times he has been revisited.

Countless of his own knowledge of the world was drawn from the sea of ​​surging memories by Nagato.

Cognition and cognition continue to collide between the minds and merge into one!

As these memories were sorted out, Nagato gradually felt that a force different from the power of the mind came out of the depths of his own soul. Without other people telling, Nagato knew that it was the power of the worldview.

As the world view was sorted out, the collision between the thoughts of the red-haired teenagers became more intense, and the sparks of countless wisdom sparkled.

Until a moment


The long door opened his eyes, and his deep eyes flashed like electric current.

The unprecedented great insights flashed through the heart of the red-haired boy, and the long door could not help but sigh softly

"It turns out that everything in the world is justified!"

"Tao is power, reason is truth, Tao is performance, and reason is essence. The two are combined with each other, but the most important thing is reason. The law of heaven is reason, the law of earth is reason, and the rules of humanity are the same."

"The word" reason "runs through the endless chaos !!"

In a trance, all the practices of Nagato so far have merged into the so-called world view of reason, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Nagato knew that his own path of practice had already become a smooth road.


At the next moment, a strong momentum burst from the red-haired boy, and he finally completed the resonance with Bai Yu Xiaoding. The will to dominate the world immediately engraved the core of Xiaoding, and completed the final manufacture of the simulated star map. ..

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