My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 81: Road and Battle

After simulating the creation of the star map, Nagato didn't pay attention to it for the first time.

I saw that the red-haired teenager closed his eyes again. His attention was instantly focused on the power of the world view that had just been conceived in his body, and he realized every bit of it.

All kinds of feelings flashed like electric light and flint, and the long door vaguely understood the end of the path he was walking.

When the power of this worldview is strong enough to integrate, unite the long and painstakingly forged body and supreme sacred power, the red-haired boy will usher in the final transformation on his path of practice.

It's just that although the road is clearly visible, it is clear that it is not easy to get through.

As the saying goes, it is easy to get the way, but difficult to keep the way!

The essence of the power of the world view is actually a kind of cognition.

Cognition changes with time and space. If Nagato cannot always maintain a rational worldview, then the power of the worldview will become a rootless tree, meaningless.

In addition to this, Nagato must continue to recognize, explore, and turn part of the world view of the supernatural.

Only by doing so can the power of the world outlook grow!

"Fortunately, this is not difficult for me!"

A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Nagato remembered the book of Akashia he used to kill time. With the Akashia record of the chaotic starry sky, Nagato could complete the cultivation of the power of worldview sooner or later.

Of course, the time it takes may be a little long.

"However, it is not without shortcuts!"

Slowly opened his eyes, the long door looked at Bai Yu Xiaoding in the void in front of him.

The formed simulated star map in front of me is almost the manifestation of the Nagato world view. If all the Akashia records of the chaotic starry sky are engraved on it, it is almost equivalent to Nagato's integration of the chaotic starry sky into his own worldview.

In this way, the power of Naruto ’s worldview will grow as a result, which is much faster than Naruto ’s own analysis.

"It's just that this tripod has just just begun, and it's not enough to carry the Akashia record! Before the actual fusion, it is necessary to optimize this simulated star map to the most perfect level."

The thought flashed through his head, and Nagato was ready to take Xiaoding back into his body. Then he suddenly thought that each simulated star map had a name, and his simulated star map had not yet been named.

"Since it is the tripod that holds my world view, then call it trippy!"

Thinking this way, Nagato merged Xiaoding into a streamer into his body. Instantly, the power of the worldview in Nagato immediately became active, and began to flow with Xiaoding as the core.

It was only soon that Nagato frowned.

He found that when the power of the world view circulated in his body, he was greatly consumed.

"Is it physical influence?"

Slightly silent, Nagato understood the reason for it—his body was so powerful that he would unconsciously resist other forces, including the mysterious cognitive power of worldview.

"It seems that the seal will continue!"

Some shook his head helplessly, the right hand thumb of the long door pressed against his heart. "Boom !!!"

With a slight roar, the heart of the long door beat slightly.

That was transformed by the strength left by the longevity in the previous life of the Nagato and the original spirit girl of the other side of the gate, and then shrouded in the heart of the Nagato, the Yin and Yang jade seal that sealed the infinite sacred power system of the red-haired boy began to spread.

No longer confined to the heart, the power of the supreme seal spreads with the blood circulation, and soon covered the whole body of the teenager.

In an instant, a feeble feeling emerged in the heart of Nagato, and the collapse of the chaos could not damage any body as if it had lost its absolutely invincible power at once, and it looked like an ordinary human body.

To be reasonable, Nagato is not the first time to seal his own strength.

But this time the seal is the most direct physical body to perceive, and it has reached the Supreme Realm of the Taoist realm, and the resulting gap, even the long door can't help but frown.

Fortunately, the power of the world view soon flooded Nagato's body, weakening his sense of difference.


After taking a long breath, the long door calmed down.

Then the red-haired teenager was a little surprised to find that after the power of the seal of the two Dadao ancestors was continuously sealed in his body, some changes appeared, as if a little more spirituality.

"A little meaning, maybe"

If she thoughtfully opened her mouth, the long door immediately shifted her thoughts, "I have been closed for forty-nine days. I don't know what happened to the outside world?"

Thinking in this mind, Nagato's consciousness directly communicated with the chaotic starry sky, and a lot of information poured into Nagato's mind.

In less than a moment, Nagato understood the changes in these days.

Forty-nine days ago, after the Nagato closed, Shaye used his own authority to assist the Chaos Starry Sky to devour the Dragon Ball plane, and even some planes under the Lord God, and then Bai Yujing's army immediately launched an attack on the Space and Time Administration.

At the beginning, the Space and Time Administration took advantage of its powerful magic technology capabilities.

But soon, Bai Yujing showed unprecedented war potential. After borrowing from the enemy's magic technology, war weapons of various systems merged and appeared, defeating the Space and Time Administration.

Seeing that the white jade Kyoto hit the plane under the authority, the authority's strongest combat power, Ultraman, finally appeared.

Yes, Altman!

The strongest combat power of the Space and Time Administration, and even its origin, is Altman.

After knowing this information, Nagato suddenly understood why the fleet of the Space and Time Administration would show a sense of justice in Nagato's memory. The race of giants of light is not a cosmic hero claiming justice!

After the Ultraman appeared, with the magic technology of the Space-Time Administration, they quickly resisted Bai Yujing's crazy attack.

To this day, the war between Bai Yujing and the Space and Time Administration is continuing without any tilt.


"The Space and Time Administration and Ultraman are absolutely near!"

After carefully sorting out the information, Nagato came to such a conclusion.

There is no other reason, just because Bai Yujing's war potential is too strong. You know, now Bai Yujing uses hundreds of planes as a war base, and there are still many war potentials that have not been tapped. ..

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