My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 82: Re-garden garden

Even so, Nagato will not underestimate the Space and Time Administration.

Not to mention, in the memory of Nagato, the group of Ultraman who always like to play little monsters can always achieve incredible victory in desperate situations. It is synonymous with miracles and cannot be underestimated.

The most important thing is that among the Ultraman, there are four absolutely mysterious Ultraman.

Whether it is the legendary **** of the universe, the legendary savior of the light that has protected the universe since ancient times, or the king of the kingdom of light and the miracle born from the hope and hope in fear and despair .

Although they haven't really shot yet, according to the memories of the previous life, the red-haired teenager can outline the strength of these four guys.

"Thinking of it, I suddenly want to see them."

Such thoughts flashed in my head, and Nagato couldn't help recalling his childhood memories of his first life, "I still admired them at the time, but it's a pity that the ways are not the same!"

Thinking like this, the red-haired teenager could not help shaking his head, distracting the distractions in his mind.

A step was taken at the foot of the volley, and the long door disappeared instantly in the original space.

At the next moment, Nagato appeared over Bai Yujing.

Looking down at the great world made entirely of white jade at the feet, a little pride appeared in the heart of the red-haired boy. All of these are the results of the long-term accumulation of the long door.

Thinking of this, Nagato was even more determined to survive the future disaster.

"Now that is the case, let's go!"

Under this consciousness, I originally thought about whether the long doors of my own girls would change their minds, "I just want to further strengthen the simulated star map, I also want to go to the box court to see."

"By the way, it's almost time to clean up the guy in the box."

So quietly muttering, the long door stepped out, the whole person instantly traversed the endless time and chaos in the traction of the door on the other side, and fell into the chaotic void outside the plane group of the box court.

Just at first glance, Nagato discovered that the face group of the Habitat was unusual.

Although there is nothing strange in appearance, the extraordinary perception of the red-haired young boy can clearly detect that dramatic changes are taking place inside the hut, and the atmosphere of the Buddha is expanding rapidly.

Under the pressure of the Buddha's breath, the breaths of the different groups of gods are either being assimilated, or they have fallen to the plane under the box.

"Ha, did the hands of Buddhism and Taoism reach in?"

Such thoughts flashed in the brain, and a faint wave flashed in the eyes of the long door.

After getting the door to the other bank, in the idea of ​​knowing oneself and knowing the other, the young man has done a lot of research on the eight civilizations that dominate chaos.

Perhaps it was because the Buddhism and Taoism civilization was separated from the Xiandao civilization in the last chaotic era. For the sake of the shallowest background, he found that among the eight civilizations, the Buddhism and Taoism civilization had the most attempts to the chaotic realm in which they were.

The Sakyamuni in the Hak Ting was supported by the Buddhism and Taoism, in order to almost assimilate Hinduism and develop the Buddhist gate into the mainstream of the Hak Ting.

Not only Shakya, Nagato remembered the Buddhas he had met on the plane of the Blood Devour. "It seems that there are a lot of chess pieces in Buddhism and Taoism!"

Thinking about this, there is no such anxiety in Nagato. With the current strength of the red-haired boy, even if it is hard and strong with the Buddhist civilization, let alone a few chess pieces in the Buddhist civilization area.

The only thing that made Nagato hesitate was what method he would use to enter the box court.

It's not impossible to head down, but Nagato is worried that once the war is in full swing, in the state of his current seal, if he is careless, he will directly destroy the box court if he is careless.

This is very unfavorable to Nagato's desire to "take the simulated star map from the box court even further."

"Forget it, anyway, don't rush for a while, or cultivation is important!"

The thought flashed in my mind, and the shape of the Long Gate came under the force of the door of the other shore, and quietly came out of the plane group of the subordinates with weaker central power in the box.

I looked around the planes a little, and when I scanned the three planes connected together, Nagato's gaze paused slightly.

In terms of size, each of these three planes is larger than the other planes around them. Their breath is almost fused. It is called the Trinity, and the plane is filled with a very strong atmosphere of gods.

The most important thing is that this breath of gods is familiar to Nagato.

"I remembered it, the Greek gods!"

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the long door wandered in the direction of the Trinity Plane. He intuitively told the red-haired boy that the Trinity Plane was very interesting and would interest him.

With such a mood, the red-haired boy soon reached the crystal wall of the plane.

Nagato did not break through directly, because he could feel that there were two mysterious divine powers attached to the crystal wall, one of which contained the mighty power of time, while the other revealed some fluctuations in fate.

Perceiving the two divine powers, Nagato suddenly understood that the masters of these two divine powers were the ultimate cards of the Greek gods.

It's just that the masters of these two divine powers are the same as the only supreme master who teaches. It doesn't seem to fit the dualism of the box court, and it can't exert its full strength in the box court.


In this way, Li Zhiding flew out of the body of the long gate, and the power of the mysterious world view diffused, disintegrating the defensive force on the crystal wall of the plane, and a radius of several meters was formed on the crystal wall. Channel.

The entire process was quietly completed in a moment, and did not attract the attention of the plane consciousness and the two masters of divine power.

"This power is very convenient!"

Slightly feeling the change in the strength of the lower body, Nagato withdrew Li Zhiding and walked into the passage, and after the red-haired boy entered, the power of the world view that diffused around the passage dissipated, and the passage recovered automatically.

And at this moment, the two divine forces that permeated the plane crystal wall suddenly appeared a trace of fluctuation.

"Just now, did anything pass through the crystal wall?"

"There is no display in fate!"

"Is that so"

At the end of this sentence, the fluctuation of the divine power on the crystal wall slowly disappeared, and the surrounding chaos quickly returned to calm. ..

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