My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 83: Hestia

There is a similar plot in many-

Under some irresistible factors, the protagonist came to a bathhouse or the like, and looked at the heroine all over the body, which triggered a series of events and finally won the beauty.

To be honest, for such a plot, Nagato had no special thoughts other than feeling some dog blood.

It's just that when this happened to him, he couldn't help but froze.

I looked at the natural hot spring environment surrounded by fresh water vapor, and then I looked at the petite and tender figure in front of me, but I could not help but marvel at the upper wall. silence.

In this short moment, the long door clearly noticed the identity of the girl in front of him.

She is a god, and is a **** who has existed for a long time.

Of course, the divine spirit is not in the eyes of the long door. What really makes the red-haired boy care is that he can clearly perceive the pure breath that permeates the girl in front of him.

To be honest, it is very rare for creatures such as gods to have such a pure breath.

The reason is simple, that is, the life of the gods is too long.

In the long years, the gods have to do all kinds of things to pass the time, killing lives, fighting, conspiracy, calculation, etc. There are too many things that the gods can do and dare to do.

When the gods do these things, they are usually inevitably contaminated with other breaths.

Therefore, even the most good spirits are rarely so pure.

"Such a rare goddess, I want it!"

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of the red-haired boy's mouth and said, "Hello, beautiful girl, and thank you for your hospitality. Your figure is really good!"

Speaking of which, Nagato raised his right hand and raised his thumb towards the girl.

"Over, over!"

Hearing the words of the long gate, the girl in amazement spoke subconsciously, and then she reacted, angrily angrily, "No! I haven't turned my head yet yet, you baa !!"

Hestia feels really unlucky recently!

As the goddess of fire in the Greek gods and the protector of the house, Hestia was born with the chaotic style of the Ospirin Mountain. From a long time ago, she left the **** with the forged goddess Hephaestus group.

In the process of traveling, they merged with many gods, and finally settled on a plane on the edge of the power range of the box.

In that plane, the gods jointly created a dungeon that can constantly generate monsters.

Then they sealed their own power, and came to the world, using the community of the box court as a template, containing the humans who saw their eyes, and giving each other the grace of God, and established a clan to attack the underground city.

In a sense, this world built by the three gods, family members, and dungeons is very similar to the box court.

But unlike the Sand Chamber, this plane has no danger for the gods. Unlike the Sand Court world, there are demon kings everywhere, and humans finally try these dangerous factors.

The gods can experience life freely, praising everything they like.

Such a beautiful world, so much so that the gods of the Greek gods, Zeus the Emperor and Hera later joined them, and the two of them even established the two most powerful clan in that plane.

As a well-known house god, Hestia didn't join the games of the gods at first, but just watched.

It's just that as time goes by, watching other gods have so much fun, especially their old enemy, the man from the Nordic **** group-Loki united with the beauty **** of the Nordic **** group, expelling Zeus and Hera's family, after the limelight, the goddess who was hopelessly hopeless was finally moved.

However, all this is too late.

Something changed in the Sand Court!

The Buddhism that had already occupied the general trend somehow became aggressive, and it conquered toward the whole group of gods. A large number of gods were all assimilated by the Buddhism and became part of the Buddhism.

Under such circumstances, where are these gods from different **** groups still thinking about playing games?

Therefore, Hestia can only bring full complaints, and under the leadership of Zeus and Hera, obediently returned to this fundamental position of the Greek gods guarded by the two super gods.

After returning to Ospirin Hill for a while, Hestia still felt a little unhappy.

So, she fell.

The goddess was ready to find something to do in the world. By killing time, she let herself forget that unhappiness. As soon as she fell down, she discovered that the whole world had become the battlefield of Athena, Hades and Poseidon.

Hestia, who didn't want to be involved in the battlefield, could only avoid human society, and then she found a hot spring in the no man's land.

"As a result, I haven't had time to enjoy it yet. I have encountered such a bad luck!"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, while Hestia was wearing her own clothes, while looking at the red-haired boy with his back against him, feeling a little distracted for a while.

Although it is a **** with a long history, as the most sacred and ancient goddess in Greece, Hestia is still too simple.

Facing a teenager who has seen herself, her performance is not much different from that of a normal human girl.

But after all, he was a goddess, and Hestia quickly adjusted her mind, coughed softly, and said, "Young man, you can turn your head, and, please report your name!"

"When asking someone else's name, shouldn't they first report their own name?"

Hearing Hestia's words, Nagato turned leisurely and looked at the girl who was dressed, her eyes lit up.

I have to say that the costume of this goddess is very unique.

This is not a fancy dress, just a white dress with a back and thighs.

But with the traits of the girly **** of this loli goddess, it makes people feel amazing, and the most amazing thing is the girl ’s blue ribbon that passes under her chest and is tied to her arm, completely characterizing the girl ’s figure. The most obvious.

"But looking at you as beautiful as you are, I will answer your question!"

His eyes unabashedly showed a look of appreciation. The red-haired boy walked straight to Hestia and said, "My name is Nagato, girl. Be my lover!"


Hestia said he was really scared ..

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