My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 84: Jihad essence

"I do not want it!"

But after a brief surprise, Hestia immediately reacted, and said with some excitement, "Why should I be your lover, you guys, don't be too self-righteous!"

"So, my love, what is your name?"

But Nagato completely ignored Hestia's rebuttal and asked himself.

Faced with such a situation, even with a good temper, Hestia, who can even be said to be a waste, was annoyed, and even the divine power that was not used when he was naked was directly used by the girl.

It was just that her power had just emerged, and she was sapped away by the power of the rational world view that shrouded the surroundings somehow.

The whole process was completely without any warning, and Hestia couldn't help but be surprised!

"You are really not good!"

At this time, the red-haired boy had already deceived himself, with an unwilling smile on his face, which made Hestia feel a little uneasy. "Since you don't answer, I can only find the answer by myself."

With that said, Nagato hugged Hestia directly, his head lowered, and kissed the girl's small mouth that was slightly open in surprise.

The power of the worldview of reason immediately poured into Hestia ’s body from the mouth of the red-haired boy. While incorporating the power of the girl into his own worldview, Nagato read Hestia with some subtle power Asian past.

This reading is not mind-reading, it is more like browsing Hestia ’s Akashia record, eroding her essence.

In a sense, this is a kind of love.

More in-depth communication than physical interaction between men and women.

So after the initial horror, Hestia immediately rebelled.

It's just that her resistance is of little importance to the red-haired boy. In the end, she can only watch her essence being eroded by a certain force, and she has gradually enjoyed herself from the resistance.

At the same time, Nagato got more and more information, and the secrets of many Greek deities were presented to him.

Originally, the red-haired boy didn't care much. The secret of a group of gods was nothing to the chaotic master who controlled the endless plane, but he soon discovered that he seemed to underestimate the Greek **** group.

"Little Universe, jihad is really interesting!"

Such thoughts flashed in my head, and the long door kissed even more

At this time, the celestial world Olympus.

In the splendid hall in the middle of the top shrine, sitting on the throne, it looks like an old Zeus. When the essence of Hestia was eroded by the long view of the world, he could not help standing up.

The electric current containing infinite heavenly power flashed through Zeus, indicating the majesty of this **** group.


Subconsciously reading his sister's name, Zeus' face could not help being somber.

Perhaps other gods are not clear, but as the master of the **** group, Zeus clearly felt that Hestia had left the Greek **** group.

If it were usual, Zeus would not care so much about Hestia.

Although the other party is his own sister, in the eyes of Zeus, Hestia is just a cute thing, in addition to ornamental, whether it is strength or wisdom, Hestia is dispensable for the gods.

Just at this juncture, Hestia's accidental disengagement had to remind Zeus of something bad.

"Could it be that the group of bald donkeys in Buddhism have penetrated?"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Zeus shook his head slightly after pondering, "It's impossible, there are two super-gods, even the guy from Shakya can't penetrate this plane silently."

"It's just not that group of bald donkeys. Why did Hestia break away from the group of gods? She couldn't have such determination herself."

It ’s not that Zeus underestimated Hestia. Although she was out of tune with the mainstream style of the Greek **** group, she even gave up the position of the twelve main gods of Ospirin and did not want to be in sync with the mainstream style of the **** group. God group.

In other words, after leaving the group of gods, a waste **** like Hestia couldn't survive.

After thinking for a long time like this, after all, Zeus, who was puzzled, could only temporarily suspend his thinking. Without knowing the specific situation, Zeus could only stay still and wait for the development of the situation.

"Damn, still lacking strength!"

Thinking like this, his eyes instantly penetrated the endless time and space, and looked at the human world and the underworld.

Sensing the state of Athena's reincarnation, Hades and Poseidon, Zeus' eyes narrowed slightly.

"It seems that a new round of jihad is about to begin."

With a soft voice in his mouth, Zeus's face flashed with regret, "Time is not waiting for anyone. I'm afraid this will be the last jihad. It's a pity that the next jihad will be completed."

In the eyes of the world, the so-called jihad is actually for the love and peace, the goddess Athena reincarnated humanity, and her saint fighters against the Pluto and Neptune gods trying to exterminate human wars.

In the eyes of the gods, the jihad is the war that Neptune and Hades dissatisfied with Athena as the future heir of the **** group.

Just in the eyes of Zeus, the so-called jihad, the real essence is an sacrifice.

For thousands of years, the battle of burning souls, the scorching fighting spirit, the drops of blood spattering the earth, everything is for a grand sacrifice.

The goal of the sacrifice is not other, it is a simulated star chart of the Greek **** group, Ospirin!

In other words, simulate a star chart, the Big Bang!

The Big Bang is the real name of the simulated star map Ospirin, because the real name is too obvious, so the Greek **** group specifically changed its simulated star map to Ospirin.

There is no other reason, because the foundation of the Greek **** group lies in this simulated star chart.

The entire Greek group of gods, from the super-god to the **** servant, are practicing a system of power called the small universe, and the source of this power is the simulated star creation map of the **** group, and the presence of the gods will enhance the simulated star creation. The power of the graph.

It is just that Zeus became the master of the **** group. After taking charge of the simulated star map, he felt that the simulated star map still has great potential to be tapped.

After all, the number of gods is limited in the end, and the increase in the simulated star map is also limited. After thinking for a long time, Zeus turned his attention to the human beings with excellent reproduction ability in the human world.

Perhaps the small universe of human practice is inferior to gods, but the lack of quality can be supplemented by quantity.

And human beings' richer feelings than the gods will give the small universe a stronger possibility.

For this reason, Zeus secretly spread the power of the small universe to the world.

Then Zeus took the opportunity of the unexpected fall of Athena, the successor of the next generation of the gods, in the process of the rise of the chaotic city in the box court, and put it into reincarnation. Na got it right.

Because of the existence of Zeus, Athena, Hades, and Poseidon could not engage in real power.

Then there is a reason for the existence of the so-called Saint Seiya under the gods.

And this is the essence of jihad! ..

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