My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 85: Break into the sanctuary!

Regardless of Zeus ’reaction, the long gate on the other side eroded Hestia ’s essence into its own rational worldview, and after getting the information he wanted, he took the girl towards Greece.

His goal is nowhere else, it is the base camp of the reincarnation of Athena in the world, the sanctuary of Greece!

The sanctuary is the holy place for all saint fighters and the residence of the pope and goddess Athena.

In a sense, this is the earthly kingdom of Athena.

But Nagato is not difficult to find the sanctuary.

Not to mention that the memory carried by Hestia has the location of the sanctuary, that is, the sanctuary itself acts as the invisible ruler standing in many countries and regimes, and many high-level humans know its location.

Therefore, even if no extraordinary power is used, they still travel around on the road.

But the red-haired boy came to the sanctuary within three days.

"It's magnificent!"

Standing on a mountain peak near the sanctuary, Nagato's gaze spanned a distance of tens of kilometers and saw the sanctuary shrouded in enchantment.

The holy place protected by the goddess of wisdom and war Athena, the stars and the clouds are separated by sacred regions.

This is not far from Athens, the largest city in Greece, but it is a sacred mountain isolated from the dunya. It is not even recorded on the map. Even a reconnaissance satellite with a resolution of up to meters can not be found.

The sanctuary full of "the will of the gods" was hidden in secret by dozens of enchantments without any interference from the outside.

This is the holy place where the saint fighters who protect the peace on the earth live. It is also called the last village to protect the peace on the earth. Therefore, except for the warriors and other related persons, other people are not allowed to enter the sanctuary.

In the square at the foot of the mountain, there are various living facilities such as an amphitheater, an arena, a clock tower, a living gallery, a residence, and so on.

In ancient Greece, the Holy Land, Delphi, famous for Apollo ’s prophecies, gathered cultural buildings. The style of these buildings spans unknown for hundreds of millions of years. The construction times are also different, so as to warn the world that the ancient lifeline is preserved here. Inviolable place.

But the main building is the Golden Zodiac.

Anyone who wants to reach the Supreme Temple of Athena must pass through the Golden Zodiac guarded by the strongest gold Saint Seiya on earth.

"Good, enough to qualify as my temporary palace."

Speaking of which, Nagato turned to look at Hestia, who was beside him, and said, "As you can see, I'm going to start working on Athena. How is your relationship with her?"

Although Hestia had a poor sense of the Greek gods, he was born here after all.

Nagato will still take a little care of her feelings.


Hestia took a sip after hearing the inquiry from Nagato.

The idea of ​​Nagato Hestia was only a little thought. While he was being eroded by the other party, Hestia also knew the details of the man in front of him.

Hestia understands that, since the long goal is ready to start, Athena's end will certainly not be very good.

It was just that she thought about it a little bit, but found that she had no intention of pleading for Athena. Although she and Athena, and Artemis were the three virgin goddesses who were listed as gods, they had a bad relationship with each other.

In other words, the waste of Hestia and the career goddess Athena and Artemis are too bad.

Thinking like this, the girl said, "I don't care about the rest of the gods except Hephaestus."


Nodding his head, Nagato took Li Zhiding out of his body and threw it toward the sky.

Bai Yu's Xiaoding went straight up to the heights of the sanctuary. At the next moment, the power of the world view of reason alone suddenly emerged, eroding the rule called reality, and surrounding the huge sanctuary.

In the Temple of Athena, the incarnation of Athena in this era, Sasha suddenly rose from her own seat.

"this is"

The right hand subconsciously covered his heart, and Sasha flashed a sad face.

The goddess little universe from his own soul is working violently and automatically, and Sasha clearly feels an unspeakable crisis, as if some great disaster has come.

With such a hunch, Sasha drives her small universe to begin to perceive the situation in the sanctuary.

Then she found that the entire sanctuary was isolated from reality under some mysterious power. Not only that, this force was also eroding the sanctuary itself and the spirits in the sanctuary.

Under the erosion of this force, alternate candidates of Saint Seiya and ordinary Saint Seiya have already appeared syncope.

And the source of this mysterious power is a mysterious Baiyu Xiaoding suspended above the Holy Land.

"Simulation, star chart?"

There were words in his mouth that he didn't even know the meaning of, and a little green bar finally appeared on Sasha's face. The seal that was deep in the girl's soul seemed to be unsealed.

Realizing this, Sasha couldn't help but a sorrow emerged.

Although the young girl has understood the identity of her goddess reincarnation, inherited the goddess' small universe, and even has the consciousness of using this power to contribute to the upcoming jihad.

But the premise of Sasha's consciousness is her own will, not Athena's will.

Only the will belongs to oneself, which the girl knew very early on.

Once the memory belonging to the goddess Athena is unsealed, Sasha can only be Athena, and it is no longer Sasha's will that governs her soul, but the will of the goddess Athena.

Thinking of this, the girl could not help but let go of her scepter and let it fall to the ground.

Embracing both hands, Sasha squatted down and wept silently

Sasha's situation has not yet been known, because the entire sanctuary is already boiling.

Among the popes, the contemporary Pope Sage issued martial law orders toward the entire sanctuary for the first time, and then excited the sanctuary's defensive system and took out the spell left by Athena in his last jihad.

Although he did not know what happened, the Pope ’s wisdom told Sage that an unimaginable big change was coming.

The first house of the Golden Zodiac, Aries.

Shi Aon, the golden saint fighter who guards this palace, has put on his own golden holy garment, standing alone at the door of the Aries palace, his eyes looking at the front with extreme caution.

The extraordinary perception derived from Saint Seiya made Shion realize that he would soon encounter an enemy.

as predicted--


A violent shock wave burst from the end of Shion's field of vision. Several bronze and silver saints dressed in holy clothes flew in this fierce shock, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Afterwards, the leisurely figure strolled out of the smoke rolled up by the impact.

It was a thin red-haired teenager.

At first glance it may seem harmless to humans and animals.

Only the first time, Shi Ang clearly felt that the other party was filled with unabashed maliciousness. Obviously, he was the invader of the Holy Land this time, his own enemy.

Since it is an enemy, then there is no need to talk, there is only one battle!

With such an idea, Shi Ang instantly burned the small universe that he had reached the seventh sense, and the whole person almost turned into a streamer, and rushed to the teenager in an instant.

Endless star debris emerged from Shiang's hands, even slightly distorting the space——

"Stardust Rotation Work !!!"

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