My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 86: Microcosm

Facing Shion's attack, Nagato couldn't help but shine.

Although after eroding the nature of Hestia, he got a lot of information, he had a lot of understanding of the spiritual system of the Greek gods, but because Hestia ’s power came innately, this understanding and not much.

The low-level saints who had encountered Nagmen before breaking into the sanctuary were too weak and did not show much merit.

At first he thought that the so-called small universe was just like that.

Only the golden Saint Seiya in front of him, but broke the inherent cognition of the long door.

Based on his thousands of years of rich experience and extraordinary intuition, Nagato discovered that the golden Saint Seiya in front of him was clearly a teenager, and he could act at the speed of light in a short time and launch such a shocking attack.

"Although it seems to be only a momentary attack, it should not be underestimated!"

The thought flashed through his head, and the long door raised his right hand. The index finger was one point toward Shion, and the power of the invisible rational worldview suddenly came and bombarded Shion.

Stardust or space distortion, all the vision dissipated at this instant.

As if there were a pair of invisible hands to wipe them out.

The incoming Shion flew out of the horror shock caused by the world view of Li, and then smashed heavily on the deep wall of the Aries Palace, and the whole person was embedded on it.

After striking away Shion, Nagato's attention shifted to the practice system of the small universe.

Now that the two strongest ancestors of Taoism are sealed, although there is the existence of Li Ding, Nagato will not encounter any danger, but if everything is used by Li Ding, it will be a bit over.

"Perhaps, I can practice the little universe a little bit."

Such thoughts flashed in my head, and Chang Men felt that this idea was very feasible.

After all, the fundamental source of the practice system of the small universe is the simulated star chart of the Greek **** group. For the long gate that plots the simulated **** map of the Greek **** group, the practice of the small universe really helps to achieve its own purpose.

Thinking this way, Nagato immediately followed the method in Hestia's memory to simulate the scene of the Big Bang in the body.


In an instant, the power of the small universe burned in the body of the red-haired boy.

The essence of small cosmic practice is to control the force of cosmic explosion in the body with its own will. The key is the strength of the will. Therefore, after referring to the practice of Buddha, the small cosmic practice system of the Greek **** group is divided into the first to ninth sense.

Probably because Nagato has already stood at the apex of spiritual practice, most of the spiritual practice system is almost a point.

In less than a moment, the small universe penetrated the whole body, instantly breaking through the five senses of the human body such as sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch, and then directly broke through the sixth sense, established its own sense of existence, and gave birth to the small universe. core.

"how come"

On the other side, Shion, who had just come down from the wall, could not help but change his face slightly after he sensed the change in the long door.

As a golden Saint fighter who cultivated the small universe to the seventh sense, Shion has a very clear understanding of the practice of the small universe. Therefore, when he perceives the small universe of the enemy in front of him, he judges that the other small universe belongs to the new small universe. But no matter how you look at it, it ’s really weird that a new small universe can break through the sixth sense instantly.

And this new little universe is still skyrocketing extremely unreasonably!

"Also, what power did the other party use before?"

A lot of doubts flashed in his head, but Shiang did not hesitate to burn his own small universe. No matter who the other person is, what kind of power he has. As the guardian of the Aries, Shion knew that he must defeat him.

The 7th sense of the small universe burst forth with unimaginable energy, and Shiang immediately used this force to distort the laws of the underworld.

A blue flame filled with corpse gas appeared at Shion's fingertips, and a large number of dead souls appeared on the surrounding ground.

"The corpse gas turned to Lingbo !!"

I saw Shiang raised his right hand high, centered on the blue flames, the dead souls came together in an instant, and instantly gathered into a super huge spiritual wave, slamming towards the location of the long gate. And go.

The powerful Lingbo pierced the space, swept away the vitality, and rushed to the front door like a death.



At this moment, the small universe inside the Nagato broke through to the seventh sense!

Under the blessing of the red-haired boy's physical body, which is far beyond the essence of several levels of ordinary life even in the seal, the small universe power beyond Shion's imagination burst like a golden blaze and greeted the spirit wave.


A violent roar suddenly sounded, and smoke and dust were raised in the Aries Palace, obscuring the vision.

"Did you make it?"

Seeing the Lingbo that he released hit the enemy, a little doubt appeared on Shiang ’s face, but at the next moment, his doubt turned into horror, because the figure of the red-haired boy did n’t know when it appeared in In front of him.

Still waiting for Shiang to react, he saw Nagato raise his right hand, and the golden little cosmic flame turned into a simulated galaxy.

"Stardust rotation work !!"

Shion's moves are reproduced in the hands of Nagato.

A large number of debris meteorite fell from the Milky Way to form a high-speed rotating cosmic star cluster. They bombarded Shion's body as many times as possible. When he blasted it again, his holy clothes also burst out of the cracks.

This blow came too suddenly, completely defeating the Aries Saint Seiya and putting him into a coma.

After doing all this, the red-haired teenager withdrew his right hand, felt his own state, and then slightly converged the small universe burning in the lower body. "It is a very interesting move. It seems that it has a lot of room for development."

Thinking this way, the long gate directly manipulated the power of the world view of reason that permeated in the sanctuary, and captured all the knowledge of small cosmic practice from Shi Ang's mind.

Then the long gate went straight out of the Aries Palace and walked towards the Taurus Palace.

The distance between the two Golden Palaces is not far away. After the red-haired boy spent less than a minute digesting Shion's knowledge, the Taurus Palace was already in sight, but the long gate saw it before entering the Taurus Palace. A burly figure came out of the palace gate. ..

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