My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 88: Ashmeda

Tong Hu defeated

When Nagato really shot, Tong Hu was doomed.

Although the red-haired teenagers also only use the seventh sense of the small cosmic power, and the child tiger ’s Lushan Bailongba can be called one of the golden saint fighters, and it has the blessing of the holy territory, but their essence is too different.

The long door standing at the peak of chaos, under the same conditions, is not comparable to Tong Hu.

The roaring dragons were torn in an instant, and Tong Hu was instantly blasted into the ground.

The Nagato easily crossed the obstruction of the Libra Saint Seiya.

After all the knowledge of the four comatose Saint Seiyas was plundered by the forces driving the world view of reason, the red-haired boy walked out of the Taurus Palace and wandered towards the apex of the sanctuary.

The following double uterus, Cancer Palace and Lion Palace, Nagato did not encounter any obstacles.

The Saint Warriors who guarded the three palaces were either dead or not in the sanctuary. The only Saint Warrior who guarded the palace, Mani Gott, the Cancer Palace, had been defeated by the Nagato.

So soon, Nagato came to the sixth house, the virgin house!


Just entering the Virgo Palace, the red-haired boy clearly felt an extraordinary small universe, which is far beyond the strong and small universe possessed by the golden saints who had encountered the long gate before.

According to Nagato's research on the small universe, this is probably the eighth sense of the legendary small universe.

The most interesting thing is that there is a silent Zen in this small universe!


A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the long door could not help but whisper to himself.

Right now is the time when the relationship between the Greek **** group and the Buddhist door is tense, and as the next generation leader of the **** group, there is a holy warrior who has such a deep imprint of the Buddhist door among the holy fighters of Athena.

The secrets hidden in it are really intriguing!

It's no wonder that Zeus will choose to let a powerful goddess like Athena sink into reincarnation and become a piece that strengthens the simulated star chart.

Thinking so, the flash of light in the head of the long door can't help but think of some plots in the memory.

"I remember the 200-year-old Virgo Saint Seiya, which seems to be the reincarnation of Shakyamuni. It turns out that Athena must have become a part of the Buddhist door. The practice of the Buddhist door depends on reincarnation. It seems that Athens Na's reincarnation is to practice. "

"In this way, in the next holy war in memory, Pluto is even completely destroyed, it makes perfect sense!"

Thinking about it, Nagato has stepped into the depths of the Virgo palace, and then he saw the contemporary Virgo Saint Seiya-Ashmidar!

It was a golden saint who was meditating with his eyes closed, suspended on the golden lotus platform.

It seemed that he heard the footsteps of the long door, and Ashmeda raised his head slightly and looked at the long door, but he still didn't open his eyes or said that he couldn't open his eyes. Ashmeda was born blind.

"Hello, respected Lord God!"

Facing the arrival of Nagato, Ashmeda just said hello lightly,

In words, Ashmeda changed from sitting in the void to standing on the golden lotus stand, and the white cloak shook, and the colossal pressure of the huge universe spread out in all directions.

"God? I am indeed a god, but it was once!"

There was a slight chuckle at the corner of his mouth, and the long door embraced his chest with his hands, and said, "Come on, let me see what the strongest Saint Seiya of this generation is. I hope you can surprise me a little."

Nagato's words were arrogant, but Ashmeda did not have the slightest resentment, but instead looked serious.

From the beginning of the invasion of the sanctuary, Ashmeda was aware of the enemy's existence for the first time and knew the terrible of the other party.

"I will!"

However, he solemnly said that Akashida's hands folded slightly in front of him, and the huge energy gathered into a sphere of light. The radiance was very small and as small as a palm, but the sphere contained the power of the development of the universe.

Afterwards, Amitabha loosened the energy light sphere and dropped it in one hand and raised his palm in the other, just as the Buddha had shown when he was born.

"Sky Devil Descends !!"

The power of terrifying universe development suddenly burst out, turning into a stream of golden energy, and bombarded towards the red-haired boy. Its fast speed and strong power completely surpassed the attacks of the Saints who had been encountered by the long gate before. .

"Interesting, so huge a horn!"

Facing the attack of Ashmeda, Nagato instantaneously exhibited the moves he searched from the mind of Taurus.

With arms folded and waving his hands together, an endless burst of superluminal shock wave burst out and collided positively with the incoming golden energy flow, causing a burst of violent explosion.


The entire virgin palace trembles in the roar of the explosion, and the violent impact spreads in all directions, ruining everything.

Standing in the aftermath of the explosion, Ashmeda frowned.

As the strongest Saint Seiya in the Sanctuary, Ashmidar has studied the other Saint Seiya ’s moves. There is no doubt that the huge horn of Taurus ’s signature skills is not comparable to its own power in terms of principle and actual power. Heavenly Devil surrendered.

And the eighth sense of the small universe of Akashida is beyond the seventh sense of the red-haired boy.

With such a double advantage, Tianmo's surrender could not hold down the huge horn.

"Strong, really strong, this is the essential gap!"

These thoughts flashed in his mind, and a bitter smile flashed on Ashmeda's face, but soon, this bitter laughter was fleeting, and the Virgo's golden Saint Seiya ignited his little universe again.

"However, I, the golden Saint Seiya of Virgo, will not concede Ashmita !!"

With the determination of the Saint Seiya, burning more violently than before, the eighth sense of the small universe is fully operational at this moment.

At the next moment, Ashmeda folded his hands slightly.

The power of the terrifying little universe turned into ripples spreading in all directions. With the spread of the ripples, the surrounding environment changed in an instant, and the explosion scene that had not yet subsided was immediately replaced by a mysterious space spread all over the Buddhist wall.

Invisible power came to Nagato's body in an instant, and through his body, locked the Nagato's small universe!

"Take me to the final meaning of Virgo, Tianwu Baolun !!!"

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