My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 89: Break through again

Tianwu Baolun!

This is the perfect battle line created by the Virgo Golden Saint Seiya who knows all the truths of the universe.

Once the opponent is caught in this battle, they cannot attack or escape. At this time, the users of Tianwu Baolun can use this advantage to deprive the opponent's five sensory functions in turn, so that the other party loses the five senses that are extremely important to the battle and the sixth sense of spirit and thinking.

Its maximum power can deprive the opponent's five senses at one time, the seventh sense of super sense beyond all else, and the eighth sense that is not bound by the laws of the underworld.

As far as Ashmidar is concerned, this battle array is the only force he can possibly deal with the enemy.

Although he is the strongest Saint Warrior in the Holy Land, Ashmeda never underestimates other people who are also Golden Saint Warriors, because he knows very well that even if he has been promoted to the Eighth Sense, May be lost to other Saint Seiya.

The Saint Warrior has the existence without as much as possible, and it is not a strange thing to be weaker than strong.

But the enemy in front of him easily defeated the five golden saints.

And every gold Saint Seiya is defeated in one blow!

It ’s so powerful that it ’s like a god!

Faced with such an enemy, Ashmeda knew that conventional methods could not defeat the enemy at all. He simply discovered that although the other party's power was too powerful to be reasonable, it was only a new small universe after all.

Although the new strength is strong, it is also 'weak' and lacks a tenacity.

Aiming at this, Ashmeda blessed all the power on the Tianwu Baolun.

Then he sealed the small universe in front of him as he wished.


"It's really interesting!"

All the seven senses were sealed, but the red-haired boy still said quietly, "I actually sealed the power I just practiced recently. It is worthy of being the strongest Saint Warrior, and I was impressed."

"Why, why"

Hearing the words of Nagato, and realizing that he was still in the same state, Ashmidar suddenly felt a little dazed.

"It's just a pity that the gap between us is too great."

Sighing softly, Nagato sincerely admired the man in front of him. It was indeed amazing to be able to seize his own weakness that was not a weakness in such a short time.

But his position was still too low after all, and he could not really see the truth of Nagato.

The so-called small universe is just a flash of light before the Nagato, and then the power of cultivation, let alone a seal, even if it is destroyed directly, it will have no effect on Nagato at all.

"But for me, this is an opportunity."

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Nagato madly inspired the small universe in the seal with his strong willpower. Within a moment, the red-haired boy burst into a powerful small universe again.

"this is"

Perceiving the change of Nagato, Ashmeda immediately recovered.

Although calmness was restored on his face, the Virgo Golden Saint Warrior was not calm at all. As the owner of the eighth sense of the small universe, he knew that the enemy in front of him had broken through at this moment.

The seventh universe felt the astounding bottleneck between the eighth sense and was easily crossed by the other party at this moment.

Even Ashmeda could feel that it was because of his Tianwu Baolun that sealed the seven senses of the other party's small universe, that made him easily find the eighth sense that surpassed the seventh sense and was not bound by death. Your own Tianwu treasure wheel has become a stepping stone for the other party to break through!

"What a joke !!"

Somehow, a strong unwillingness appeared in Ashmeda's heart.

Perhaps it was annoyance at his powerlessness, maybe it was because of the heart-raising high above the enemy in front of him, or maybe for other reasons. In short, the always calm Ahmeda was angry.

Then, he burned his little universe again in an instant.

And in a moment, burn your own small universe to the limit, and even exceed the limit!


Accompanied by anger, the small universe of Ashmeda blessed the sky dance wheel, and further stimulated its power. The murals around the Buddha tremble at the same time, producing a strong resonance.

In this ripple of resonance, Tianwu Baolun immediately sealed the eighth sense of the small universe that Nagato had just broken through.


The moment when the little universe just awakened felt the seal, a surprise flashed across the face of Nagato.

Only then, the red-haired boy chuckled.

"I didn't expect you to have such a side."

With a light smile on his face, the long door glanced at Ashmeda, and then said softly, "Since this is the case, then I can't hold back, then watch it, the miracle is coming!"

As soon as the words fell, the Nagato immediately aroused the tripod of the reason suspended in the sky!

"Boom !!!"

Sudden trembling echoed throughout the sanctuary.

In the slight sound, innumerable knowledge from the erosion of the sanctuary by the tripod of reason flowed into the soul of the long door from the void, and under the spark of wisdom, it turned into a raging flame and completely lit the small universe.

At the same time, Nagato's consciousness sensed some wonderful traction.

Some thoughts flashed in my head, and Nagato did not resist.

The next moment, the consciousness of the red-haired boy leapt to a mysterious starry sky under the influence of that traction force. The starry sky is very large and almost endless, but there are very few stars shining in the starry sky.

On each star, Nagato can feel the divine breath of different nature.


Such thoughts emerged in my heart. Following the guidance of the starry sky, Nagato released his little cosmic breath, and instantly condensed a bright star in the starry sky.


In an instant, a small hurricane-like cosmic flame burst out of the long door.

In an instant, the small universe of Nagato has undergone an unimaginable huge transformation, completely eliminating the red dust in the small universe, and becoming extremely noble and deep, like a truly infinite universe.

The terrifying and terrifying momentum directly drove Ashmit.


The space formed by the Tianwu Baolun battle array suddenly resounded with a crisp and broken sound.

Then the sound of fragmentation continued to sound, the spider-like cracks spreading in all directions, and the entire mural space was transformed into countless fragments in less than a moment ..

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