My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 99: Earth Protoss!


It has an extremely special position in the endless chaotic void.

Or because of the influence of the real earth, there are about 70% of the planes in the endless chaos of the chaos, there are planets called the earth, and most of these earths are the center of the plane.

In such a large environment as the Ha Ting, this particularity has been brought into full play.

All the subordinate planes of the Sand Chamber are centered on the fate of the earth, and the history of human civilization on the earth has become a very important existence basis for the Million Gods in the Sand Chamber.

Under the influence of such special factors, as the half-star spirit of the earth, Sun Wukong also reached the three-digit level of the box court.

Although such strength is not the most powerful in the entire range of chaos, but in the range of the box court, unless it is the king and master of the powerful **** group, there is no such great power.

And this is still based on Sun Wukong is only the semi-finished product of the heroes of the earth.

As long as you think about it, everyone knows what horror and horror Sun Wukong's potential is. It is precisely because of this, there are too many people in the boxing room to believe that Sun Wukong is the real king of the gods and the great saint born.

And now, as the demon king of the world is burnt to death by karma, Sun Wukong has completed the trial of the Protoss Road.

She, Qi Tian Da Sheng, finally began to show her incredible potential!

"Boom !!!"

The earth of the Thousands of Planes subordinate to the Sand Court vibrated in unison, as if to indicate the birth of its owner.

Endless powers burst out from the earth, crossing the obstacles of time and space, and poured into the body of Sun Wukong, located in the center of the huge statue of Ming King, to disperse the Buddha's nature inside.

In an instant, Wu Wukong's aura returned.

At the same time, the endless memories during the period of being spent on the girl's heart.

With the blessing of the endless power of the earth, Sun Wukong is undergoing amazing changes every minute and second. The threshold of the realm of Dao God and Dao Sheng seems to be easily crossed by her as a joke in her eyes.

But all this did not make the girl happy, but filled with endless grief and indignation!


A roaring roar came from the mouth of the girl. In a moment, the huge statue of Ming King collapsed suddenly, and the vast ocean of karmic fire had a shocking turbulence that dissipated.

Less than a moment later, the chaotic battlefield was restored to its original state, but the Million Gods were almost gone.

Looking at the scattered gods in front of him, Sun Wukong couldn't help being silent.

Even without the golden eyes of fire, Sun Wukong knew that these scattered gods would not survive, and karma had completely burned their roots and burned out their existence.

But Sun Wukong didn't care about this.

What she cares about is that if there is nothing wrong with her memory, there are many existences she knows in the Million Gods.

The brave and magnificent bull demon king, the arrogant little Jialing, looks like a junkie Liu One after another vivid images of memory emerged in the brain. Sun Wukong ’s heart suddenly fell empty, and there were two more tear marks in the corners of her eyes. Two crystals without chaos.


"Sakyamuni !!!"

Roaring, Sun Wukong turned into a streamer, penetrated the chaotic time and space, and killed the Pure Land of Bliss.

The girl wants to retaliate, to vent, to make a break!

Just a moment before Sun Wukong left, there was a ripple in the chaos.

In the central area of ​​this ripple, the figure of the long door stood still, raising his hand to catch two teardrops of Sun Wukong, and behind him, except for the same standing Hestia and Sasha, it was zero. Scattered and comatose figures with less than three digits.

These figures include Hephaestus, which Hestia demanded, as well as Freya, Loki and other gods from Northern Europe.

It also has the fetters of the bull demon deliberately left by the long gate, the Monkey King such as the Peng Demon King, and some of the pure and beautiful gods such as Artemis in the millions of gods participating in the war.

They can quietly bring out these people in the process of the Ming King igniting the industry fire and the awakening of the planetary stars-from this point of view, after the absorption of the simulated star creation chart of the Greek **** group Even more unfathomable.

However, he didn't care about this long door. At this time, he was more concerned about the unexpected existence of Sun Wukong.

Feeling the two teardrops in his palm, realizing some of the wonderful power contained in it, the long door could not help but slightly raised his head, looking towards the direction of Sun Wukong's departure.

Silently, a look of sincere expectation appeared on the teenager's face.

Nagato is really looking forward to what kind of victories Sun Wukong can fully awaken the essence of the Protoss.

In Nagato's view, the largest potential of the large box court is Sun Wukong, and even the so-called three problems of the box court are far inferior to each other in terms of potential alone.

The reason is very simple, because the entire endless chaos is actually based on the real earth.

According to the so-called idol worship theorem, the cross on the roof of the church is fake, but fakes can also have power. As long as the shape and use are similar, you can get a small part of the power of the real thing.

Although the earth in the chaotic void is not the real earth, it should also be able to get some of the power of the real earth.

Well, the Earth Protoss, supported by many earths, deserves more real earth power.

"Perhaps, she can study the power of the real earth."

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Nagato's eyes narrowed slightly. Although Nagato made a covenant with the pure white girl transformed by the real earth, this did not prevent Nagato's curiosity and inquiry from her. .

You know, he, Nagato will not be satisfied with the so-called regional covenant.

In other words, he is more eager for supremacy!

Thinking of this, the long door turned to Hestia and Sasha behind him and said, "These unconscious guys will be handed over to you, take good care of them, and they will come in handy. I will go over and see."

During the speech, Baiyu Xiaoding emerged from the top of the long door, and a white light emerged from Dingkou, covering the long door.

"Shoot !!!"

At the next moment, the red-haired boy turned into a streamer, penetrated the chaotic time and space, and went straight to Sun Wukong. ..

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