My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 100: Once myth

When Nagato catches up with Sun Wukong, the box court is close at hand.

I saw that the newly born Earth Protoss held up the wishful gold hoop cast by the **** iron, violently and violently bombarded towards the barrier of the state of the box court, and instantly knocked it out of a huge hole.

The violent roar resounded through the chaotic void around, and the large box court appeared a little shaking.

This shows that Sun Wukong's attack was so arrogant and unreasonable.

At the next moment, the endless golden light of Buddha poured out from the huge hole, while shining on the chaotic void, the solemn and heavy Buddhist sounds sang along with it, trying to shake the heart of the Protoss girl.


Faced with such a vision, Sun Wukong snorted coldly, and the killing was even more awe-inspiring.

"Sakyamuni !!"

But seeing the Protoss Girl holding up the **** iron again, the whole person turned into a streamer, and rushed down from the huge hole, and the vast Buddha light that appeared suddenly was divided into two as if in substance.

Seeing this scene, Nagato knew that the real battle was about to start.

"Now, let me see it"

"True power!"

A faint smile appeared on the corner of the mouth. The long door did not follow up directly, but manipulated the tripod of Li Zhi, stepped out one step, crossed the chaos of time and space, and came to the central area of ​​the box court.

Here, Nagato sees the Buddha's light burning through most of the center, and the remaining small half-box-like center.

Obviously, the Buddhist gates are about to turn the Hak Ting into their own Buddhist kingdom.


The Nagato just smiled lightly, and Bai Yu's Xiaoding instantly released endless white light, instantly eroding the remaining half of the center of the box court and replacing it with the Buddha's light.

Then he sat on the ground, through the central authority, began to watch the battle in the box court.

Just after rushing into the box court, Sun Wukong encountered numerous obstacles.

The first is the environmental issue. The huge Hak Ting is almost transformed into Buddha soil at this time. Almost every moment, the Protoss Girl can feel the rejection and isolation of the Hak Ting Heaven and Earth.

Followed by the Buddha and Buddha army, it seems that she had long anticipated her arrival, lurking and launching a sniper.

Finally, the ordinary ordinary creatures in the hut.

In the eyes of these creatures, Sun Wukong seems to be a terrible extraterrestrial demon, everyone is to blame, so they go on to succeed, even if they die, they will bite a piece of meat from her.

To be honest, these ordinary creatures are the most difficult for Sun Wukong.

The repulsion of heaven and earth does not matter. Anyway, Sun Wukong has the support of thousands of earths, has his own undamaged body and the wishful iron that is enough to destroy everything in his hand, as long as he breaks the sky and breaks the ground.

The siege of the gods and buddhas was not a problem. During the seven-day war, Sun Wukong had long been accustomed to fighting wildly with the gods and monks Shura.

But these almost crazy ordinary creatures are a big problem.

In the eyes of the Protoss Girls, they are just ordinary creatures that have no universal strength, nor do they have the ambition to conquer the heavens, but just ordinary creatures who want to be peaceful and happy.

Faced with such ordinary creatures, Sun Wukong found that he could not be cruel at all, only to set off a violent wind and blow them away.

As a result, the gods seem to have spotted the weakness of the Protoss Girl, blessing many ordinary creatures with various strengths, and launched various crazy attacks towards Sun Wukong, among which even the creatures directly attacked with self-detonation.

Under the siege of the enemy with such unscrupulous means, Sun Wukong's pace of progress was dragged down by life.

Time passed, and the girl's patience passed away.

Until a moment, the change happened!


A beast-like roar sounded from the mouth of Sun Wukong. For the first time, a girl named beloved by the earth showed a breath called wildness, and her eyes were flushed.

Under the persecution of the gods and buddhas and the increasing power in the body, the Protoss girl was completely gone!

Unimaginable terrorist forces burst out of Sun Wukong's body, spreading with impunity.

All obstacles, whether it is heaven, earth, gods, or beings!

All turned into dust, the smoke disappeared.

At the next moment, the whole body was filled with more ferocious momentum, and the violent Protoss girl almost turned into a scary black dragon, rushing towards the Bliss Pure Land on the first floor of the box court.

Along the way, Sun Wukong encountered world and world exclusion, the gods surrounded and intercepted by more and more beings.

But the violent girl didn't stay again, as if it was crushed by the wind and the clouds.

No matter what kind of enemy, she can't stop her advance.



The sound of Buddha full of peace seems to resound through the world, and the huge twelve-grade golden lotus platform descends from the sky. The enchantment of the lotus platform and the black dragon transformed by the Protoss Girl have a positive collision.


The intense tremor rolled up an unimaginable hurricane and blew everything around.

The black dragon flew out for several kilometers, dissipated, and turned back into a star girl with red eyes. I saw the girl's wild aura, and she was extremely distraught looking at the golden lotus platform in the distance and the golden Buddha on the lotus platform.

"Sakyamuni !!"

Even in a state of rampage, the girl still subconsciously burst out the name of the golden Buddha.

Along with the words, Sun Wukong's murderous opportunities continued to soar.


Faced with the murder of the Protoss Girl, the Golden Buddha didn't care at all, but said with some compassionate and merciful words, "Wukong, why are you this? All living beings are suffering, only by surrendering to my Buddha."

The Buddha's words are full of sincerity. Obviously, his words are all from his heart.

However, such words completely angered the Protoss girl.


The murderous force swept the world. The blonde girl held Ruyi God Iron, and the whole person rose to the sky. The God Iron instantly turned into a thousand times the size, and then with unstoppable momentum, drove down towards the Big Buddha.

This blow brought together the will to kill the Protoss girl, as if the world would be destroyed under this stick.

At this moment, the heaven and earth of the box court cracked, and the sound of mourning sounded everywhere.

However, the face of the Buddha still had a smile on the face, and seemed to be unmoved. When he was in the moment when the Buddha was bombarded by the wishful god, it dissipated like a bubble.

As a result, the strike of the Protoss Girl shattered the earth, and the repulsion between heaven and earth instantly increased hundreds or thousands of times.


"Well, humming!"

The six-character Daming mantra as if there were endless gods and Buddhas singing in unison rang through the world.

Then I saw the golden Buddha sitting on the lotus stand in a huge figure that could not be imagined. The right hand of the Buddha lifted up, absorbed the broken earth around it, and turned it into a five-finger mountain to cover down-just like the myth. ..

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