My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 101: Great power

In the past, the demon monkey was against Tiangong, but was dropped by Sakyamuni.

The story circulated in the myth reappears here. Shakya showed unprecedented means and supernatural powers, locking the time and space of tens of thousands of miles, and Wuzhi Mountain, which was transformed by his right hand, once again suppressed the Protoss Girl.

Faced with the crackdown of Wuzhi Mountain, the violent Sun Wukong seemed to remember something, and his eyes turned red like blood.

"Sakyamuni !!"

With the roar, the power of Sun Wukong exploded in madness.

But regardless of how she struggled, it was always difficult to get rid of Wuzhishan's repression and lock-in.

"All living beings suffer!"

The Great Buddha, who almost broke through the heavens and earth, said with compassion and compassion, and a louder voice than Thunder spread through the world. The strength of Wuzhi Mountain multiplied in an instant, and it directly suppressed Sun Wukong deep in the ground.

The unimaginable force of repression flowed out of Wuzhi Mountain, poured into Sun Wukong's body, and began to lock her strength.

As his own strength was gradually locked in, Sun Wukong gradually regained his nature, and his eyes were no longer red.

But the mood of the Protoss girl is full of negative emotions.

This is the second time she has experienced such a thing.

If she feels sad for the first time, then this time, Sun Wukong's feeling is desperate. She knows that if it is spent again, there will be no second mixed life to help herself.

"Are you willing?"

At this moment, a dreamy voice echoed from the Protoss girl's ear.

The voice seemed extremely indifferent, but when listening to Sun Wukong's ears, it seemed to tremble like a thunder and burst. The girl's somewhat desperate heart was immediately stirred up with endless fighting spirit.

"Crack !!!"

Stimulated by the endless fighting spirit, there seems to be something broken inside the Protoss girl.

In an instant, Sun Wukong felt the indescribable greatness!

Yes, great!

After racking their brains, the girl can only think of this word.

That's the end point chased by billions of living creatures in the chaotic void, beyond the chaos, the highest and the greatest, even if she has reached the number one in the Chamber, or the Holy Realm, she has become extremely small in front of this greatness.


The indescribable power broke out from the "greatness" and poured into the body of Sun Wukong, instantly lifting the power of the Protoss Girl to a magical and unpredictable state.

At this moment, Sun Wukong "sees" the end of the chaotic practice

"It turns out that this is true!"

With this trace of enlightenment, the pure white flame burst out of the body of the Protoss Girl, shaking Wuzhi Mountain out of several cracks.


The change of Wuzhishan caught Shakya's attention for the first time.

After being shocked, the Big Buddha did not hesitate to release the Buddha's power in his body, and turned it into an infinite number of scriptures. It was attached to Wuzhi Mountain, and continued to strengthen Wuzhi Mountain. Although he had no reason, it was always right to suppress Sun Wukong.


"Boom !!!"

More terrible power burst from under Wuzhi Mountain.

In the continuous roar, Wuzhi Mountain was still overwhelmed after all, and broke apart completely. Then the figure of Sun Wukong jumped in the pure white brilliance, waving the indestructible wishful iron, and bombarded the Buddha.


In the shocking sound, the face of the Buddha was directly collapsed by Ruyi God Iron.


The painful humming resounded through the sky like thunder, and Shakyamuni endured the pain of his face. His left hand was lifted up, and the infinite amount of Buddhist space was in it. With the left hand caught towards Sun Wukong, the whole Buddha seemed to open The gruff mouth.

In the palm of the Buddha, this is an extremely powerful magical power of the Buddha, which can be called the final interpretation of the Buddha's way of the world.

Unfolding such a move undoubtedly proves that Shakya attaches great importance and fear to Sun Wukong.

It's just obvious that Shakya still underestimated the height of Sun Wukong now. Perhaps with the cultivation of the Buddha's civilization and his own efforts, Shakya has stood at the very depth of the realm of Taoism, but what Sun Wukong saw at this time , Far higher than him.


In the full-blown raving, the girl didn't have any special moves, just bombardment.

After a thousand strokes of hard work to return to the original, the stick technique burst into an unimaginable bright edge under the blessing of amazing power leaked from the real earth. Sun Wukong even broke the palm of Buddha with stick technique.

Afterwards, the Protoss Girl even lifted the stick to fool him up, and the Qitian Stick Method, once famous, spread out immediately.

One stick, two sticks, three sticks, 108 sticks!

The girl put almost all her will, anger, killing intent, and grief on the stick technique, and the **** of iron, like a storm, raged like a storm on the huge Buddha body transformed by Shakya, and almost completely smashed the big Buddha.

"Dirty animal !!!"

Faced with such a terrifying attack on the Protoss Girl, Shakya, who was full of compassion and mercy from the beginning, was finally unable to maintain her demeanor.

In the screams, a huge golden light burst out from the body of the Buddha, and behind it appeared a phantom that covered the heavens and the earth. The endless bliss of pure land appeared in the phantom. Numerous monks, arhats, bodhisattvas and even Buddha chanted in it.

With these chants, endless power poured out from the phantom and began to repair the body of the Buddha madly.

Seeing this scene, Sun Wukong was stagnant and his face was shocked.

The girl finally knew why he, who became Earth Protoss, could not beat Shakya at first. It turned out that he was so devastated that he had refined countless devouts and followers into his shadow.

"Sakyamuni, you, it's crazy!"

With silver teeth biting, the fighting intention and killing intention of Sun Wukong soared to the extreme.

"Demon! What do you know !!!"

The image of the golden Buddha immediately changed into a golden body with arms in all directions, armed with various weapons, carrying a huge Buddha power, and launched various attacks towards Sun Wukong.

Buddha's light shines in the world, endless Buddha's power pervades, contains endless killing opportunities!

"Since it is so, then"

With a slight sigh, Sun Wukong raised the stick again, and all the mysterious power in his body was released, blessed on Ruyi God Iron, and the terrifying power even made the so-called indestructible God Iron crack.

Ignoring the situation of the **** iron, the girl directly waved the strongest stick in her life!

"Farewell, Sakyamuni!" ..

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