My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 108: Disguise and cooperation


The violent explosion sounded again, interrupting the long door's contemplation.

Immediately, the red-haired boy glanced up at the smoky smoke and soaring sparks in the distant experimental area, as well as the air waves centered on the explosion and spreading in all directions.

After going through the incidents just now, Nagato truly realized the mystery of his own internal abilities.

Obviously, it hasn't been completely formed, and it can complete this amazing move of ability replication.

You should know that many scientists in the academy city have conducted a large number of experiments in order to achieve the so-called multiple abilities, but these experiments all end in failure.

And the original stone ability of Nagato has not been completely formed can make him become the legendary multiple ability.

This alone allows Nagato to conceal his abilities before the general trend is complete, not to mention, Nagato can vaguely perceive that his ability is not a simple ability to replicate, but has a more profound meaning.

As a result, Nagato must hide his abilities even more.

And the best way to hide your ability is to show another ability. The air control just copied and optimized is a good choice!

Thinking in this way, Nagato raised his right hand, and his palm was aimed at the incoming air wave.


In the sudden roar, the air within a radius of 10 meters converged instantaneously and turned into an invisible shell. It not only counteracted the incoming air waves, but also directly hit the center of the explosion.

At the next moment, the air cannon spread and turned into a raging hurricane, and the center of the explosion was blown away!

At this point, the source of this inexplicable accident completely dissipated.


Seeing this scene, Nagato nodded with satisfaction.

To be honest, with the air control of the red-haired boy's high-powered level, this kind of destructive power could not have been achieved, but the long door is not comparable to the average human in nature.

Not to mention the other, his extraordinary control alone makes it easy for the air to control the leapfrog to exert the destructive power of the superpower level.

After doing all this, Nagato no longer shot, but waited quietly for the arrival of the guard.

The red-haired boy knows that the entire school city is under surveillance. Once something is too out of the ordinary, it is easy to be found by the biggest shady city school.

A few minutes later, the guards of the academy city came too late.

When the members of the guard searched the survivors and ruled out the danger, a middle-aged man in a white coat and looking forty years old looked for the first time.

"Hello, it's a whirlpool lord!"

The middle-aged man had no slight contempt for the long door, which was only six years old at the time, and solemnly bowed to the courtesy, "I am the director of this organization, Kawara tide, I represent the organization and all survivors to you Thank you for your shot. "

"Kihara ?!"

Hearing this extremely special surname in the academy city, the long door frown was undetectable, but the surface still responded indifferently, "Don't care, I'm just handy."

"No, no, maybe it's just easy for Changmen Jun."

Kurihara's face was full of gratitude, and a hint of just right fear, "but for institutions and other survivors, it is a great grace that cannot be erased."

"Well, it's up to you!" Nagato ’s answer is still light and unconcerned.

Facing the performance of Nagato, Kihara Tide seemed a little surprised. It was obviously a six-year-old child, but he had such a calmness that surpassed ordinary people. However, in association with the information obtained before, Kihara Tide suddenly seemed to be a little bit surprised.

After all, the so-called superpowers are not normal humans in a sense.

"But that's fine!"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, and Kawara tide adjusted his mind and said, "The reconstruction of the organization at the moment will take a lot of time to come. During this time, don't you know where Nagato Jun has a place to go?"

"That's not there."

It was heard that there was a slight undetectable smile at the corner of the long door. "After all, I have only been in the academy for a few days. I do n’t know Mr. Kihara ’s advice?"

To be honest, when knowing that the other party's surname is Kihara, Nagato knew that he must have made an attempt.

In the school city, the status of the Kurihara family is very special. They are organizations directly under the council, and the mission is directly arranged by the chairman of the school garden city general council Aresta Crowley.

There are more than 4,000 members, and there is no difference between the captain and the team members. The essence is that when it is judged that a certain field of pure science has been abused, the executor emerges from this field.

Because most of the world's cutting-edge technology is mastered by the academy city, Kihara is also concentrated in the academy city.

The academy city allows them to concentrate and manage.

In other words, the existence of the Kurihara family is essentially a genius scientist with the greatest authority in certain fields, and the so-called genius and the madman are actually only separated by a line. The vast majority of Kurohara is very crazy.

Under such circumstances, Nagato will never expect the other party to find himself in order to thank him.

"Don't dare to teach me, just have some ideas."

Hearing the long gate, Kirihara ’s face showed a warm smile, and said, “Although the institution is ruined, providing a few accommodations is very simple for me.”

"But Changmenjun also knows that you were originally an extremely rare stone in the academy city, and not long ago it showed the power of superpowers. If the two are combined, Changmenjun is absolutely the largest in the world. Rough stone. "

"Under such circumstances, I think there will be many large institutions and institutes to invite Changmen Jun to stay."

"The bonuses and treatment of these institutions and institutes are probably better than those of my institution."

Speaking of which, Kihara Tide slightly paused, glanced at the long door, and then continued to say, "But I hope that Longmen will stay. After all, the loss caused by this accident is not small. Men, I am afraid that the organization will face the crisis of collapse. "

After finishing his speech, Kihara Tide couldn't help but sigh secretly, to be honest, he also felt that he was really out of luck, somehow such an accident occurred.

"Your institution has nothing to do with me."

Nagato's answer was still indifferent, and he could not hear any emotions. "What's more, you also said that other institutions and research institutes will receive better treatment. Why should I stay?"

"No, this has to do with Changmenjun!"

It seems that the attitude of Nagato has been expected for a long time, and Kashihara's complexion remained unchanged. He said slowly, "If Nagato Jun stays, you will become one of the leaders of the organization with 20% ownership of the organization. "

"Development of superpowers is dangerous. If you can have your own organization, the risk will be greatly reduced."

"This point, please be sure to think about it!"


Hearing this, a faint surprise flashed across Nagato's face, "You are very courageous, I promised, just right, I also don't like my superpower development materials being known by others."

"Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

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